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Everything posted by PlayINERA

  1. As many are aware, INERA is in it for the long haul, for you to play the chronicles that you love without having a concern for frequent wipes or issues. This means we will focus our attention to areas that need work and do our best to implement features that will work with the dynamics of hosting a Lineage II server. For starters we have now implemented a Newbie Bonus pack for players that may decide to join PlayINERA and make it their home to play. The Newbie Bonus pack includes: -Newbies will receive Rune of EXP 7 days. -Newbies will receive Rune of SP 7 days. -Newbies will receive 5 Revita-Pop. -Newbies will receive 5 Potion of Energy Maintenance. -Newbies will receive One Random Costume – 48h Expiration. This will help jump start the new players and allow them to catch up to the more veteran players. The Newbie Pack will be given to any new players that creates an account. Currently we are working on a geoengine overhaul to improve some of the geoissues that have been reported across the world. We'll announce any improvements as they develop.
  2. We will revisit the revamped system one day when we can find the energy to actually recode some of the mechanisms.
  3. Hmmm, harsh words. We'll take your criticism and build on it. Thank you for the feedback :)
  4. We will be releasing our squash event for Halloween with an exclusive witch costume only available for a limited time through this event. It will never be on sale, very rare, so don't miss the chance to grab such a cool costume in celebration of Halloween. In the meantime, come join the fun!
  5. Wasn't sure what to title this one. "Pick a damn server already? Lol"
  6. You know in this world there are many options. Just like any server, players can go anywhere to play this game, whether it’s Interlude, Gracia Final, or High Five, at the end of the day what matters most is that the admins of a server are moving forward and not stagnate. Too many options, but very few of quality, and those of quality, very few with good admins that try to improve the world with time. Here’s our agenda for the upcoming weeks. We will continue to move forward with the following developments: 1. We are working tirelessly on fixing all issues reports and quality of life fixes. We hear you loud and clear, we know certain things can be frustrating but try to understand that we are a small team fixing a very big world. Rest assured every report will be assessed and fixed by our talented admins. 2. We are working on releasing 2 new events, Chancho and Catch The Bomb. These require some work, especially CTB which will have a fully custom UI developed by Sindelia. We will be assessing all of our events and working with Demev to implement 5 new maps to accommodate the influx of events and fine tune some older ones. We hear you loud and clear, too many buffs and some events need some increased death timers (CTF). We’re working on those fixes. 3. We will be releasing a new event called SavetheKing prior to Chancho and CatchtheBomb. This will be a team vs team type of event focused on protecting your chosen King. 4. We will be releasing two new crates. One is a “TECH CRATE” which will feature the final tier 4 costume. There will only be 1 costume in this crate with a chance to obtain it like any other loot crate but since there is only 1 of its kind, the chance will be reduced. The other item is “PANDORA’S BOX” and it will be a crate that, once opened, rewards the entire world at once with a bonus. Consider it a blessing by association type of crate. The reward of one will be the reward of many. 5. Hellbound has been opened by MJs CP. Congratulations on killing Baylor. It has also reached Stage 2, congratulations on that too! Now, we know some of you are concerned that Hellbound is leveling too fast. We want to address those concerns and inform you that, HELLBOUND’s formula for stages is not a linear equation. It’s kind of like when you’re leveling and it’s super easy in the beginning and then you realize the hardship at 79. That’s a similar equation to Hellbound; it will be VERY hard and take months to open Hellbound to 7. Rest assured we will not speed through content and the path in front of you is long and arduous. 6. We will be unleashing an October Event relatively soon that will give you some farming rewards for those that miss the retail events. This is our version of what we think is a fun Halloween event and you will have a chance to unlock a permanent WITCH Halloween costume. But it will not be easy. TRICK OR TREAT my little adventurers! 7. Our team will be reassessing sieges in the future. What we know is that the current state is okay but not great. We’ve heard your voices and we are working on finding a good solution that will provide a competitive equilibrium. But we also do not want to make castles a right or priv to those that feel they deserve one but have NOT earned one. We’re brainstorming with several clan leaders as to what will be fair and competitive among the major clans. The state of sieges is not where we want them. But it is not an easy task and hopefully at some point we will all come to a consensus. Until then, sieges will remain as they are. We want to thank you for your support. And we wish you the best of luck!
