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Everything posted by GerItems

  1. LOOKING FOR SUPPLIERS ADENA/ITEMS/DONATION POUND L2DESTINY.WS Payment method: Paypal Skype: live:geritems
  2. HyperBlown, please write to my Skype: live:geritems
  3. Skype: live:geritems Big STock Donation Pound
  4. Okay, sorry , my bad , I only want to say what problems i have with your transantions, nice choose to use middleman :) P.S. Hmm , 50 euros? Why i see in my paypal only 10 euros from you? And where my other euros , which u said u pay tommorow?
  5. Dont give to him first , he like to scam. He want to buy from me adenas/dp on l2dragon.net and i had problems with him pays.He delete me from skype , when i gave to him items. I still waiting money bering.
  6. I recc him :) Trusted buyer was :)
  7. Trusted buyer :) Bought all adenas :)
  8. WTS ITEMS/ADENA SCRYDE.RU X5 ADENA - VERY BIG STOCK Items : Vesper Robr Set Moirai Heavy Set Vesper Weapons And etc. Write me what u need and i will try to get WTS ITEMS/DONATION POUND L2saga.net DONATE COIN - VERY BIG STOCK Items : Skull Carnium Bow +7 + f + 300 Ant Queen + vorpal juwel set Discounts on big purchases. Payment method: Paypal Skype: live:geritems Discord: germa#9638
  9. Name: Germa Age: 22 State: Lithuania. Skype: live:geritems New items/adena seller :)
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