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About yeswhynot

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  1. As title says, wtb aw 78+ with bw set +6 , demon dagger. If there are other alts in account for epics even better. thanks
  2. DA 55 80% (bw set , dama othell 6, B grade jewels) Active Subscription 90 Euro With equip 45 Euro Naked I bought this one from @Mastro he can confirm for it.
  3. trusted seller, bought his DA ;)
  4. Just bought 10m from this man here, respect, saved me a lot of hustle buying some starter gear, can farm at peace the weekend :)
  5. Whoever feels qualified and believes he or she can offer their knowledge and services to produce something significant, kindly pm me with more information of your expectations and contribution. If you're looking for a quick buck then it won't work. I feel i need to emphasize this. Need someone that can get things done.
  6. Hello, We are looking to invest in a Pride like server. Currently looking for; Files and/or solid pack ( H5 or higher, even if it's ertheia without any of the God Features other than mobs and raids, instances, drop items and skills are not required) Developer that will work on the project from day 1 till end and has good communication skills. Developer will have to create basically every function of the server, if you're not up to it then simply don't apply. Server is Pride like so expect PvP/PvE like in the original pride with some changes here and there to make gameplay more fun. We are not looking for someone to setup our server and then leave. Payment; Verified Paypal (if you ask for paysafe or WU consider it a no) For files - we won't pay any extravagant price for files, we are happy to use any clean and stable enough files to make it work. Developer's judgement is crusial here. We are not looking to work for you but the other way around so don't try to sell us your dope pack because you think it's dope. Meaning, you should always keep in mind to provide for the best of the server and not selling your pack. For dev service - we will pay you fair and of course we need to discuss this with the developer. Those who are interested to be part of a long term team, pm me with your expectations and qualities and what you can or can't do. Even if you can't do it we may still need your services. If you can't provide , it's best to tell us before hand so we don't expect you to do something you're not qualified. If you're thinking of using a pre-made pack already uploaded here that is full of bugs and been used 100 times before then forget it, we are not interested. Cheers.
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