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About L2DragonWind

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Community Answers

  1. Im thinking order very cheap vps for one year and problem be fixed :D
  2. Ye they already done this lol :D
  3. Hello, i want to ask, i have web host on https://hostbastic.com/ , and i have issue, i install online script and gameserver online, offline. none works script, what to do i tested on vps host works fine, on free webhost also works fine, please help i try fixs this issue 2days already.. :/
  4. Hello looking website + forum pm me skype "teampages" Paying the only PayPal.
  5. Some admin not sell, they rather sell shity adv.
  6. <button action=\"bypass npc_%objectId%_doenchant 7\" width=32 height=32 back=\"icon.accessory_tateossian_necklace_i00\" fore=\"icon.accessory_tateossian_necklace_i00\"> I totally forgot about buttons :D Thanks, works :)
  7. Hello guys, i need make clickable icon, maybe have idea? (inside html) + eLink("<img src=\"icon.accessory_tateossian_necklace_i00\" width=32 height=32>", 7) + not working + eLink("Necklace", 7) + only works whit text private static String eLink(String arg0, int arg1) { return "<a action="bypass npc%objectId%_doenchant " + arg1 + "">" + arg0 + "</a>"; }
  8. Hello guys, i need program change fast ip. Reason i want up my l2 votes on topsites :)
  9. Rates Xp/Sp: x9999 Adena: x1 Party Xp/Sp: x2 Safe enchant: +4 Max enchant: +30 From Dragon Coins +35 Enchant Rate: 90% Dragon Coin Enchant Rate: 95% Features Custom PvP Server Lot custom items Fully scripted sieges Custom PvP area Nine Scripted Grand bosses Beautiful NPC manager Beautiful farming areas Beautiful farming monsters Full NPC buffer with auto buff Scheme buffer Special GM events PvP/PK title colors Top 20 PvP/PK manager Augmentation skill shop Custom Voiced commands Bank system Dressme system Offline shop system Custom enchant manager Custom Life stones 100% skill Custom events TvT, DM Server up-time [24/7] [99]% Strong DDOS protection Active GM 24/7 fixes bugs, helping everyone Site: http://www.l2dragonwind.com/
  10. Please shut up, like you can make good server..... Btw i tested everything, but always have the problem on start, i don't use antivirus system that why i can't find out myself. Yes, but people can connect to the server, is huge bug lol. There still thinks can be fixed and upgraded. :) Windows XP was best, only problem new games do not work anymore. :D Guys anyone knows updated interlude system for Windows 10, because i find only crappy ones.
  11. I found huge problem lol, some antivirus found core.dll virus.... that why people can't join to server :( https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/e53831f12af83ba045dfbbd65951654926baf4f8e84510a3dbeb5a365d8c77ff/detection
  12. I working since 2015 whit lineage 2 interlude, i know how to balance. yes there few bugs, but i can't find them. Please teach me how to promote server, i thinking about that. (youtube video) Old days people join to check server now they to lazy. :D
  13. I tell you why my server is better than others. The server is beautiful, a server has unique farm style, Grandboss custom scripted, zones are beautiful, beautiful HTML , easy to farm, good PvP, tested and checked 100x times balance., unique custom items... what else need for good PVP server. I create a server from clean l2jacis 368rev, i tested everything, zero bugs, i did so much. Shared servers usually are tons bugs, crap balance, ulgy HTML, not working systems, and more.....
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