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Everything posted by KarmaLog

  1. The winners will be announced soon! topic locked!
  2. LiamXRoy and Ekoice are noobs. Bye bye forever!
  3. @demonas: kserw poli kala ti tha pei server, kai genikotera diaxeirisths... den einai oraio na sou xalane afto pou me toso kopo ekanes na ftiakseis. O kathe admin einai ipefthinos na krinei ti einai kalo k ti kako gia ton server tou eite afto einai l2 server eite kati allo. Entaksei prepei se afto to simeio na paradexteis oti exeis ena mikro elatoma, briskeis programata kai diafora alla, kai meta les koitakste ti brika, k ti ekana... k merikes fores zitas kai $$ (milaw gia gnosto server).. Ena allo elatoma sou einai oti upotimas tous allous sinexeia. (des parapanw posts) Giati arage? Stin prokimeni periptosi,opos ekanes k esi kopo gia na stiseis ton server sou,etsi ekana k egw gia na stisw afto to site. Tha peis entaksei ena smf ebales k eisai ok. Ematha k akousa, pos paliotera balthikes na katebaseis to maxbastards se epoxes phpbb. Afto giati to ekanes? Egw prospathisa pote na sou kanw kati ston server sou? Den asxolithika pote k oute prokeite. An itan sto xeri mou na kanw delete tin database sou den tha to ekana, giati kserw poso kopo ekanes. To antibot to estises,entaksei, alla giati tsitoneis edw tous pantes? Afto den borw na katalabw. Filika panta, an kai den kserw pia einai i stasi sou pros emena ...
  4. thnks for support.
  5. bes www.adslgr.com , ekei tha breis sigoura tin apantisi pou psaxneis.
  6. The Second Release of the popular RaGEZONE Official Chronicle 4 pack. This is the first live release, and most major bugs have been fixed. Live Release Update! (24/6/06) New Features Include: Newbie NPC/Buffer working 100% (gives soulshots for guide, gives support magic) Lottery NPC Working All Cata's/Necro's now accessable Medal Quest Event Seven Signs Fixed General Event NPC Spawns cleaned.... now alot more stable. Almost complete c4 itemdata/npcdata Auctioneer. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Changelog: - C4 npcdata.... now wieghing 18mb, contains all c4 mobs, many many new drops (including event drops) and updated stats and rewards. - npcpos... all c3 areas remade, c4 areas remade.... all c3/c4 spawns cleaned up and re-ordered. Meaning less strain on your npcserver, less crash's, better performance. Also npc's added. Some major towns respawned. Event npc's spawned. All Necro/Cata gk's added. - AI, alot of new lines added. Seven signs added, medal event added, lottery added, new c4 mobs added, auctioneer added, newbie buffer fixed and remade (now working 100%!) changes made to summons, c4 summons... and more! - Itemdata updated.... now it has almost every c4 item. 96% complete now. - HTML updates, seven signs's npc's fixed, event npc's html's added, lottery npc added, general event npc added, auctioneer added, newbie buffer html's fixed... and more! - c4 skills added to skill data. Download: Mirror 1 Source Here
  7. The Second Release of the popular RaGEZONE Official Chronicle 4 pack. This is the first live release, and most major bugs have been fixed. Live Release Update! (24/6/06) New Features Include: Newbie NPC/Buffer working 100% (gives soulshots for guide, gives support magic) Lottery NPC Working All Cata's/Necro's now accessable Medal Quest Event Seven Signs Fixed General Event NPC Spawns cleaned.... now alot more stable. Almost complete c4 itemdata/npcdata Auctioneer. Its still not perfect.... but its better than the beta pack Changelog: - C4 npcdata.... now wieghing 18mb, contains all c4 mobs, many many new drops (including event drops) and updated stats and rewards. - npcpos... all c3 areas remade, c4 areas remade.... all c3/c4 spawns cleaned up and re-ordered. Meaning less strain on your npcserver, less crash's, better performance. Also npc's added. Some major towns respawned. Event npc's spawned. All Necro/Cata gk's added. - AI, alot of new lines added. Seven signs added, medal event added, lottery added, new c4 mobs added, auctioneer added, newbie buffer fixed and remade (now working 100%!) changes made to summons, c4 summons... and more! - Itemdata updated.... now it has almost every c4 item. 96% complete now. - HTML updates, seven signs's npc's fixed, event npc's html's added, lottery npc added, general event npc added, auctioneer added, newbie buffer html's fixed... and more! - c4 skills added to skill data. Download: Here Mirror 1 Source Here
  8. check to unzip it in the correct directories.
