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About L2AutoTools

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  1. The guy want to buy my software to be able to fix his ?
  2. price for "client protection" maker ... ?
  3. L2AutoTools easy bypassing
  4. All textures are from Ncsoft packages, some of them are from free sources there are not copyrights or signs that refers to rottor or anything like that, so don't spam in my topic without proofs, it's against the rules. About status window its made from scratch, textures are from ncsoft package you have 0 refs here. I report you for fooling people, i didn't scam anyone of my clients, so watch what you writing zero skilled noob, and keep selling useless graphics that noone rly cares of gl, next time you write here you get same income on your topic.
  5. The elements are from Ncsoft package, same thing you sell . All the implementation was done from scratch.
  6. Sorry but that is sales topic, the soft is private , you can look for some stolen versions, but they won't work on new servers, mostly they don't work anywhere and that's stolen version is only for Interlude, also no support or any help is provided for it.
  7. Clean my topic too http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/206127-l2autotools-autoench-autolifestone-auto-hpmpcp-autofarm-working-on-smartguard/ its almost forever since someone moderated it.
  8. smartguard scriptguard is nothing more then fake, it don't actually protect,
  9. There was 2 people who were working on it, i helped long ago, and never was in first place, and i hadn't got any access to website too see who did bought the soft, all the earnings from selling were given to Respect . If i get the list of buyers and would be able to contact them, i'll look what i can do, but im not respect, im not interested in fast income, the project itself would be developed in different angle soon, but it can't be developed for free, as part of respect politics where he offer free updates for 0 price, thats the reason he abandoned it.
  10. I don't discuss private messages with those who have no relations to them. You took some content from private conversation and again trying to accuse me in something. I give full info to your friend, about what product he get for month and for lifetime, its different things. And as far as i get he wanted to have bot feature in L2Destiny server, where protection is made on Kernel level, that even adrenaline doesn't work, your friend think all is cheap and almost free. I said to noone that software itself cost 100$, in fact new functionality for their personal needs cost the price that i put, if they want they can always find different person to make the work(maybe like you who only talk gibberish and have 0 skills to offer), in reality they wont find anyone.
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