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Everything posted by szmajso

  1. L2 Experience: L2jArchid (IT) developer's team member L2Dubai (PVP) (IT->H5) server head developer Event developer - check my older posts here Real life skills: Java programmer Oracle PL/SQL developer Linux administrator Oracle Apex developer
  2. This is my text mode system for IL Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  3. Disabling trade in party is not the way to fix this exploit. I have fixed this expliot at my server without disabling any player action. This code realy sucks.
  4. Add me szmajso@wp.pl
  5. ddos = cisco rooter or/and good hoster dos = some scripts + proper firewall config
  6. PM me with details of your request. Maby i will take it.
  7. one fix for all IL projects - who cares about imoprts? - 50e is a prize (or adena 60k) - ill give +10e for winer if it realy will wok on all IL projects (without core modificatons) ;)
  8. As you have noticed my post don't point to show that your codes are wrong. I'm pointing at small but very important for game play features.
  9. registered to event/oly - realy we don't need it at Giran you think? :)
  10. Nice addons but but on some of them no checks for if player on other event/oly/dr/4s...etc. Re read your codes before you sell it.
  11. As an author of this pack i tell you one thing - piotress sells here very old revision.
  12. Just for the records - He DONT selling my pack. Latest revison of my pack don't have bugs described in Exlploit section of this forum. Gekas never had stollen my pack from me. One and only code i have made for him was gracia epilogue oly for IL and thats all.
  13. Maby You find something usefull for Your server here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=119846.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=119847.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=119850.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=123357.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=139911.0 If You like any of this features contact me at msn (szmajso@wp.pl).
  14. This have to look like this -> player.getAppearance().setNameColor(0x6600CC);
  15. LOL if you have decided to sell my old not updated pack You shold at least delete my IP adress from config :P You shold add this to tour post: 1. your SVN is outdatet 2. your SVN have no timeline 3. orginal SVN + timeline is ovned by szmajso 4. in original (szmajso's) SVN are added new updates (Sailren, DrHaos, Gordon, Valakas, Baium, Fintezza, new quests, AI added for Zaken, Orfen, AQ) 5. in originall (szmajso's) SVN signet skills are in beta test phase. 6. only szmajso can give full support for this code I dont care if you selling my old pack but please dont use my IP at public becouse some ppl can think that is my current pack version wich is not true. PS Orginall test server based on orginall live SVN can be found at lineage2forever.xt.pl
  16. HTML check? Dont treat PLAYERS as idiots for sure they can easy read serverapckets as pure text so answering for so simple question will be no problem. Boot programing is based on java - answer for this simple question will be accurate in 100%. I see you signed yourself as Arhid member - i have respect for ppl who keep this project live but this idea for sure is not woth 30e you asked, and not keep project lvl.
  17. "Retail like" features need ppl who know how it looks on retali. Developers like me or rest of us who selling it's services here need detailed info for realize your "retail" features. Do not except "retail" features and detailed price for this if you cant give us details.
  18. Dude this market area THERE ARE NO FREE codes here :P
  19. Ill keep the promise.
  20. Feell free to test my pack at lineage2forever.xt.pl. PS Dont ask for GM account becouse best way to test is doing this as regular player.
  21. No - its very similar to this but not the same. Beside this my code is for interlude.
  22. Im using my personal pack (based on 2008 l2j-archid edition). Improoved with 2 years of addons and fixes and almoust year of expirence as dev on top of HZ servers. Ofc i have all diffs stored in my local svn server.
  23. Test my implementation of party maching at lineage2forever.xt.pl (Interlude) - if You like this we will make a bussines. Payment: Western Union or MoneyBookers.
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