  9. Simple you cant. latest l2walker is made for official servers only, which is using different packets than private servers (old c1 protocol). tIf you want to party use older versions < 10.3
  10. not tested yet but seems its some old things and added bbs sql injection from html and some russian infos.
  11. @Agahnim, you are doing a great job. @others, plz dont spam this topic, just post your server url,so it can be added.
  12. Making a L2 Server Before Starting You will need to make sure you have you have at least the minimum requirements if you would like to play Lineage II. I have included those specifications below. Minimum Req. Recommended Req. CPUPentium 3 800MHz Pentium 4 1GHz or better RAMHigher than 256MB Higher than 512MB GFXGeForce2 or better Geforce4 Ti or better ::Step 1:: *Note: You will need to have approximately 5 GB of free space available on your hard drive.* Download and install the Lineage 2 Chronicle 4 client. The client can be found here: ftp://l2clientdownload.lineage2.com/Chronicle04/L2_C4_Installer.zip http://www.fileplanet.com/160491/160000/fileinfo/Lineage-II-Chronicle-4:-Scions-of-Destiny---Game-Client *Note: The downloading time takes about 2½ hours for 1.2 Mbps DSL users* ::Step 2:: *Note: If you already have Directx 9.0c installed skip to step 3* Download and Install Directx 9.0c Directx 9.0c can be found here: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/directx/default.aspx ::Step 3:: Download and install MySql MySql can be found here: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/4.1.html *Note: Scroll halfway down the page and you will find the Windows downloads section. You will want to download the Windows (x86) 4.1.12 35.7M version.* During the installation you will encounter a security setting for the root password. It will be the first of two check boxes. It is imperative you remember this password. At some point the config process will give you the ability to allow it to begin on startup. Make sure you check that. ::Step 4:: Download and Install Navicat. Navicat is a gui that lets you easily navigate the creation of Sql database's, tables, etc. Although it isn't necessary, I highly recommend it as it will make things easier for both new and advanced users. In this faq you will find I have provided two ways of installing the Sql databases, one with Navicat and one without it for those who prefer not to use it. You can download Navicat here: http://www.navicat.com/download.html After installation, Navicat will ask you about the root password you set up during the installation of MySql. Input that password. ::Step 5:: Download The server files . These files can be found here: http://www.maxbastards.gr/portal/viewtopic.php?t=888 OR http://forum.ragezone.com/general-l2j-contributions/share-jellis1324s-custom-serverpack-113120.html ::Step 6:: Configure the Config files. Gameserver: GameserverHostname=ur.ip.ad.dres GameserverPort=7777 ExternalHostname=ur.ip.ad.dress InternalHostname=ur.lan.ip.here LoginserverHostname=* Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb?cachePrepStmts=true&prepStmtCacheSize=50 Login=root Password=(your password) MaximumDbConnections=5 Login server : ExternalHostname=* InternalHostname=* LoginserverHostname=* LoginserverPort=2106 LoginTryBeforeBan=20 LoginPort=9014 AcceptNewGameServer = False ShowLicence = False Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb Login=root Password=your pass here MaximumDbConnections=10 To register ur server just run fro ligin the : RegisterGameServer.bat [ if the server is already has the hax code u can skip this ] ::Step 7:: Establish the database. Go ahead and open Navicat, you'll notice on the left side of the menu you will have a Connections column. Go ahead and right click on whatever is there and delete it. Next right click that column and Select New Connection. Name this connection l2jdb. It has to be this as we have set it to this in the cfg file. Test the connection. If you have included your root password into that, it should have no problem. If you cannot connect to mysql, thats because its not running. A restart might help. But it will usually be running after the install. Now you have a connection named "l2jdb". Right click the connection and add a new database. After the db database shows, right click it & "Execute Batch File", you will then search within your l2jru folder for a directory called sql. You will have files ranging from Accounts to Weapons. You will execute each