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About freellancer

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  1. I HAVE ONE +7 othel 10. i am asking 190KK or 190eu. i can sell only GS +7 if u want
  2. I bought a BD from him. Trusted seller and fast delivery.
  3. DO U WANT PR 68 50% ON IT?
  4. I am selling PR 68 + sorc(ant queen) lvl 42 + crafter lvl 48 (all craft recipe on acc) - all these char is on the same ACC ACC is ready to play skype: rodrigoasn
  5. Do u accept Pr 68 + adena on BD? Or just cash??
  6. Trust the dude. everything was good on negociation.. i recommend!
  7. Do u want to trade on Phanton Ranger 68 (sorcerer 42 + crafter 48(all mats craft )) all these chars are in dame acc.
  8. As the topic says i am buying destro 65+++ pm or Skype: rodrigoasn
  9. destro 65 price? skype?? Call me on skype: rodrigoasn. i want to know about Desto and SK
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