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About Mamuti

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  1. Good concept I love it, just need more ppl to join.
  2. Good and very fast delivery, trusted from my side too
  3. Not anymore, sry
  4. It was all a missunderstanding, made the deal with the guy now, everything went perfect. so trusted from my side too
  5. I gave you the link of his profile on mxc, you could check skype name there, and if you would read his profile, you would see that before taking any actions you need to PM him on this forum. To make sure he is the same person as you had him on skype ( to avoid scammers). But no, before we even started anything, you wrote me: go scam someone else. With no explanation, and disappeared.
  6. He didn't want to use middleman service when I wanted to buy an acc from him
  7. As title says I'm buying a BD on Skelth Payment method: Paypal I'll only do trades with middleman: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/198899-classic-eugran-kain-charsadena776669-gladiators58-sps675251-pp58bd56wc66wl6470-ol56ws-middleman-services/ PM me with offers, ty
  8. This guy ( http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/205124-gamorena/ ) tried to buy my account, he wanted to use middleman services from MeVsYou, which was a fake contact. Proof: ( conversation of both) 1. https://i.gyazo.com/e1be48e7453ce4198c8e16adad66fecb.png 2. https://i.gyazo.com/941c181fa6112b2c92f5eb68271877ce.png 3. https://i.gyazo.com/248e5f92b2579364b8dab5a77e4c679f.png 4.https://i.gyazo.com/9b08b9bbf59390e4bed01fdbc21c7a5b.png Skype name of "buyer" : mtstank skype name of fake mevsyou : live:maxcheatermevsyou
  9. selling 53 SwS, it has +4 Crystal dagger, zubei set and C jew 80EU or 40kk adena Accepting PayPal
  10. Trusted! Deal went perfectly and fast
  11. PM me with offer, thanks
  12. Edited
  13. I'd like to report a guy who scammed me for 125EUR His advertising topic: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/211899-skelth-wts-66pr-61pp-64se-63sws-67wl-66wc/ After all the backup replies how trustworthy he is, I tought he is legit, but I was wrong. Here is whole conversation on Skype we had (its pretty long): http://pastebin.com/9vfgVtZs I hope, this is enough, otherwise tell me what else I should give you. Thank you
  14. Don't buy anything from Retiredl2player , he scammed me for 40eu
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