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  1. ignore the bad translation from our ru devs . but it is not hard to understand what they said . no mather what files we use
  2. We are developers so we do what we like . worst or good . take it easy and try do better :)
  3. Hello, did u tried even to login lately to our server ? If not , we did update our pathfinder few weeks ago . As i see you had a personal vendeta with a gm , so no problem .
  4. Hello, In past weeks we were working are rebuilding as retail the pathnode, the movement of mobs and characters, updated geodata (major task with alot of hours to made )etc Here is a quick list of updates in short info : new movecontroller fixed jumps as retail added pingcompensator for a smooth gameplay rework follow character function rework pvp-pve dists in move corrected calc collision (with dynamic effects on NPC inc) corrected acting distances geodata files updated too, no more invisible walls The beta server with 2.0 will start at early september or maybe later
  5. good luck friends
  6. our update list for Classic 1.5 www.l2red.net http://forum.l2red.net/threads/fix-list.373/#post-4059 Frost Wall - Number of monsters that are hit Craft shop reset Delusion dualswords doesn't exist Mortal Blow - no dmg nor evade msg Root cause to loose mob's agression Resurection skill on siege zone AOE skills hitting dead mobs Banshee (LOA) Treasure Hunter - Lure Angel Waterfall - low numbers of mobs Aligator Island - missing mobs
  7. the only joke my dear friend are ppl like you . our support always reply via TICKET system http://l2red.net/cabinet/support but you are free to create a better server . should not be so hard :)
  8. We are giving you an opportunity to tell all your friends about Kain x5 Help us to gather as many people as we can, and you will be rewarded. Together we can do more! The event will last from 10th of May to 20th of May Winners will be announced at 20th of May Step 1. Add to your Skype contacts: live:dobrikl2red Step 2. Download and launch this program: download Clownfish Note: when the program will be launched for the first time, your approval will be needed to connect to Skype. After that, right click on the Clownfish icon and choose Broadcast mass message. Step 3. Create and send the following message to all your contacts on Skype. Classic Kain x5 Soon update 2.0 NEWBIE Bonuses! Join with me on the L2Red.net Note: to take part in event you have to have more than 30 friends. Step 4. Make a screenshot of your desktop with opened Clownfish program, opened Skype with sent messages and visible number of contacts. After that you will have to upload this screenshot as a reply in this thread and don't forget to mention about your skype details. 5 people with the biggest number of friends on Skype will be our winners. Everyone who has at least 30 friends will get 50 Coins of Luck for his effort. 20th of March we will announce the result of the contest. The prize will be: 300 Coins of Luck! Note: The prize will be given away after verification.
  9. sure our skype support is live:dobrikl2red
  10. Newbie kit - Lvl 1 - Available at level 1 or higher 30 Newbie scroll of escape 30 xp/sp Scroll - Normal (+30% 20min buff) 30 Newbie Wind Walk Potion 50 Event Healing Potion 30 Haste Potion 5000 SoulShot NG 1000 Blessed SpiritShot NG Newbie kit - Lvl 2 - Available at level 10 or higher 30 1st Class Buff Scroll Newbie kit - Lvl 3 - Available at level 20 or higher Saber*Elven Sword 30 days 9000 SoulShot D-gr 2000 Blessed SpiritShot D-gr Newbie kit - Lvl 4 - Available at level 25 or higher 9000 SoulShot D-gr 2000 Blessed SpiritShot D-gr Package: Magic Necklace Making Newbie kit - Lvl 5 - Available at level 30 or higher 9000 SoulShot D-gr 2000 Blessed SpiritShot D-gr Package: Tiger's Eye Making Newbie kit - Lvl 6 - Available at level 35 or higher 9000 SoulShot D-gr 2000 Blessed SpiritShot D-gr 10 xp/sp Scroll - Medium (+40% 20min buff) Newbie kit - Lvl 7 - Available at level 40 or higher Sls*Sls 30 days
  11. You can send us aticket from website regarding your forum issue. Always check spam folder too .
  12. a new event is in preparation and a newbie kit for newcomers
  13. since you dont play on our server , please stop spam . thanks
  14. we have several heroes chars on retail srv and all team are playing there . So we know classic well :)
  15. Our players know what fixes we do . being rude w/o playing on our server is kinda nonsense , but you it is just your problem .
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