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Posts posted by eddyteh


    Patch v4.5.7 patch notes:  NEW ! 2019/01/29
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    This will be my last update , even tho its not fully finished , enjoy ur PEWPEWZ 😉


    Updated skillmsg 

    Added NEW Map

    Added NEW Zones

    Added NEW Zone zoom button
    Added NEW interface

    Added NEW skill animations (no spoilers, check em ur self )





    Patch v4.5.7  link: (LINK WILL LAST FOR 30 DAYS)


    • Like 2
  2. Patch v4.5.7 patch notes:  NEW ! 2019/01/29

    This will be my last update , even tho its not fully finished , enjoy ur PEWPEWZ ;)


    Updated skillmsg 

    Added NEW Map

    Added NEW Zones

    Added NEW Zone zoom button
    Added NEW interface

    Added NEW skill animations (no spoilers, check em ur self )





    Patch v4.5.7  link:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/4kimweiaz4ru94h/Patch By Eddy v4.5.7.rar?dl=0

  3. 6 hours ago, Celestine said:

    there is no better interfaces or patches to make ur fps better removing all usseles effects may change ur fps to 10

    better get new computer and have better fps :) 

    common bruh you of any ppl should know that even 10 fps increase in l2 is big deal for low pc users

  4. 2 hours ago, Hotaka said:

    Like always nice share!

    But I think will be better change interface from classic:

    - add auto potion slot(if some1 don't want them then he can not use.

    - change mini map (radar classic like)

    - add party member icon

    - add new icon  for macroses

    - change global and town/dange map (I can send my if u need)

    - add auto use macros  on toolsbar

    - change skillgrp like neophron ( limit under character)

    And more other...

    PS.  I hate my english))))

    There is neophron free interface with the same features uve asked here LUL

  5. 4 hours ago, Syrus said:

    lets start from the bottom

    - well, right and wrong, depending whose perspective you review

    there is a lot to be proud of if one can keep even that '200' online for two years and is willing to, that shows his guts, dedication and care for the players, not the money or 'fame' on the block

    i would say even the numbers add up, if you deduct all the quitters, jumpers and whiners that can't fit anywhere then you are left with 200 people that appreciate your work and enjoy the game, especially if you constantly develop it to the players needs


    now, rearranging the order, to say a word or two about what i just bolded, first argument

    - sure, players are mostly not into features, especially new features, like some mentioned already, players are skeptic and scared of things that can potentially ruin the experience they already know, UNLESS you prove and show them otherwise, but what influences the community interest nowadays if not features or 'fame' that some servers already have? well, the answer is, what i wrote in bold

    constant development, updates, tweaks and necessary, smart changes are the key to gaining interest over time, instead of having a boom at the start and linear loss of players over time

    players that would like to join need to know that there's gonna be something new by the time they reach top levels that they might get first, or fight for to own before guys playing since the start

    but for obvious reasons, that's not a simple task and i would say, you need to have them planned for first few months of servers lifespan


    now, the middle theory

    - if one's goal is to gain players and keep them for donations sake, or for numbers sake, im fed up with servers like that, i know whats their purpose, hence im not interested in '100%' retail like servers for some time now, especially the popular servers right now, full of crap honestly


    think for yourself as a player, do you want to be listened to once in a while? or rather be treated as donation fodder?

    do you want to play the same chronicle, do exactly the same every 2 months or more often than that? or you would rather stay somewhere for year or two with periodic new content and improvements to things that work wrong and you point them out?


    from a developer perspective i rather have less, but more intelligent people which can enjoy the game more in their own company, that gonna stay with you for months or years, rather than 'paid' clans that gonna ruin solo players experience and eventually lead to server falling apart due to bad atmosphere


    back in the days i happened to enjoy playing on a server with stable, 500 online instead of 2-3k bots, which honestly was terrific experience, never bored, never out of party, never denied help, never called names in pvp


    now a tip:

    if you are that kind of player, that would rather enjoy the game rather than trying to 'own' it, go with my thoughts, give a go to fresh, new and interesting projects instead of old, constantly advertised everywhere you can see, as they are clearly investing money to get the money back


    The point of view off a current Mid/Pvp rate CPL. 

    ( Cant comment on low rate servers , since i dont have that much time or dedication to grind for days )


    L2 became more like a business , thats the main reason new servers keeps poppin here and there. And these who say we do it for the community and not for the money or fame are just the ones who have a hobby. They are the only ones that are blaming the community for ruining the game. Meanwhile the ones that follow the flow, are ok with constant new grand openings, 1-2 week server life times and minimal change in features.


