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About zilbe333

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  1. Tnx for your reply, I will try to work it through on Interlude.
  2. After experimenting with client sided files, I had this idea that it could be something to do with sendPackets for client that server does when some conditions comes in in some particular class responsible for it /quests, quest states or etc.., - the thing is - we can find similar action - when the qest starts, the mark dissapears! I was trying to find the place responsible for this action/signal sent to client, and try to put state "completed" (may under similar conditions for client when anime shown.. Since database keeps this record permanetnly, (who ever reads from where ever) has this place to go and check the status for your chartacter.. as it does when telling that "This quest has already been completed." ... Whether conditions change from 0 to 1, oR "created" to "started" etc, what ever triggers to take the mark of, to use similar method for "completed" status.. So far my own search was unsuccessfull, my knowledge is not huge, but always keen for discovery. I kinda have feeling this idea could lead to something. May b..
  3. Tnx for reply, Problem is with NPC exclamation mark shown above their head for quests, when certain quest is awaliable for you at certain level.. As we know, repeatable q has blue mark, one-time q has red showed above Npc heads. They mark that the quest is avaliable for you! Issue is with one-time quests and their red exclamation mark. -They appear again above NPC heads once quest is completed. I want to find how to fix it so the mark would not appear and misslead that the quest is avaliable again, as it is not! It is one-time quest only. Repeatable quest blue markers again are there after finish(as they should), as a prove that they are avaliable for you again.. It would be great to have at least one topic on the web that would lead to solution, so we all can enjoy properly working servers, who ever takes his time and effort to build one and maintine. I've tested so many servers, and haven'f found one with working quests as they should. That is one of few basic thing to judge about anybodys server, if your quests are not working, so does your server!... I've been picking brain about this for quite some time, and was surpriset how much the L2 community and all this Huge, amazing support ppl make (bless them all) lacking of information about this matter..
  4. Quests are very beautifull part of the world of Lineage 2, especially Low rate servers.. I've come across with so many questers in the past, that enjoy questing.. All these donation servers especially in compbination with high rates basically killed the L2, where questing doesn't matter, where half of their server population never even seen and been in so many places of L2 world. I must say -there is not a lot of info on this subject, been browsing, surfing around for quite a while around net. I've tried +-20 popular enough servers, been checking their client side, and in-game q, -same stuff, everyone so far had a problem with one-time q orange marker. Isn't there realy known method for Interlude that would sort them? Anyone? pls share.. :/ (where to sort them?..) Since questname-e has a chance to flip between orange and blue for one-time and repeatables, I hopet to find it there. experemented quite a bit around the file, unsuccessfuly. Newer chronicle versions, as I read, may have some options in npcgrp, but Interlude doesn't seem to have much there, apart from asigned quest for particular npc.. An idea came to me that may b it could b sorted out by sendPackets on visual aspect for client to project,..under similar methods/conditions as quest "isStarted" or something.. since once you take the q, state changes and marker disapears till the end... to try to use "isCompleted" state into similar way, but after browsing (qite a bit)around the source could not find absolutely anything close about it on server-sided part.. :/
  5. Tnx for reply, I'm working on Interlude project. I'm looking for what that method is mate... :/
  6. dear dead forum, found it my self. close it.
  7. Hello Maxcheaters community, I've got this issue: How to remove red marker once one-time quest is finished? I've browsed through questname dat file for quite some time, all experiments are unsuccessful.. Quests script is fine, questname-e conditions seems to b fine, npcgrp file has q for npc, markers them selves are working fine with repeatable, but one-time I have all of them where needed at the begining, they even dissapear once character surpasses the q max lvl, But can't find solution for my issue.. I begun to think may b something to do in the core with showing packets after complete? or something.. any ideas? knowledge? please share.
  8. Hi, I can't find in L2jFrozen project champ mobs to set to passive, I have them they are aggro. I checked champion.properties, where they normally would suppose to be, but there wasn't such option. I want them passive anD no-social permanently, How to add in the code to make them passive and no-social...? p.s. I've noticed "attackable" file has alot of lines for them.. anywhere there? And how should I state it?
  9. Found it.close
  10. Found it.pls close.
  11. Hello, I've got problem with removal of quest (stages) from quest window once the quest is finished.. Single time quests are fine, as their script sets state COMPLETED. But repeatable are hanging in, no bluea marker re-appear.. They have their ending with "exitQuest", which works for script and db, but not for quest window. I receive reward, but the q just stays there on the last cond/stage
  12. Hello! I have an issue with level and quest - I noticed that quests are still possible to take after your level has gone way above that shoud be allowed. I have qust for levels 4-8 and it can be taken with level 80! How to fix it? And seconed: Few q marker wtf: The quest marker should be blue, it is orange. Npc has only 1 repeatable quest. My npcgrp.dat and questname.dat files seems to be fine.. I had Martin - wolf quest npc, his marker is not there, only when I speak with him (quest hasn't been taken yet) it appears quickly! Why it deleys so?
  13. I created fishing zone in random place outside the town, made from 5 ponts, had it in zone.xml like other fishing zone exapmles, and writen its points in zone vertices in db. I was unable to fish there... What could be wrong?
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