#Amount of adena that a new character is given
#Default is 0
StartingAdena = 2000000000
# movement speed for strider and wyvern
WyvernSpeed = 100
StriderSpeed = 80
GreatWolfSpeed = 80
# level that enables mount of great wolf
GreatWolfMountLevel = 70
# If True, when effects of the same stack group are used, lesser
# effects will be canceled if stronger effects are used. New effects
# that are added will be canceled if they are of lesser priority to the old one.
# If False, they will not be canceled, and it will switch to them after the
# stronger one runs out, if the lesser one is still in effect.
CancelLesserEffect = True
# If True, the following deep blue mobs' drop penalties will be applied:
# - When player's level is 9 times greater than mob's level, drops got divided by 3
# - After 9 lvl's of difference between player and deep blue mobs, drop chance is
# lowered by 9% each lvl that difference increases. (9lvls diff = -9%; 10lvls diff = -18%; ...)
# NOTE1: These rules are applied to both normal and sweep drops
# NOTE2: These rules ignores the server's rate when drop is of adena type (Complies with retail server)
UseDeepBlueDropRules = False
# Inventory space limits
MaximumSlotsForNoDwarf = 250
MaximumSlotsForDwarf = 300
MaximumSlotsForGMPlayer = 500
# Increases Weight Limit per Level
IncreaseWeightLimitByLevel = True
# Warehouse space limits (Must be < 300 for prevent client crash)
# Dwarfs will get bonus from lvl 60
MaximumWarehouseSlotsForDwarf = 120
MaximumWarehouseSlotsForNoDwarf = 100
MaximumWarehouseSlotsForClan = 200
MaximumFreightSlots = 20
# % regeneration of normal regeneration speed for NPC
NPCHpRegenMultiplier = 100
NPCMpRegenMultiplier = 100
# % regeneration of base regeneration speed for Players
PlayerHpRegenMultiplier = 100
PlayerMpRegenMultiplier = 100<--------------------------------------HERE IT IS
PlayerCpRegenMultiplier = 100