LOL if you have decided to sell my old not updated pack You shold at least delete my IP adress from config :P
You shold add this to tour post:
1. your SVN is outdatet
2. your SVN have no timeline
3. orginal SVN + timeline is ovned by szmajso
4. in original (szmajso's) SVN are added new updates (Sailren, DrHaos, Gordon, Valakas, Baium, Fintezza, new quests, AI added for Zaken, Orfen, AQ)
5. in originall (szmajso's) SVN signet skills are in beta test phase.
6. only szmajso can give full support for this code
I dont care if you selling my old pack but please dont use my IP at public becouse some ppl can think that is my current pack version wich is not true.
Orginall test server based on orginall live SVN can be found at