batch file, and as you do they will appear into your table data area to the right. ::Step 7 (Without Navicat):: Establish the database. Right click on full_install.bat and select edit. Find the lines that read set mysqlBinPath=C:\mysql\bin set user=root set pass= set DBname=l2jdb and change that to set mysqlBinPath=C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\bin set user=root set pass=(your password) set DBname=l2jdb Save, then run it. This will do all the work you just did with Navicat. The only purpose of Navicat is to easily and orderly edit sql table data. Which you may need if you get further into creating your own server. From editing quests to adding items and others. It will take a few moments and then it should be done. Press any key to continue. ::Step 8:: Edit the host file to connect to your server Find the host file in "C:/windows/system32/drivers/etc". Go ahead and right click open and select notepad from the list. Add this line to play alone. Or if you are connecting to a server, their respective IP. l2authd.lineage2.com It can be added at the bottom of whatever you have in there currently, on its own line. Save and exit. ::You have now completed your Lineage 2 Chronicle 4 server:: Have Fun Source: Ragezone
  13. How to make an L2J Server using my custom serverpack!! Custom Serverpack Made By: jellis1324 **Last Updated: 19/03/06** **Revision 205****Some additions** Download latest server pack: http://files.filefront.com/l2jserver_205061803exe/;4895393;;/fileinfo.html Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.de/files/15930886/l2jserver_205061803.exe.html -------------- .: Updates :. -------------- = Server: * 19/03: Fixed database_installer.bat + 17/03: Added all fishing skills and npc HTMLs (NOTE: FISHING DOES NOT WORK YET!) + 17/03: Added all C4 class changes and all C4 skills * 17/03: Made many new C4 items accessible through Solinus' GM Shop (C4 Gear) + 17/03: Added a multi gatekeeper with C4 locations (thx trol4ever) * 06/03: fixed character problem * 06/03: fixed C4 3rd class change html for puss the cat + : Added * : Fixed --------------------------------- .:Last Stable Serverpack:. --------------------------------- Revision 176 Download here, Filefront: http://files.filefront.com/l2jserver_176062302exe/;4798569;;/fileinfo.html ---------------------------------- .: How to install server :. ---------------------------------- + Prepare software: - Download Sun J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 from one of these links and install it: WINDOWS: here LINUX: here - Download my server pack and unpack to 'C:\server' - NOTICE: Server has been pre-configured for that path, don't unpack to D:\server or other path if you don't know how to change the config path + Setup server: - If your connection behind router/firewall, you must open both TCP and UDP ports: 80,2106,7777,9014 for external players connect to your server. - Now open C:\server\l2j\login\config\loginserver.properties and edit: ExternalHostname=(blank) => Your Internet/WAN IP (www.whatismyip.com) or leave it blank if your server is an LAN server InternalHostname= => Your LAN IP or don't change it if you play offline - Start database/website by double-clicking C:\server\start.bat - Use phpmyadmin (http://localhost/a/) and create new database 'l2jdb' or create folder name l2jdb in this path: C:\server\diskw\usr\local\mysql\data - Insert database from datapack to MySQL server (this is optional step if you run server for first time) by run C:\server\l2j\tools\database_installer.bat, press (f) to choose Full Install. + Start server: - Start Login server by run C:\server\l2j\startLoginServer.bat - Start Game server by run C:\server\l2j\startGameServer.bat + To edit the website: - mess around with the files in C:\server\diskw\www\ (also in www\main) - do not do this unless you are familier with PHP and/or HTML Source: Ragezone
