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Everything posted by Esc123

  1. Files for buffer in 4shared does not exists can you reshare again pls mate, thanks.
  2. Any idea how to paste .sql file to costum_teleport at mysql .??
  3. Any one can help how to get only buffer and gmshop. please
  4. when i use Admin commands, errors apaer in gameserver console also i cant write or target anything http://prntscr.com/dgt1tc
  5. Bro i know it, but wheni use that command in lineage //admin then in gameserver console say that error ..
  6. I ditn get in wich files of database should i change that.. Thank you in advance.
  7. Hello all, if anyone can help me for this error http://prntscr.com/dghjk3 i cant use admin commands i have change my acceslvl to database but in game cant use the Admin command Thank you
  8. I dit before nothing changed yet :(
  9. Hello any one can help me at this point, i have e problem i have a lineage server already i create my databaze MySQL too but when i open startGameServer, a lot of errors appear in login server console: Here the picture. http://prntscr.com/dfntj8. http://prntscr.com/dfnvju. http://prntscr.com/dfnvr8.
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