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About MajorSpear

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  1. Cool stuff, nice of you to share but whats the reasoning for another server? Why not the server be a proper modern rest client like retrofit and okhttpclient, and push events through websockets (just like push notifications), retrofit comes with okhttpclient 3.6 which include a websocket layer, also the .net part looks fairly limited since the knowledge base of asp related stuff is really small compared to smth like spring framework with a rest consuming front end like anguarjs, 2 birds with 1 stone. ^^ So my reasoning, you have a web app, let the web app be the resource server, while the server be a slave client. This way you limit network overhead and don't need to secure a random port out of the blue, also you have access to SSL/TLS :) Still tho all this is really progressing the knowledge base of l2j and .net web apps, i find it quite interesting, GL! Hope to see this thing go off big :D
  2. Cron job* sorry typo. Well sorry; it's interesting tho, good luck ^^
  3. Yeah thats a chron job. As is, its still needs work, its missing the nr 1 thing, the launcher UI itself. And an encoding doesnt really says anything when you said it syncs of whatever is on my google drive account. What's important is the END USER's opinion, not a list of C dev nerd stuff. And personally i don't find code injection at runtime or binary just put inside at the start of a critical dependency to be a "client side protection" its too shady mate, but I don't know whats the current trend now in l2 so i have no voice here, just a personal opinion. All in all, i think the price tag is so high just to show off, you don't really wanna sell it and its not in a stable production ready state. PS: Please don't take offense I am stupid at criticising. Would be great if it was made more appealing for the user and implement the push notifications with the site through websockets. I made something similar where the api and WS server is on the same port with a jsock stomp client written in C (so it can be ported to android and objective-c) and spring framework jsock support: https://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-stomp-websocket/ But thats a webapp, still kinda cool having an rest api & ws to control the server and launcher and w/e, gives a lot of control ^^
  4. Then most probably a chron job, or a lie Either way, what dose it look like, can it be themed? That random bucket of features doesn't sound too appealing. Whats the launcher/updater gotta do with the player, and how dose versioning work? Everything looks like a random ordered list of features with no end. Why is it worth this much?
  5. How do push notifications work? I doubt we can use GCM on external non google apps, or is it with websockets?
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