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Everything posted by DaRkFire

  1. Next time -1 because this is SPAM You too.
  2. lathos section pigene sto dev help ton ipersindesmo Locked!!
  3. sosta sou leei to paidi ti update 8eleis na kaneis kai pou ?
  4. Very Very Nice Thanks man +1 from me:P
  5. Wrong section go here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=59.0 Topic locked!!
  6. Akrivos ta tin on0masis l2emu
  7. Wrong section -1 Rainex and lock sorry but those are rules Go here and make a post http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=64.0 Locked..
  8. Oriste http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/mysql-5.1.26-rc-win32.zip/from/pick?file=Downloads/MySQL-5.1/mysql-5.1.26-rc-win32.zip&mirror=pick#mirrors have fun:P
  9. Lock exoun ksanagini tetia share !!!!Xiliades
  10. Lathos section -1 Sorry alla epidi einai etsi h kanones to kanw lock kai to kanei move allos ama einai:S Locked!!
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28065.0 oriste ena pack mpes kai diavase to exxei backup kai pernaei eukola prosexe tin db na tin l2emu kai na eexeis mysql 5.1 to pack einai full hellbound me 16 npc .Ta kiriotera 1 buffer 2 gmshop 2gatekeeper kai kati alla npc pisteuw na s aresi !!!!
  12. You can post this pack ???and how i can get this client!!!! But because your share is super get +1 from me:P
  13. Nice critical thx.
  14. Hi i made new L2J Server i worked with L2Emu Pack !!! Here are some photoes by that server: [glow=red,2,300] Now HoW You can install fast it pack:[/glow] Go in rar file and do extart to here and you found a backup now yoou must install it: 1st)You must download MySQL 5.1 2st)Do a db with this name :l2emu ( your db must haven't got pass ) 3st)open navicat and do install my backup look my photoes for help you!! 1st get it file AND and put it in navicat backup page look 2st photo!!: 2st : 3st : If you do it go in server folder and press gamestart.bat and loginserver.bat 16 npcs full ct1.5 all error with java fixed by me and html i added new gk with full kamael/hellbound areas. 0 Errors more some working with buy_list but is my false dont worry you haven't got problem from it!!!! You can download it here : http://rs328.rapidshare.com/files/128978941/L2EmuCT1.5fULL_By_L2GameZone.rar <<<<<<<<<<You must download Mysql 5.1>>>>>>>>> Pass are :1st pass]ID:admin PASS:admin 2st pass]ID:ga PASS: ga Have Fun Create by DarkFire ,Anubis,L2Emu ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ============================================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************************** Update is already Download these files is ct2 part2 100% http://l2jfree.com/releases/CT2_gameserver_1.2.4.zip http://l2jfree.com/releases/CT2_loginserver_1.1.0.zip Soon Icarus armors more human armor is already:(
  15. Min kaneis doble post tin epomeni fora tha ipostis tis sinepies !!!!
  16. OoOoOoOOo is best share Exelent Vent m8!!
  17. wrong section closed Topic locked!!
  18. Is with full diskw by napas and i edit this skin try it and tell again it:P
  19. Hi i made new site for lineage2 servers.My site is with diskw all links are allready but you must edit your news.In home page you can look if server is online and how onlines players is in the game.In statistic page you can look onlines,gms,top pvp,pk,clans,hp,sp.Live Map!! Here is a pic.: You can download this site here: http://rapidshare.com/files/128724585/LIneage2siteGAmeZoneStyLe.rar.html Have Fun Sorry for my bad english!!!! By L2GameZone
  20. Here is guide for share,edit and all this for help go here -->http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=64.0 Topic locked
  21. You will must to open your ports by your router !!!!! Sorry for but english
  22. Nai akrivos tou themental exei errors kai tou lightmagic den exei security!!!!Kai ta dio den exoun compile ara sto hackaroun gia mesimeriano!!!
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