  7. A long time ago we coded our event engine called PIE, it allows you to control any event worldwide, rewards for winning team, losing team, individuals, etc. The engine gives the GM full control over the context of each event, to choose any area worldwide, or run it from pre-configured areas. We did this with the help of Synerge and Ray, to fine tune these events for a period of 3 years to get them in this state. And we're very happy with the outcome. Players have also been very happy with our events. They are held only on weekends, and participants have been nothing short of positive. Here is an example of a classic: CTF: INERA is a different level of quality.
  8. If you're worried about population, don't be. If you're worried about service, don't be, we have the least pay to win system out there. And if you're worried about those that claim otherwise, check us out before listening to others. Lineage 2 is a very competitive market, don't let the fanboys of other worlds give you a false impression of what we're about. Here is an example of how we code and continue to push the boundaries of Lineage 2's beautiful world! Below is our exclusive event Bomberman! It's quite fun and run by the admins on weekends to give the world a little break from the difficult farm.
  9. So I had a lot of great footage from the sieges but was on the wrong channel on OBS and saved none of it! Luckily some players sent me a bit of footage from different vantage points. Come Check us Out!
  10. Today we release another big update. We're going to actively combat Adrenaline with our new generator thanks to EMCA, each patch will cycle through different combinations to disable any botting. Sieges begin this weekend and we're looking forward to watching the spectacle. Events will resume on the weekends. And we present to you, TIER 3 COSTUMES:
  11. Thank Vince. As a quick reminder, this weekend we have sieges. Clans are always looking to recruit players for the siege so check us out if you're interested in seeing the nostalgia of a proper siege. On another note, one thing about INERA, as Vince outlined, is our sense of quality. Not only do we provide 2 developers to fix bugs and create new content, but we also have a really talented designer that does a lot of our UI work client side. One thing we are very proud of is our attempt to build a retail dashboard, not to be mistaken with a community board, but an integrated dashboard that reflects an idea that NCSoft should have done long ago. Below is an example of the INERA HUB, our own reverse engineered client dashboard, which allows players to setup their system settings, including the system message editor, search for items, obtain server news and status updates like info on olympiad cycle or territory wars, and obtain various services. All of this is client side, not to be confused with HTML. Credit goes out to Sindelia for the fine work! Join a server that prioritizes quality as the number one value.
  12. PlayINERA Interactive Events (PIE) We have been waiting to unleash our event engine on you guys! A long time ago PlayINERA coded a brand new event engine called PIE exclusive to our team which enables full control of events from a GM perspective, including global rewards, winner, loser, and the inclusion of any item or consolation prize. For Vanilla, all participants in our events will receive a 50% XP & SP buff that lasts for 30 minutes. The winner or winners of an event will receive much better rewards. All rewards will be announced prior to an event. And GMS will host events at minimum once a day up to 2x a day but they will not become a regular occurrence and will NEVER be automated. We would like to promote activity between our GM staff and the community. EVENTS INCLUDE: Bomberman, Deathmatch, Team vs Team, Capture the Flag, Domination, Simon Says, The Mime, Last Man Standing, and more! Bloody Weekend The bloody weekend is a staple for INERA. Every weekend the monsters in the world will drop 15% more ADENA and SEAL STONES. Combine this with the daily reward to gain additional benefits! Be a smart player and gain an edge on others. Play the weekends. Tier 2 Costume Box Players seem to love costumes. And you know what so do we! Costumes are a fun cosmetic that does not impact the flow of the game in any way. Support our server if you like these new set of costumes. We will be releasing tier 2 costumes as the following: Butler Costume, Bunny Butler Costume, Hanfu Costume, Jester Costume, and Flower Nymph Costume.
