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About prostylw1

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  1. I am selling my server with the following java developments and ingame informations. Most java codes is from Kara. This server has not shared codes (except dressme + 2 commands and is changed a lot). Ingame is already ready from me. Server was openned and i took possitive reviews from players. Balance skills is perfect for this pvp server. For sure i have forgot some extra java but when i remember something i will edit the post. More info and photos add me discord : jeiblue#7711 Because Kara and I worked hard the price is : 199euro Available ---Java Developments Extra--- Tournament System Captcha Anti-bot Sheduler for tournament Event System PvP zone autoflag - hide names Balanced classes Hero coins 1Day 1Month PvP System (double kill-triple kill etc) PvP reward system at pvp zone PvP color name Nobless item Buffer Donate services commands (dressme .reg/unreg .info .ranking .castlemanager .bank/deposit/withdraw .status/skills PvP pk monument taking top pvp and pk appearence Vote system restart point giran 5sub classes all known bugs fixed Party Zone - Grand Bosses auto flag zones Donate Panel Blessed/crystal Autopots Cancel buff restore 10sec Server Informations =========================== --Server Informations-- =========================== C6 Interlude Server No custom armor/weapons Balanced Classes Custom Skins Captcha Antibot Tattoos and Masks Easy Farm,Main currency Farm Coins No weight Limit Donate Boss 12Hours Respawn time GrandBosses 4Hours Respawn time Small Bosses 2Hours Respawn time Maximun Ally x1 Vote System Auto Learn Skills & Auto Loot Stackable BOG/LS/Scrolls PVP/DM zone hide name GrandBosses Flag zone No Sub-Class Quest No Noblesse Quest Free Class Change 5 Max Sub-Classes 44+4 Buff Slots 20 Seconds Unstuck Spawn Protection Drop Items At Karma After Cancel Buff buffs restore after 10sec PvP KillingSpree System Full interlude geodata / pathnode ======================== --Custom Npc-- ======================== Custom Buffer Custom Gatekeeper Custom Augment Event manager Skill Enchanter Custom Gm Shop Custom Shop Donate Shop Information Npc Tournament Manager TopPvP/TopPk 24h ======================== --Server Rates-- ======================== Exp rate: x5000 Sp rate: x5000 Adena rate:x5000 Drop rate: x1 ======================== --Augment Rates-- ======================== Mid-Grade Life stone 8% Hight-Grade Life stone 10% Top-Grade Life stone 12% Fixed Augment skills only Level 10 Maximum 1 Active + 1 Passive ======================== --Enchant Rates-- ======================== Safe/Max +5/+16 Normal Scroll until +5 65% Blessed Scoll until +11 90% Crystall Scroll until +16 80% ======================== --Custom Zones-- ======================== Safe Farm Zone x1 Farm zones x3 PvP Arenas x4 Party Zone Auto Flag With PvP reward PvP Zone Auto Flag With PvP reward PvP with hide name and title GrandBosses Small Bosses Donate Boss Drops donate coins ======================== --Event Engine-- ======================== Every 90min Event Team Vs Team Deathmatch Tournament ======================== --Olympiad/Siege-- ======================== Olympiad Every day 18:00-00:00 New hero Every Week All Sieges are Open ======================== --Custom Commands-- ======================== .menu /dressme .reg (events) .unreg (events) .clastlemanager .ranking (top pvp,pk,clan) .bank (.deposit, .withdraw) .status .skills (can see your target status, skills) .info (server information) Photos : https://mega.nz/file/Fl1AUQIA#1fsP7U0gQtiU9ovE-zeTnlmJsI56ohObrCuM_1Z9eUU
  2. episis epeidi polu eimaste kainourgoi ston xoro den voithaei h idea pou dineis na mpei ena ristriction to gnwrizw oti thes na voithiseis alla tha protimousa na pou peis ti na grapsw sto soulshot.java. Ennoeitai pws kserw oti kati prepei na prosthesw to thema einai to ti.
  3. I have autopots in my server when you join olympiad you can use autopots (only if they are enabled before you join) if its close you cant use it. I want to auto-close autopots when you join in arena. Thank you a lot if you can help
  4. Problem Solved the java file was HealPercent.java and not Heal.java
  5. I have add this in heal.java but you can heal raidboss and grandboss where is my mistake ? please help rev382
  6. i want maximum 34 buffs +4 but this +4 its already in acis 382 or i must put it in java? for example if i am max buffs 34 and put 4 class buff( example rapid shot ) player will lose buffs ? but balances its not okay i am nerfing the classes from passive skills etc, for example duelist +16 no custom items hit on mage 3.5k dmg sonic triple shash on 6k life mage. Balances are very bad.
  7. how can i nerf magic critical power no magic critical rate ?
  8. Could somebody help me or suggest me the best way to balance classes ? I have 382rev no custom project max +20. JeiBlue(thodoris)#8990
  9. 14500 skills you can change it one by one if i want to take the chance of level78 how can i put it at every level 76 77 78 79 80
  10. Could somebody help me with that : how can i change skill enchant success rate and max skill enchant ? If the file is skilltrees enchant skills tell me what i must change for here ; <enchantSkill id="115" lvl="108" exp="4020000" sp="402000" rate76="10" rate77="30" rate78="80" rate79="80" rate80="83"/>
  11. Hello mxc i have vote reward system when you press vote you take message (you have not vote yet ) how can i put my ip at topzone for example to get reward when you vote. JeiBlue(thodoris)#8990
  12. Could somebody help me please? i Have sometimes this error to console. Acis382 Discord : JeiBlue(thodoris)#8990 java.lang.NullPointerException
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