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Posts posted by eddyteh

  1. Important tips:

    Always have a clean Lineage2 installed

    and when u want to play just copy the original and paste.

    That way u will always start fresh (more fps & less crit errors)!

    When u start l2 press (CTRL+SHIFT+ESC-->Processes-->L2.exe right click-->Set Priority-->High)!

    When playing l2 play on Full Screen!


    Patch v2.5.1


    Changed animation: Surrender to Water. (Visable Main assists).

    Changed animation: Aura Bolt , Aura Flare. (Less fps drops).

    Updated systemmsg: Spoil (On screen).

    Updated systemmsg: Seal of Ruler (Displays on screen message).

    Updated systemmsg: Invul (On screen).

    Added: An updated games files. (More fps).

    Added: Actyve second screen.

    Added: Two tutorials to increase game performance. (Got ~30 % more fps).





    Patch link v2.5.1

  2. dmg,heals,etc on chat do not change they remain as they are how do i change this?>

    Some servers has the lock on the couple of files.

    To fix this u will need to delete "systemmsg-r.dat" from your lineage2 system folder.

    Then paste "systemmsg-e.dat"(from my patch) to your lineage 2 system folder.

    Then make a copy of "systemmsg-e.dat" (from my patch) , then paste it into your lineage 2 folder .

    And then rename the copy of "systemmsg-e.dat" to "systemmsg-r.dat". I`ve had this isue on couple of servers before , it will be fixed in the upcoming patch.


    ups my mistake... i thought you made hydro as wind shackle animation too (when you hit him)... my mistake again


    Are u gonna add inventory of h5? like some patches?

    Wind shackle is only for aoe skills (blazing circle, aqua splash, and so on)

    About interface ,dunno didnt saw any value in that , mby i will if there will be any appealing one.

    I already have 2 diffrent interfaces bouth beeing usefull ( non cosmetic type)

    Just thinking , if i should i upload a patch here with future updates  :not bad:

  4. if u know l2 is not about mucho at ram, but sdd, if u have low hdd u will stilll have lag spikes 


    if u wanna get big fps so use sdd disk (only for l2) edited l2.exe for using more than 2gb ram, edited l2ini for 256 ram and u will see how u can play w/o edited custom skills amations (its make like +2/3 fps at mass pvp) big problems is soulshots (u can deelete it) 

    IF U would know smthn about l2 , u would know that ssd helps only for loaiding , mby it gave me 1-2 fps extra , that ive didnt even notice . Editing ur l2exe or ini doesnt help at all , it seems u know nthn , JhonSnow  and i thought u actualy would be usefull..

  5. I would like to see all of your fps at some epics where are about 100-200 people and then we will see who has toaster and who not :D ( talking for c6 )

    Exactly , it doesnt matter how of a good pc u have all that matters for l2 is CPU and since CPU is not advancing as fast as GPU and price deficit is diffrent , we wont see any time soon ppl with 200 + fps on good mass pvps


    tbh we was playing on the same side i was playing eola too also hydro blast / solar has full animation mine dont. but not a prob i appreciate the work you did :)

    if ur talking about hydro from my vid , that time the patch was still 1.8 version so ive just recently updated with the hydro.

    About the patch , ive noticed the forums where full of mini details of diffrent aspects , but ive didnt saw a full version of a decent patch , so i thought sharing cuz there are still ppl that play nobless as a buff...

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