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Everything posted by sm4rt

  1. waiting for more opinions and suggestions.
  2. thanks for your answer , 3 things: 1) About andrenaline , since rate is hard (especially with normal scrolls , think that propably one scroll would need 10-15 minutes of farming or maybe more) isn't non-sense? Also farming zones would propably be PVP-PK (for blessed scrolls mainly this) 2) IF augment skills would be added in donate shop , their prize wouldn't be more than 5 euros (but remember their low stats ). Also TOP rate 5-7%? It would be sure more than 10. The only donation actually would be propably this with the augments and premium status ( +% drop , access to some premium buffs that save time like hot spring or seraphims,etc). No max enchanted equipments ( maybe +6 for example , but better not equipment donations at all , I find it stupid) 3)What's your suggestion about boss jewels?
  3. You can make your suggestion on that , what would you like? Augments skill's stats would be low enough to keep the balance. But except that how do you find the idea of this enchant system as a player?
  4. Would you play an Interlude server with these features as the main enchant system? Talking for easy leveling up server, propably 300x. -Safe 3 -Max 8 Normal scroll 20% (On fail , item is crystalized) Blessed scroll 40% ( On fail , item's enchant is setted to 0) Crystal scroll 50%(On fail , enchant stays the same) Normal scrolls->farmable (easy to medium) Blessed scrolls->farmable(medium to hard) Crystal scrolls-> taken from vote(to help grow) or rb or olympiad(change the official multisell from blessed to crystal) S grade items propably will be easy to medium farmable (maybe 100kk if a mob drops 1kk adenas for example) Boss jewels farmable or only Rb?(you can vote ) I think that a server with this enchant system except that could last long enough , would be way more balanced on PvP , all players would have a chance . Also we would see way more classes other than mage and archers(specially if you decrease archer's critical rate and power maybe , it could be a completely non-archer server in a good way) Would you give it a chance? What do you think?
  5. What you actually prefer to play? Let's talk about an Interlude 50x server , NO-CUSTOM items (weapon ,armors or jewels). Vote in the poll please :)
  6. No need to show to anyone, already found more than 2. Who knows how many more exist , doesn't worth a sh1t
  7. Anyone knows why I get this error on GS when i click Accept in screen before gameservers are listed?(bartz,etc) and it doesn't continue to select a server http://prntscr.com/fwbdrp
  8. man it has nothing to do with movement
  9. Catch it , you think 10 is ok? Or should a i add a big number as a temporary solution? Question: this actually disconnects players , what about stucking?
  10. I will edit CLIENT_PACKET_QUEUE_MAX_UNDERFLOWS_PER_MIN this to 10 to see if it helps
  11. So what I am supposed to change/edit?
  12. # The values are shown on ms. They can be setted to 0 to be disabled. RollDiceTime = 4200 HeroVoiceTime = 10000 SubclassTime = 2000 DropItemTime = 1000 ServerBypassTime = 500 MultisellTime = 100 ManufactureTime = 300 ManorTime = 3000 SendMailTime = 10000 CharacterSelectTime = 3000 GlobalChatTime = 0 TradeChatTime = 0 SocialTime = 2000 that's the flood protectors exist.
  13. and what config i am supposed to change from there? public static int THREAD_P_EFFECTS = 6; // default 6 public static int THREAD_P_GENERAL = 15; // default 15 public static int GENERAL_PACKET_THREAD_CORE_SIZE = 4; // default 4 public static int IO_PACKET_THREAD_CORE_SIZE = 2; // default 2 public static int GENERAL_THREAD_CORE_SIZE = 4; // default 4 public static int AI_MAX_THREAD = 10; // default 10 /** Reserve Host on LoginServerThread */ public static boolean RESERVE_HOST_ON_LOGIN = false; // default false /** MMO settings */ public static int MMO_SELECTOR_SLEEP_TIME = 20; // default 20 public static int MMO_MAX_SEND_PER_PASS = 12; // default 12 public static int MMO_MAX_READ_PER_PASS = 12; // default 12 public static int MMO_HELPER_BUFFER_COUNT = 20; // default 20 /** Client Packets Queue settings */ public static int CLIENT_PACKET_QUEUE_SIZE = 14; // default MMO_MAX_READ_PER_PASS + 2 public static int CLIENT_PACKET_QUEUE_MAX_BURST_SIZE = 13; // default MMO_MAX_READ_PER_PASS + 1 public static int CLIENT_PACKET_QUEUE_MAX_PACKETS_PER_SECOND = 160; // default 80 public static int CLIENT_PACKET_QUEUE_MEASURE_INTERVAL = 5; // default 5 public static int CLIENT_PACKET_QUEUE_MAX_AVERAGE_PACKETS_PER_SECOND = 80; // default 40 public static int CLIENT_PACKET_QUEUE_MAX_FLOODS_PER_MIN = 2; // default 2 public static int CLIENT_PACKET_QUEUE_MAX_OVERFLOWS_PER_MIN = 1; // default 1 public static int CLIENT_PACKET_QUEUE_MAX_UNDERFLOWS_PER_MIN = 1; // default 1 public static int CLIENT_PACKET_QUEUE_MAX_UNKNOWN_PER_MIN = 5; // default 5
  14. Guys finally an error is: Account X disconnected : too many queue overflows
  15. if it was this the problem, it would exist and in my local server
  16. no, they stuck and they need to do cntr alt delete to log again. But when they are stucked they see other players playing normally
  17. I will try when I be home. Till then any thinkings will be appreciated
  18. it hasnt to do with dodie because they lag when they got hitted
  19. sometimes they stuck sometimes they get disconnect.
  20. I dont have any captcha. Hmmmmmm I cant rhink smth lol :D
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