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Everything posted by Stάzy

  1. Thank you guys for your time i liked all photos and i will keep them ^^ it would be nice if it was a one a female dark elf in size like blane's photo
  2. You are good in photshop? You have imagination? And smart ideas? Perfect you can make me a photo ;D I want a photo about L2 (a nice one , every1 you like ) with the name AzyraL typed with nice letters.I will apreciate if you make one and thank you for your time.
  3. Here is how the server is . I play there about 3 days some hours each day. To get a good armor epic u have to farm ( if you dont get pk'ed from donators or other farmers with overenchanted weaps) Server is nice to spend your time . It's not perfect or close to perfect it's an ordinary pvp server. But i want to ask something.... it was remaing 30 seconds before the server close and wipe and in 20 seconds i saw in announcements: SERVER WIPE! and then at 10 seconds a admin-gm said in announcements again : WIPE LOSERS! My friends saw it so..... be more polite other time :)
  4. Can u tell us in which server this 'bug' works?
  5. I dont like server that u can donate for hero like www.l2-light.com..... Believe me i played a lot time in that server and donators has special care for gm...( +20 apella set and more, like secret places etc....) I dont like servers that have a low connection and there lagy -.-
  6. Mou exoun stili se e-mail auto to video kai pisteuw oti to nero dn 8a e3antli8i kai an 3antli8i auto 8a gini se ekatomiria xronia
  7. Well i think that aliens and ghosts may exist but i don't believe a lot in such things...
  8. egw perasa tin proti gimnasiou :O me 19 6/13
  9. Well guys can u suggest any server x5 - x6 - x7 rates no-lag nice community no corrupt gm's and not over 2000 people online ( i have my reasons ). Asap plz. Thank you in advance.
  10. @zl4y3r i just gave the most common places to xp imo you should find some better places to xp so you won't get bored easy ;)
  11. oxi dn ime anomalos Exis bi pote me to podilato stin 8alasa?
  12. Well i upload a picture at imageshack.us and copy thumbnail for forums (1) and i put it to my signature and is very small but i set it 19 inch monitor. Why??????
  13. Welcome litlle cheater!
  14. Thank you anubis i updated my first post. make a comment about the guide so i can improve it.
  15. Thank you therulezzz but now i am not in my pc i am in pc that has windows millenium and i can't play l2 for screenshots. Btw i will try to find some pics.
  16. Before you start reading: 1) If u play a high-rate server e.g. x500 , x1000 or more with buffs ( prophet buffs,dances,songs) the guide is useless. 2) The guide is not only for experienced players but for people who just started playing Lineage 2. - BladeDancer - First you make a dark elf fighter. You start as a Dark Elf Fighter. Now you have to level-up from level 1-20 to change class. From lvl 1- 10 ( or 14 and more) exp at gremlins and keltirs , wolfs.Don't forget to buy soulshot's! Probably you won't have enouph adena to buy armor-weapon.If you don't have a friend to help you buy some healing potions and teleport to town of Gludio.There you get some buffs from newbie guide (press recieve beneficial magic.) Get out of Gludio and exp at Lizzardmen from lvl 15-24 . If you don't like to exp out of Gludio teleport from Gludio GateKeeper to Ruins Of Agony or Ruins Of Despair . When you reach 20 level go to Dark Elf guild and talk to Grand Master for changing occupation. Collect the quest items and give them to him. You did good job now you are a Palus Knight! From level 25-40 i choose Garden Of Eva and Field Of Whispers.You can go there by simply teleport from Heine GateKeeper. You may not want to xp alone so you can xp with a party. Now you reached level 40. Go again at ark Elf guild and talk to Grand Master for changing occupation.Collect the quest items and give them to him. You did good job now you are a BladeDancer! You learnt some dances! Dances: Dances are BladeDancer's skills (buffs ) that increase your stats. Now you can choose to xp alone or