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About marun74

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  1. Hi WTS this stuff left DUALS S +10 IC SET +6 30e for all cheap cheap cheap!!!
  2. erase
  3. WTS 600k GOLD PACK $230 I CAN SELL IT IN 100K PACKS TOO PRICE IN EUR Do you hear offers? yes why not. Do you acept paypal payment? Yes i do. have u sold items here before? yes, only 2 times but the fkers didnt rate me :( Can we use middleman service? Yes ofc, if the buyer pay for the service.
  4. i have the same problem
  5. First time i use his service for selling and all Excelent, Fast and professional. thanks a lot ! 100% recommended !!!
  6. Hi i have 400k Gold for sell, I want to get 208 Eur we can use a middle man that we trust in game i take paypal or transaction
  7. Hi I have 400k Gold for sale make an offer for it! pm for skype or discord meet, I will try to answer pm fast as posible. Payment will be done only via PAYPAL, As buyer you will go first or we use middleman. //SOLD
  8. WTS Gold pack Hi i have 400k Gold for sale make an offer for it! pm for skype or discord meet, I will try to answer pm fast as posible. Payment will be done only via PAYPAL, As buyer you will go first or we use middleman.
  9. i have IC SET +8 for sell, i will send you a PM.
  10. sold mate, that was from old warland. Now i got golds and IC set +8 if u need smthing pm me
  11. Gold pack: 12K = 10 EUR easy payment and you receive immediately PM for info or skype
  12. Hi Im selling all my stuff in server, this is a nice and long life server (already have 3 years life) many peaple plays here. as i got my epic set buying it here =D i want to sell it to another person who enjoy it because i cant play anymore and the money can be a good extra. I have for sell Epic set: Valakas+10 Baium +13 QA +13 Orfen +13 Draconic set +12 AM + 13 I can sell just the epic set or the draco I want 100 EUR for the package, if u get all package i give you the account wich i wont use anymore i think you can change pass and pin, but i dont know if the e mail. The char is tank main and wind raider subb, mainly play dagger Skills: Mortal strike +17 others +15 Weapon: Angel slayer haste 3x DUEL MIGHT/PASIVE PDEF/PASIVE MDEF Subb: bp 80 sps 80 wr 80
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