    L2 is like fashion , you have to go with the flow. If you dont follow whats  the most popular across. Thats your fault as an administrator and not the community. And if your trying to invent smthn new doesnt mean others will stick with it, its literal 50/50. Regardless of the time and sweat uve spend on it. No 1 but your self, will appreciate your hard work.


    Atm most of clans/cps join the server by the invites from admins or other players regardless of its features.

    If the server has most of the sides others will join too cuz of competition. Some ppl like me have a hobby for pvp videos, so thats another reason to join stacked servers of clans. I remember we joined a server that was a buggy with shit not working properly , ofc we flamed the server between each other but we still played there, and we donated if necessary to have a little advantege over the others.



    Talk & have good contact with CPL`s/CL`s

    No 1 will appreciate your hard work , only yourself.

    Follow whats popular and stick with it

    New invetions & poor server builds, could be brought to popularity with paying clans to play.



  6. 17 minutes ago, xxdem said:

    First you create a list that contains all data, file path, name, hash, size


    For each file:

    1. Hash the file
    2. Compress the file
    3. Upload on the Server
    4. Append all the info on the list


    Getting the updates:

    1. Get the list file
    2. For every file in the list file
    3. Hash the local file if any
    4. Compare list hash and local hash
    5. If there are not equal download the file from the server
    6. Decompress it


    Well see thats to difficult for me , dont even know this terminology :D

  7. 2 hours ago, Designatix said:

    In my opinion it's not only admins that destroy the community but the players as well and the most problem is players.


    I will try to explain why i'm saying that.

    Let's say someone's willing to make a new unique project, something that is never seen before in l2 community, or at least it's something that it was missing from l2 community for a long time. He will need at LEAST some months to develop the project, maybe a year++ and when he will introduce the project you will see about 20-30 players interested in this project.

    And why?

    Because it's something new and people are kinda afraid of the new servers because they think "oh one more crappy server promises things and will die in 1 week." but by the time someone's thinking like this the project is failed anyways because it will get about 50-70 max players online and even lower than that.

    But guess what?

    When a server is going to open again which is already known that it's corrupted or bad in any way they will all go there.

    And why? Because the server got some "fame", because it has 400+ online players which half if not more of them are paid clans/cps and the rest players are joining because the server is "famous" and it has players inside.

    And i'm speaking from experience, i had a server back in the past with 40 stable online the most players in ad topics didn't like it at all because it was something new and they wouldn't like to join a "dead" server but these 40 people were even willing to donate for the server needs without getting anything back to keep the server online so they can play. It was bad for me to watch about 1 year of development failing like that and i closed the project. Most of people won't even bother to create something unique while they know they will face a community like this, so the only projects you'll have online are the ones which are popular and their copies.


    About admins, the only mistake they make is advertisment.

    They don't have the required knowledge to advertise their servers properly or they don't have the badget to do that, ending up with low online players and then closing the server.

    Also most of nowdays wannabe admins will open servers with the same server features as the popular ones and if the one fails, one week after you will see them opening with another popular server's features ending up failing ofc because it's just a wannabe copy and it has tons of bugs and problems.

    Lets make it short for current / upcoming server administration.

    -Features only play a small part of interest in nowadays community.

    -Retail with some tweeks here and there is enough to gain a decent audience.

    -Accept that for atleast 2 years it was normal for 1 week servers ( there is nothing to be proud of having a 2 year w/o wipe title under ur belt with 200 or less solo ppl playing).

    -If you want solo players on your server that plays more than 1 week, you invest in forum/website advertisment.

    -If you want stable 1 week activity you invest in clans.


  8. On 7/2/2018 at 2:53 PM, LK255 said:


    Basically this^


    It's a vicious circle:

    1) People are attracted to popular servers more than they're attracted to the interesting ones

    2) Crap servers like Tales, Averia, Mid etc. pay clans to play their servers

    3) Interesting projects like e.g. playinera aren't spineless enough to create this "fake online"

    4) Since these crappy servers have a lot of "fake" people, they attract a lot of "normal" players as well

    5) Because too many "normal" players play at these crappy projects, there aren't enough of those to try the interesting projects.

    6) Since these interesting projects don't have enough players, they have troubles staying online in a longterm and thus don't have enough time for developement either.

    7) Crap servers still for some reason generate some revenue so there really isn't any window at which a "new season" of trash like mid, tales or averia isn't opened.

    Dont see any isue with paying clans its basicaly a diffrent way of advertisment.


    Paying clans:

    -Will 99% bring a side to the server and probobly one extra to have as an oponent.

    -Spred the word between cpl`s/cl`s which is similar to ads on forums/sites.

    -Actyve forum.

    -Decent donation from clans/cps


    Paying for regular ads:


    -Mby a side (best case scenario).

    -Average forum activity.

    -None or low donations.


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