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About newChar.needHelp()

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  1. More ta credits tou ta dinw alla egw 3erw oti mia xara ta katafera by myself giafto einai toso shit-code Twra an 8elei enas Skilled Developer na parei ta credits apo emena epidi to exei sto PC tou kai OXI share as tou ta dwsoume na telionoume gt me kourase. Kai to diko mou einai share oxi WTS :P
  2. To share sou den vlepw kapou re xxdem... ti na pw... bravo sou pou to exeis... t / t0 einai time / time0 eisai o monos e3ipnos pou borei na to skeutei dld ?
  3. Kala re xxdem nomizeis oti se 3eroume kai apo x8es ? h oti eimai edw kai 4 xronia sto forum ? 8es kai credits gia kati pou 3erw pws to ekana xwris na kanw copy kai esy les pws einai diko sou.. Diko sou share den exw dei oute ena... oute twra oute prin 100 xronia.. giati eisai kai veteran apoti vlepw... w/e eiste sto forum kapoia atoma ilikrina.. Burn on fire and i will keep drink my class of water mate..
  4. Guys tora to ti lete den me apasxolei idietera alla ok.. Pare credits pare oti 8es.. Egw 3erw ti ekana ta alla mou perisevoun.
  6. To poso java 3erei o ka8enas den boreis na to krineis.. Modify borw na kanw se java alla oxi na to grapsw apo to 0 Twra to java code pou ekana monos mou den 3erw gt 8elei to credits o xxdem apo tis tigmh pou kanei kalhtera apo pollous kai to 3eroun oloi... w/e kapoioi edw alli8eia...
  7. Re agori den exw kapoio 8ema mazi sas apla sou lew pws to apoktisa meso google kai gia thn java pira ena arxio sto /gameserver/datatables kai apla ala3a ta "id" kai ta sxetika kai epidi eixe kai sto gameserver/model/L2IconList.java kati piga kai pira kai auto eno apoti mou lene den to xriazete... ta credits gia to XML sta dinw alla to allo to ekana monos mou... kai den sumenei oti epidi to ekanes esy prin 4 xronia to pira apo esena... den se h3era kan.. Idi exw valei ta credits gia to XML se esena an kai den 3erw an einai diko sou ontws alla den nomizw na exeis kapoion logo na peis psemata se auto.
  8. Buy i dont know whos make the XML i just find it on google :S I make the java side thats why is so bad code. i just share my idea here....
  9. Demon Tattoo Archer Edition Demon Tattoo Dagger Edition Demon Tattoo DualSword Edition Demon Tattoo Polearm Edition Demon Tattoo Tank Edition Demon Tattoo Tyrant Edition Demon Tattoo Blunt Edition Demon Tattoo Sword Edition Demon Tattoo Mage Edition Demon Tattoo Healer's Edition Κάτι τέτοιο βλέπω εδώ. :)
  10. Omg guys i just find the XML when i was searching and i make the code from modify another code of "gameserver.datatable" what you mean is yours ? I dont know if you have something looks like that but im new on this forum and i dont even know you bro and im sorry for that cuz as i can see you are rly skilled developer but you can help peoples with your knowledges and not slap them on their face. Thanks for all but read the signature
  11. WIth icons and page's? I cant find something like that :)
  12. AnnounceOnlinePlayers.java package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.entity; import net.sf.l2j.commons.concurrent.ThreadPool; import net.sf.l2j.Config; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.World; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util.Broadcast; public class AnnounceOnlinePlayers { public static void getInstance() { ThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Announce(); } }, 0, Config.ANNOUNCE_ONLINE_PLAYERS_DELAY * 1000); } protected static void Announce() { int NumberofPlayers = World.getInstance().getPlayers().size(); if (NumberofPlayers == 1) Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers(NumberofPlayers + " player is online."); else Broadcast.announceToOnlinePlayers(NumberofPlayers + " player are online."); } }
  13. Why so hate guys? Just im Newbie... find the xml and i make but myself the java side :/ but im newbie... If somebody can make the code more simple and better can send me with pm the update and i will update it... Waiting... P.S. I share this part of code because i want to share "Shift+Click" for Monster Drop list. Thats all.. :/
  14. Thx AccessDenied, Update chronicle support O0
  15. Nothing special but... huh anyway! Support : Interlude Tested : aCis & Frozen net/sf/l2j/gameserver/GameServer.java import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.HerbDropTable; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.IconsTable; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.ItemTable; StringUtil.printSection("Items"); ItemTable.getInstance(); + IconsTable.getInstance(); SummonItemsData.getInstance(); net/sf/l2j/gameserver/datatables/IconsTable.java +package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables; + +import java.io.File; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.logging.Logger; + +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.GameServer; +import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.xmlfactory.XMLDocumentFactory; + +import org.w3c.dom.Document; +import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; +import org.w3c.dom.Node; + + +public class IconsTable +{ + public static final Map<Integer, String> Icons = new HashMap<>(); + private static int count; + private static long t0; + private static double t; + + private static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(GameServer.class.getName()); + + public void reload() + { + Icons.clear(); + parseData(); + } + + public static void parseData() + { + count=0; + t0 = System.currentTimeMillis(); + try + { + File f = new File("./data/xml/icons.xml"); + Document doc = XMLDocumentFactory.getInstance().loadDocument(f); + + for (Node n = doc.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) + { + if ("list".equalsIgnoreCase(n.getNodeName())) + { + for (Node d = n.getFirstChild(); d != null; d = d.getNextSibling()) + { + if (d.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("icon")) + { + count++; + NamedNodeMap attrs = d.getAttributes(); + Node att = attrs.getNamedItem("Id"); + Node att2 = attrs.getNamedItem("value"); + Icons.put(Integer.valueOf(att.getNodeValue()), String.valueOf(att2.getNodeValue())); + } + } + } + } + t = System.currentTimeMillis() - t0; + _log.config("IconsTable: Succesfully loaded "+count+" icons, in "+t+" Milliseconds."); + } + catch (Exception e) + { + _log.config("IconsTable: Failed loading IconsTable. Possible error: "+e.getMessage()); + } + } + + public static String getIcon(int id) + { + + if (Icons.get(id)==null) + { + _log.config("IconsTable: Invalid Icon request: "+id+", or it doesn't exist, Ignoring ..."); + return "null"; + } + return Icons.get(id); + } + + public static final IconsTable getInstance() + { + parseData(); + return SingletonHolder._instance; + } + + private static class SingletonHolder + { + protected static final IconsTable _instance = new IconsTable(); + } +} data/xml/icons.xml http://pastebin.com/KMyYJND2 Please no hate... i'm too lazy to make diff. :poker face: Credits : Me and xxdem
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