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About tyranus

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  1. nothing whit me, fixed on my server...
  2. I tried but it's don't ran whit me. var a:array[1..100] of string; i,n:integer; id,withdraw,openwh,useitem,wh,enchant :String; begin //Item id need to be captured.For example from UseItem packet id:=hstr('8C DC 0D 10'); useitem:=hstr('14')+id+hstr('00 00 00 00'); wh:=hstr('31 01 00 00 00')+id+hstr('01 00 00 00'); enchant:=hstr('58')+id; //openwh need to be captured:RequestBypassToServer openwh:=hstr('31 01 00 00 00 8C DC 0D 10 01 00 00 00'); withdraw:=hstr('32 01 00 00 00 8C DC 0D 10 01 00 00 00')+id+hstr('01 00 00 00'); if (fromclient) and (pck=hstr('1B 02 00 00 00 ')) then begin buf:=withdraw; sendtoserver; buf:=openwh; sendtoserver; end; if (fromclient) and (pck=hstr('1B 03 00 00 00 ')) then begin buf:=useitem; sendtoserver; buf:=wh; sendtoserver; buf:=wh; sendtoserver; buf:=enchant; sendtoserver; end; end.
  3. The echant script don't run, when I press nothing do. What can be wrong?
  4. Hmm it's don't work dude... I tried sometime and nothing. -.-" But thx for share xD
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