  14. This tutorial is just about manipulating dds files on photoshop. To open dds files on photoshop you need to download the Nvidia DDS plug-in for free at this site: http://developer.nvidia.com/object/nv_texture_tools.html (downloading is freeware, install it at the photoshop´s plugin folder>file formats folder) If you need photoshop basic usage tutorials just google it, you´ll find a lot of resouces for this software. I´m not providing you with photoshop software. Let´s get started: Open photoshop and locate the dds file you just finished extracting from the UnrealEditor. It should look like this: Now it´s time to make some changes. Click "image>adjustements>hue & saturation" in the upper PS menu with your digital portrait and slide as it shown in this screenshot: Have in mind that this example was made with an Orc, you may change hue, saturations and lightning depending of the skin effect you want to get. Next: we cut, drag and scale the image layer containing you face on top of the orc texture, look at this image: Now we have to erase some portions of your face, so it matches the background texture: look at this one now: I suggest that you save this image as many times as possible during this process, you can save it in PSD format by now. In the end you will save it as .dds for encrypting. Next image explains how: Final Result: Well..that´s it. You have finished editting your face on a dds file on PS in 5 easy steps. Now go and follow the steps in here http://www.sexyracing.com/lineage/l2howto to complete instalation. Source: Ragezone
  15. Some one layer, and multi-layer geodata All credits goto the creators of these files. Pack Includes: 24_14 HotSprings 22_25 Garden of Eva 21_16 Rune Town & Habour And alot more http://www.kingkarnage.com/NewGeodata.rar Source: Ragezone @Karnage . Contact with Maxtor
  16. Ok, hopefully this will help some of you guys out Chronicle 4 Files. You will need to edit your c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc/Hosts file... and add this line: auth3.tfqj.com Included is c4 l2server.exe with patch.dll with working hair slot, dye slot, party and more. I hope this will be a good base for you too work from http://www.kingkarnage.com/c4server.zip Source: Ragezone
  17. http://heros-world.sakura.ne.jp/movie/l21.wmv (HUMAN FEMALE wmv Analog Captured 13MB) http://heros-world.sakura.ne.jp/movie/l22.wmv (ELF/DARKELF FEMALE wmv Analog Captured_22MB) http://heros-world.sakura.ne.jp/movie/l23ver_f.wmv (Crusaders of Aden ver.f wmv 800x600 Digital Captured 26MB) http://heros-world.sakura.ne.jp/movie/l24.wmv (DWARF FEMALE wmv 800x600 Digital Captured 26MB) http://heros-world.sakura.ne.jp/movie/byebyesweetbabes.wmv (byebyeSweetBabes wmv 800x600 Digital Captured 18MB) http://heros-world.sakura.ne.jp/movie/byebyesweetbabes_zantei.wmv (byebyeSweetBabes 初期テストバージョンwmv 12MB ) http://heros-world.sakura.ne.jp/movie/playmates_of_the_year.wmv (Playmates of the Year wmv 640x480 Digital Captured 37MB) http://heros-world.sakura.ne.jp/movie/pmoytest5.wmv ( Playmates of the year リリース直前版wmv 37MB) http://heros-world.sakura.ne.jp/movie/byebye2.wmv (End roll wmv 640x480 Digital Captured 20MB) Source: http://heros-world.net/
  18. and more! here: http://line-utx.hp.infoseek.co.jp/041017/utx.shtml
  19. DStuff's Toolz: - l2encdec v2.73 (zip) (md5: 6d6eecac4f67027b818ee2243ac12b9d) (20:06, 11-02-06) 111, 120, 121, 211, 212, legacy 411 - 413, 411 - 413 encoder/decoder. There're some changes in this version, so check out help screen / USAGE. - L2 asm & disasm 0.92 beta (zip) (md5: 11fa5608c38a3935be21ee317dfb4aeb) [uPDATED] The successor of l2parser - l2disasm & l2asm. More roboust and flexible, with DAT definitions in external files. Back to dat conversion as well. Check it out ! - STRreplacer v1.60 (zip) (md5: 046c5f827337d28c0eee4976f7431fd4) (18:26, 13-02-06) String replacer for dat files. - L2 OGG patcher v1.01 (zip) (md5: 1f1b4c65421241449d1a5428c02d2d0f) (13:14, 19-02-06) Tired of being unable to listen to L2 music in winamp ? This is for you ! Stuff for C4: - l2.ini (zip) (20:29, 24-03-06) Increased range of PCs/NPCs titles, frameless window, REAL DEFAULT gamma, contrast and brightness and few tiny other thingies. If you need extra changes - use l2encdec :) (RP) - User.ini (zip) Check below for info. - User-invY.ini (zip) As above, with inverted one mouse axis. Remember about renaming to User.ini ! - CommandName.dat (zip) (22:19, 28-02-06) C4 version of commands with short aliases. (RP) - L2Font-e.utx (7z) (14:29, 14-03-06) Colored map (C4 version) prepared by Musaran, changed loading screen. Naked Patch for C4: - NakedU_100.zip In "official" undergarments. Requires no texture pack. (RP, for C2 - C4) - NakedF_105.zip Fully naked toons. Requires NakedFutx pack. (RP, for C2 - C4) - NakedS_100.zip Naked toons with stockings. Requires NakedSutx pack - an example (RP, for C2 - C4) - NakedB_120.zip Partially naked versions of toons in many armors. Requires NakedButx pack - an example. (RP, for C3 - C4) Source: Dstuff
  20. milame agglika mono. Telos. /locked
  21. use pm. locked.