  13. Weekend Plans Do you know why we're cool and why players keep joining? Because we're always updating, patching, and bringing you new things. This weekend we have a lot of cool plans. 1) Bloody weekend activates, 15% increase adena/AA, farm mode activated baby! 2) We are adding brand new exclusive costumes unreleased from the Korean client. 3) We are activating one of the most advanced event engines out there, exclusive to us. Jump on board the INERA train. And experience the game on a new level. -ADMIN VICE
  14. Hmmm Can I see the proof as well please and perhaps you can add me to describe the process so we can relay the information to our antibot developer. On another important note! The Seven Signs are now active. This is a great time to join as it marks our first milestone for the INERA server, in one week there will be a winner, either Dawn or Dusk. Do you remember how the system works? Perhaps for some it has been a long time. Come revisit the glory of the Seven Signs and fight for your selected faction. We also have a new promotion:
  15. Hi I'd like some proof as well. It is possible to hook up Adrenaline but no scripts should be working. We had a very advanced adrenaline user try to bypass our system with PAID adrenaline which be bought a license for testing purposes. I highly doubt the free version is working. Please show a video of a script being executed to automate farming and we will revisit the encryption. Otherwise @Celestine please monitor this claim if no evidence is given I do not think such claims should be allowed without a sufficient burden of proof to discredit our systems.
  16. We are one of the few servers that are growing. Come find out why.
  17. @Celestine this project is now Live! It is 2019, and not that many Lineage 2 players are kicking around to commit to a long term server. But that is okay! Because despite that, we had a pretty damn good start. From the moment we went online over 850+ unique players logged into the PlayINERA server. And we think that as the developers, this is a good baseline, but certainly not the end of the story. For 2019, and in the absence of completely fraudulent counters, these numbers are more than good and we are proud of the community. We are committed to keeping this server online, active, and continuously updated. That is our dedication to you as the administrators of the INERA project. So over the next few weeks we will be busy with advertisements and attracting others to choose this beautiful world of ours. And despite a nasty DDOS attack on Friday Sept 20 at 8:30 AM GMT-5, we managed to get our systems back online. This is our commitment to the L2 community. If you're wondering about where to go or where to play, simply ask our community. This is a very gradual and progressive server so you can join any time and make friends quick. I will keep everyone posted on the status of the content. Server is live for 24 hours. Join us today and watch our numbers grow as others make the same decision.
  18. I'm here to wish everyone luck tomorrow. You'll be in great hands with some of the best administrators in the history of Lineage 2, so please be patient as we try to accommodate all the players that have shown interest in PlayINERA. We may expect some lag and may expect some DDOS, but we'll keep you posted either way on the status of the server. May each and every player have a healthy launch. See you on the battlefield tomorrow.
  19. The OPEN BETA was fantastic. We recorded 360 total unique players in the first 1.5 hours of the open beta, which is our new record by a large margin. These players are in no way using multiple accounts and we have not spawned any fake statistics to inflate the numbers. Generally only 10-15% of players join the open beta on private servers, the same applies to number of accounts made, so we are probably looking at a launch of 1700 players if our math is correct. But these are just estimates, we cannot be certain until we go live. Congratulations to everyone that successfully completed the event and spoke to The Judge. If you happened to miss the event, here is what you need to do: https://forum.playinera.com/topic/3729-here-is-what-you-need-to-do/ If you follow those instructions, you will also receive a <strong>LEGENDARY STARTER PACK</strong>. So don't miss the opportunity as the promotional FB event is the last way for you to get one of these packs before the launch. Good luck! We'll leave you with some screen shots and a video of the beta. It was a good turnaround. See you on September 20th, 2019 at 18:00 GMT+2. All the best. -Team INERA
  20. Today live stream with Vice on Twitch. He will be hosting an AMA - Ask me Anything. If you're interested in getting to know Vice feel free to stop in and ask some questions. English stream.
  21. PlayINERA has officially decided on the date of our OPEN BETA, starting on Sunday September 15 at 18:00 GMT+2 with an exclusive event that will reward participants with a bonus. Read the rules carefully and make sure to tell your friends about the event! Do not miss this one. Now then, we present to you our OPEN BETA exclusive event: https://forum.playinera.com/topic/3901-open-beta-sept-15/ 1) An NPC named The Judge will spawn in Giran for the first 30 minutes of the OPEN BETA. This NPC will spawn at exactly 18:00 GMT+2 on Sunday September 15th. 2) Interact with this NPC and your master account will be given special privileges to obtain legendary starter pack for all game accounts created. 3) Having spoken to the NPC will allow for all new characters to start with a legendary starter pack on the official launch day on September 20, 2019! Good luck!
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