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About UltimateSwed

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  1. WTS Train 1 SK 76 50 euro WC 77 40 euro BP 77 40 euro SE 77 50 euro BH 77 40 euro TYR 77 40 euro WS 78 80 euro BD 77 40 euro SWS 77 40 euro Train 2 full train SK 78 80 euro Tyr 78 80 euro destro 79 80 euro Warlock 79 100 euro BD 79 80 euro SWS 79 100 euro (has 40% exp) WC 79 100 euro SE 79 80 euro BP 78 80 euro nuker group 1 SPH 80 100euro SE 79 80 euro EE 76 40 euro Domi 76 50 euro BD 80 120 euro ES 79 80 euro pufa middleman works good.otherwise add kacknapp on skype.
  2. is 80 destro high enough?:)
  3. 150euro for 1kk sell now before they change the adena rate :)
  4. good seller. safe adena / items / lvling.
  5. trusted love this boy.
  6. hmmmmmm intresting! SAME scammer 2 years ago xD other server though. account was sold he later recalled the account
  7. i got a 68pp for sale. 200euro lots of scrolls on it
  8. Come with an offer on chars what u think they are worth im open for discussion. Giran WTS 62 Shillen Elder 100euro prices is negotiable all accounts comes with birthdate and needed info Skelth WTS 76 BladeDancer with 40 sorc for aq and 52 tyrant on acc 70euro 70 Abyss walker scrolls to 74 40 euro 78 Dark Avenger scrolls to get to 79 80euro or offer 73 (has 74 skills) tyrant x1 40 euro 75 SK X1 40 euro / each lvl 56 bd for core/orfen with 58 skills and 55 sws for both accounts also has chars for AQ SOLD STUFF 79 bishop deleveld to 78 (scrolls to go 79) 80 euro 59 Tyrant 100euro 79 Shilien Elder Offer (its deleveld to 78 but has scrolls to get 79 again) 80euro or offer 79 WarCryer (delevel to 78 but has almsot 10b in xp scrolls) 150 euro Offer 63 Bladedancer 200euro 59 Prophet 180euro 62 Bishop 200euro 67 Warcryer 500euro 64 Dark Avenger 200euro Giran 76 Bladedancer 60euro Skelth 76 Phantom Ranger 70euro Skelth 76 Destroyer 70euro Skelth 79 Necro deleveld to 78 has scrolls to go 79 100euro Skelth 78 Elven Elder (deleveld to 77 but has scrolls to go 78) 120 euro or offer Skelth 80 Prophet 600 euro or offer Skelth 78 Swordsinger (has exp items and scrolls for exp think about 4b) 150euro comes with +6 doom set some good jewels and iss wep Skelth 77 Warlock 100euro Skelth 76 warcryer X2 100EURO <-- FAST PRICE 1 wc has scrolls to be 77+ both sold Skelth 76 Swordsinger 70 EURO Skelth 74/ 76 SE 80 EURO Skelth 74 spoiler 70 euro Skelth 78 Tyrant with scrolls to 79 100euro Skelth DC ROBE+HELMET+6 150euro Skelth Sword Of Ipos +7 400euro or offer Skelth Sobek Hurricane +8 400 euro or offer Skelth Tallum hvy set +6 unsealed 500 euro Skelth Majestic hvy set +4+3 unsealed 150euro Skelth Aq lvl3 x1 400euro Skelth Baium Talisman x1 500 euro Skelth
  9. 65 Sorc (40 aq twink) (Skelth) has lots of high scrolls on 65 sorc Good name. 100$
  10. WTS 65 Sorc 60%+ with 42 sorc on same acc 100$ Ungeared 52 LVL prophet. 90$ WTS Adena 2.1$/m
  11. WTS 65 Sorc full alot of scrolls LVL 40+ Sorc on account also for AQ
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