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    L2Flash.eu Administrator & Developer.

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  1. http://l2flash.eu/ website updated.
  2. 6 Months online and new people are joining everyday! http://l2flash.eu/
  3. Hello everyone, Clan Leaders with 10 clan members and above can make a Petition in the game, we will make few more checks and we will reward you with a Clan Level 5! Server is online for over 6 months without any wipes/downtimes and we will keep it like that!
  4. Any Other Questions?
  5. Few of our modifications to ease Players gameplay http://l2flash.eu/forum/index.php?topic=44.0We also have added A Grade Armor shop (h5 feature but only with Armors) with retail Adena prices etc. Make any suggestion you want on our forum and we will answer - take it into consideration for sure! http://l2flash.eu/forum/index.php?board=13.0 Check here few videos from our x6 server. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=l2flash.eu
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/212633-l2jnew-l2flash-x15-coming-on-march/
  7. 18/02/2017 Beta will be available, you can find here the client-patch "Ready to Play"! http://l2flash.eu/index.php/page/downloads/
  8. Hello , yes we will open a Beta soon!
  9. NEW L2 Flash x15 Features! (Note that we Already have a low rate server(L2DC Files) Online for over 6 months without any wipes - Downtimes!) Description: Keep Everything Retail Like or.. ?- No Donates (like our x6!) - We would like to hear your suggestions what we should add / remove? For what we mostly need suggestions from players: -Olympiad Period time(2 weeks or 1 month like retail?) We really want active Olympiad on our x15 server. -Clients per PC? -Buffs / songs Duration? (Retail-Like or some extra mins?). -NPC buffer or more free clients per pc so players can box or find an active support? And of course any other suggestion will be much appreciated! http://l2flash.eu/forum/index.php?board=13.0 or just reply here! http://l2flash.eu/ http://l2flash.eu/forum/ More info: Server Rates Exp : x15 SP : x15 Spoil : x7 Drop Item : x7 Adena : x7 Raid Jewels Drop : x1 Manor : x1 Fishing : x4 Hellbound Level: [soon] Hellbound Points: x7 Vitality Herb: x2 Quests: Item Reward : x1-x2 Adena Reward : x3 XP/ SP Reward : x4 Drop : x2 Enchant Rates: Safe : Retail-Like Max : Retail-Like Enchant success Rate : Retail-Like Blessed enchant Rate : Retail-Like Server Features: Fortresses Retail like. Territory Wars Retail like. (You can make Sub & Noblesse via Territory Manager Tasks!) Epic Quest Seven Signs. Class Master Up to Second class [1st Class 40k] [second Class 600k]. Hellbound Retail like (You can type .hellbound to view hellbound lvl stats etc). Disable & Enable Exp Command (.exp) Weddings-Grand Weddings. And much more, we will not post a huge list with unnecessary (to mention) features like CH working... Modifications: 2 Clients per PC. (We may need to re-adjust this) Offline Trade. Set your private store and Exit Game. (Stored for 10 days even if server restarts) Combat Stats & Droplist available via Shift & Click. Npcs & Monsters will have Title their Levels! Spawn Protection. Trade zones at Giran Town, where you can set private store only on predefined areas. Your friend {friendname} has logged out message will appear when a friend log out. Weight Limit x2
  10. L2Flash GiveAway event! 2 Winners will be chosen and each will receive one(1) set of Mouse / Keyboard. RAZER NAGA CHROMA GAMING MOUSE! RAZER BLACKWIDOW CHROMA MECHANICAL GAMING KEYBOARD! More info : https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=398095973864903&id=313358019005366&substory_index=0
  11. Join http://l2flash.eu/ for a Real Long Term server.
  12. Hello , yes this is the Retail behavior.
  13. Join our long-term Gracia epilogue Server! http://l2flash.eu/
  14. Monument of Heroes records fixed with yesterday's restart. Server was Online & Stable for 11 days without restart! Join now L2Flash , if you are "bored" wipes - corrupted and full of donations servers! http://l2flash.eu/
  15. Monument of Heroes records fixed with yesterday's restart. Server was Online & Stable for 11 days without restart! Join now L2Flash , if you are "bored" wipes - corrupted and full of donations servers! http://l2flash.eu/
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