  22. Chronicle 5 Goals Presentation Presenter: NC Soft Studio E&G Head of Production - Han Jaehyuk Greater Support for Soloing According to (Korean) player demand, various game elements will be added to allow for easier soloing with less downtime. Additions to Clan System Recognizing that clan-based politics is one of Lineage2's greatest attractions, much more will be added to clan functionality. Some of these include: Clan Skills Clan Items Clan Ranks: Count, Baron, Knight etc. This clan rank system will be a part of a greater hierarchy of Lord/Lady ,King/Queen, Emperor/Empress and this will form the basis of territorial wars and national wars which will be added in the future. [*]New Territory The space between Dwarf town and Orc town will be filled, finishing the Elmore lands. A new dungeon for the highest level players will be added Conquer-type Raids added. These raids will require you to fight subservient mobs in order to see the raid boss. (note: isn't this 4 sepulchers?) New mobs with increased AI Blue marks the area where the new area will be located [*]Greater Balance between classes Elimination of PvP superclass. The classes will be counterbalanced in a RockPaperScissor way. Certain classes will be stronger against some classes over others. (note: necros) [*]Raid Boss Frintessa The main Raid Boss of C5. Frintessa is the illfated prince of the empire. His main weapon is a giant organ (musical kind ^.~) which summons mobs. Players will have to determine the proper tactics based on the music he plays. (note: lol) Frintessa can be expected to be more difficult than any of the current Raid Bosses. Area where Frintessa will spawn. Frintessa and Follower of Frintessa Concept Art ------------------------------------------------------------------<3 Chronicle 5 Q&A Q: How will the bot problem be solved A: Bots are continuously being dealt with already. We compile a banlist every few weeks. Better alert methods of sensing 3rd program use is being looked into. Q: Any plans to change the clan war system? A: Greater protection for Clans lvl3 and under. Higher clan levels (past lvl5) will be introduced in C5 and rewards will be added to clan wars. Q: Plans to fix Olympiad explot issues? A: There will be a patch soon to fix the various exploits. Q: Bot/Farmer raid parties are a huge issue, especially for quest raid bosses. What are your plans for this? A: Other than the continued effort to clean out bots, raid mobs will be smarter and harder to take down using bots. (note: I don't believe) Q: Too many PKers running around thanks to Sin Eater. Comments? A: We don't think this is a serious issue but we'll look into it. Q: Gatehopping / peacezone hopping issues, specifically the north bridge in Giran. Comments? A: We've been thinking of ways to stop gatehopping but we haven't come up with anything. We'll continue to investigate. Q: Any changes to the rare boss jewllery stats? I.E. B Grade Ant Queen gives +2 Accuracy Jewellery, wheras the A Grade Core ring gives +1 accuracy. A: No changes are planned. New rare item will be added with the new raid boss. Q: Various difficulties in raiding, such as sharing chat and ninjalooters. What's being done? A: We're gonna make it so the raid channel is easier to use, and make drops exclusive to those in the raid channel. Q: The higher level soul crystals are too hard to get. Comments? A: We'll make them easier to get over time. Q: Any plans on a vendor system that lets you sell items offline? A: Giran will probably explode if we tried to do this -_-. We've looked at an auction system but we can't ignore the plus sides of player-to-player vending and its effect on economics. No changes planned in this area atm. Q: Any news on combining the less populated servers? A: We've done polls on this subject and the result was inconclusive. There's too many issues surrounding castle and clanhall ownership etc. and the players couldn't come to an agreement so the idea's been abandoned. (note: this is applicable to korean servers only) Source: L2day here. Second Source: L2inven here Source: L2GURU
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