with parties. You have dances so you are welcome to parties. Prefer parties instead of xping alone. From level 40-65 ( 65 or more ) i chose Cemetery , Forbiten Gateaway aka FG and Lair Of Antharas aka LOA. Don't go there alone! Only with party! Now you reached level 65 and you have a lot of dances. From level 65 search for parties for places with level's 70 and more. I will tell you here some places with high level's: Hot Springs Imperial Tomb Lair Of Antharas ( Heart ) When you reach level 76 change class. And finally you become Spectal Dancer! Here is all dances you learn and what level: Dance of Fire - Temporarily increases party's critical damage. Dual Swords only. (40) Dance of Light - Temporarily bestows sacred power to party's physical attack. Dual Swords only. (43) Dance of Inspiration - Temporarily increases party's Accuracy. Dual Swords only. (46) Dance of Mystic - Temporarily increases party's M. Atk. Dual Swords only. (49) Dance of Concentration - Temporarily increases party's Casting Spd., and decreases magic cancel rate. Dual Swords only. (52) Dance of Warrior - Temporarily increases party's P. Atk. Dual Swords only. (55) Dance of Fury - Temporarily increases party's Atk. Spd. Dual Swords only. (58) Dance of Earth Guard - Temporarily increases party's resistance to earth attacks. Dual Swords only. (62) Dance of Protection - Temporarily bestows one's party's resistance to terrain damage. Dual Swords only. (66) Dance of Aqua Guard - Temporarily increases party's resistance to attacks by water. Dual Swords only. (70) Dance of Vampire - Partially restores party's HP by using damage inflicted upon the enemy. Damage inflicted by skill or remote attack is excluded. Dual Swords only. (74) Dance of medusa: Dances to summon the phantom of Medusa. Instantly applies flint fire to the nearby enemies. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Dance of Shadows: Momentarily changes Speed and gives the ability not to receive the preemptive attack of monsters to the party members. MP consumption increases additionally when dancing while song/dance effect lasts. Requires a dual-sword weapon. dance of siren: Temporarily increases a party member's success rate of inflicting critical damage through attack magic. Continuous dancing consumes additional MP. Requires a dual-sword weapon. Dance of Alignment: Drastically increases 2 characteristic resistances of a party member. MP consumption increases additionally when dancing while song/dance effect lasts. Usable when a dual sword is equipped. Equipment: Armors: At lvl 20 prefer brigandine heavy. At lvl 40 prefer full plate set as it gives bonuses. At lvl 52 prefer Blue wolf heavy. At lvl 61 prefer Tallum heavy. At lvl 76 ++++ prefer Imperial Crusader. Weapons: BladeDancer uses Dual Swords. At lvl 20 , 40 and 52 you create dual-swords with items that are sold in shops. At lvl 61 and 76 you have to get two different swords damascus+keshanberg. If you enchant your dual swords up to +4 you get some bonuses. I hope you enjoyed and understand my guide. I may have done some mistakes .Correct me if you can:) At lvl 76 and more xp and equipent i may have some mistakes cause i am not 3rd class yet. I haven't c/p anythink except the dances . The guide is completely mine Ty for reading!!
  17. Giran Town i love Giran music with all the shops ( prvate stores)
  18. 1) don't speak greek here is english section. 2) use search and i am sure u will find what u request.
  19. Ti enois hacker kai ti hacks na s kanoun dld? e3igise mas
  20. Well i rly like horror movies (ring,saw , etc) From comedies i like american pie ( i havn't saw them all ) Jackass 2 rulesss!!!! (uncut ofc) Borat FTW! Green street hooligans (i am not sure if the name is correct) James Bond :D
  21. Well i saw the game and i don't know if referer was unfair because he should stop the match before the goal.....tell your comments
  22. I made them to glow with different colours till +16. from +17 till your maximun + in your server , u have to edit it by yourself with other glows (white,blue-red , etc)
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