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AntiSocialist last won the day on October 15 2022

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    L2enmity.com - High five mid rates server, join our discord and see more!

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  1. Issue solved, thanks for the help Celestine.
  2. My guy you're delusional. I agreed for you to restore my access and i also agreed to pay 20$ for it, are you for real? All i want is my source access restored so i would have the same way of access as previously. Why didn't you respond to me in TWO months while you agreed to do so? Update: Solving the source access on skype, after two month all it took was a report for him to respond instantly, such magic
  3. 1. He knew that i have full source access and while he was moving svn's we were talking all the time and i was reporting him a lot of bugs i was finding with his rev, so, i didn't see a reason why i would write to him "hey so you know how i got full source access so move my svn too". He knew very well that i have it so your point is invalid about the notification and the thread. 2. I've bought the source access months ago, so what are you talking about me sending money to him? 3. Jaja, sure, you know the best what i was planning to do with the source code which i had access to, you must be a wizard or a witch to be able to know all of these things?! Purchase proof? Here you go my friend, everything for you - https://imgur.com/a/nDf1oc9 3. Celestine knows all of the situation and has all the proof this thread needs, i won't be sharing every single conversation i was having with lordwinter during the time we were communicating with each other. Facts remains the same, on latest conversations he agreed to restore my access to the svn and i also agreed to pay the fee for it and after that - dead silent. 4. You shouldn't be concerned who is selling whos work especially when you don't know the situation, should i be explaining this when this is not connected to the case at all? Doesn't concern you. This is a matter between me and Lordwinter, he failed to restore the access when he said he will be doing so now he has 24 hours to respond to this matter, because, if i pay 700 euros, sorry, 800 euros for source access, i don't think its fine when i lose it and can't access it anymore. Won't be responding to replies here except Lordwinter's, if he replies, as i can't be bothered explaining unrelated stuff to lordwinters ass lickers here.
  4. Scammer - https://maxcheaters.com/profile/219128-lordwinter/ I would like to report LordWinter for scamming me. I paid 700€ for full source access which i lost couple of months ago and he is ignoring now, refusing to give me access to the new SVN. Long story short, we made a deal for the full source access (there were no terms or anything related to me losing access to it after x period of times or anything related to periods, so i should have access as long as he provides this server, which he still is). First i had access to SVN and everything was fine, but when he moved SVN, he started ignoring me and does not want to restore the access. Anyways, he also said i need to pay 20$ for him to give me access to new repositories, which i agreed to, then he started ignoring me completely and hasnt responded ever since. Last contact i had with him was on March 24th where he said we can do it and he will restore it. Now, i ask he picks either of these options: 1. Give me access to new SVN 2. Refund me the money if he doesn't want me to have the access 3. Get banned from MXC for scamming. All the details, screenshots, more in depth information has already been reported to Celestine, so he knows all of the situation. Adding link to the screenshots of our "conversation" on skype since the images weight too much. https://imgur.com/a/EgXSEQz
  5. Write to Celestine if you want to know more, don't stick your nose in this, you will have other things to respond to soon my friend. Test server is online! You can DM me, i will send you necessary files and you can hop in to check everything out.
  6. These are the best High Five files for a PVP server (L2j sunrise base) with tons of custom stuff, features, systems such as: - League of arena (tournament style event mode with ranks) - Random craft system - Special craft system - Steady box (kill monsters get rewards) - Daily login - Auto Farm - Phantom bot - Daily quest system - Siege, TW, Clan rank display system - Dress me system - Item broker - Drop calculator (item database) - Auction house - Certification engine - Advanced buffer - Museum rank system - Get stats command - Class mastery system - PVP/Party/Epic/Extreme/Fame zones - Tournaments (2x2, 3x3 etc arenas) - Boss database - Olympiad rank display - Class changer in alt+b - Sub class changer in alt+b - Character settings - Skill animation range - Google 2FA authenticator system and a lot more! This rev has so many things it's impossible for me to list everything, but i'm attaching folders from the rev (config and xml) so you can take a look and see for yourself. I will also provide you a H5 client with loads of custom stuff attached to it already (1k+ custom skins, you can edit it, remove some, or keep some, up to you, .dat files won't be encrypted), if you want a full client that weights 50 GBs, i can also provide that for additional cost as there are more custom things in that client. I can also sell a separate H5 Customs folders that weights 45GBs, it consists of things like: custom armors, weapons, raid bosses, instances, loads maps adapted from newer chronicles, items, cloaks, suits etc. That is for sale as a separate product. The compiled version of the rev price: 500$. I sell the rev as it is now, it has been used in hundreds of H5 PvP servers and these are the best files for an action server! Please note: i do not fix bugs, issues with your server, you need to have knowledge about editing the server yourself Separate H5 customs folder is negotiable privately. Everything is possible to showcase via screen share on discord. https://mega.nz/file/iPJnGYjK#5jGl-65mOBEC2U5QW4DcGHdJ0mDqIr9Ib7GeHtBl_Tg The attached link has share which consists of Config and XML file, so you can take a look whats inside Please DM me on discord: Gravity#4905 for further information and discussion
  7. Grand opening today! join us!
  8. OBT today! The patch/full client will be uploaded in couple of hours when everything is ready! Join us! https://discord.com/invite/l2enmity OBT live! Join us now!
  9. He literally told you to write to him when you are ready to pay, should he spam you if you are ready and spam his paypal? It usually goes "Hey, i'm ready to pay, send me paypal account where i should send the money" it's really weird how you think he is in the wrong here...
  10. Join our website and discord now! OBT is only in 4 days!
  11. We have dates for Open Beta Testing and Official launch date set in stone! Open Beta Testing: 2023-02-17 GMT-3 19:00 OFFICIAL Launch: 2023-02-24 GMT-3 19:00 Until then we are going to be working on the server, balancing, checking a lot of stuff and making sure everything is perfectly well set for OBT and especially official launch. In upcoming days we will finalize marketing campaign that will take effect in facebook/google ads, forum banners, pinned topics and such. Website will be also reworked to make it a bit less complicated and with less information than it is now. Until OBT we will be sharing sneak peaks so the community can take a look at what they can expect, won't give the full picture as that wouldn't be interesting Thank you everyone for supporting the project and continuing to do so, we can promise that you won't bet bored as we will be bringing a lot of stuff weekly to the players! Little sneak peak of sophisticated quest system where you will be able to get rewards for completing tasks:
  12. Working on the server, content inside, figuring everything out, the server will be soon ready for OBT, then the official launch date!
  13. We are currently working on Season 2! Better files, better performance, better balance, more competitive gameplay for players/clans to experience! Join the discord to keep up to date with our news! OBT for season 2 is yet to be decided, but we are diligently working towards it!
  14. Server going strong, lots of updates and new things are being added, come check us out! Server only will get better!
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