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Everything posted by Assassina

  1. i cant do that... there are too many lines missing in my files. my files are totally different, like im using another pack lol take a look at them. they have nothing to do with the lines in the post...
  2. it looks like im using a wrong svn version because my files are these: http://rapidshare.com/files/236284759/Java.rar.html as you can see according to my files i use a newer svn version than the one used in the link you gave me... but thank you anyway. any other help please?
  3. hello im looking for a code for lord announce and auto-give lord crown to the castle owners for l2jserver (interlude last rev.) i know that the lord announce code has already been posted here but its not for the last l2jserver files i login to other servers and i see almost every server has these addons and i cant find them anywhere... especially now that l2jserver forum has been wiped im waiting for your answer. thank god there is maxcheaters for such things... im sure you can find a solution for me :)
  4. hello i was wandering if there is a program wich i can use to de-compile my .jar file. i mean i have a modified .jar in my server and i want to take its java files. how can i do that? i found a program to do it but there wasnt any guide and i didnt make it :( any suggestions?
  5. Of course I'm asking it. I am looking for it too many months. I thought I was never going to make it.
  6. And what if someone wants to import his .dds file in a new .utx file?
  7. I was looking for these armor with balanced status... Thanks.
  8. And what if I ask you? Who told you I need a preconfigured pack? It's just that the best pack I found so far was LightMagik's one, it's great, it's just this problem with the announcements hack. And tell me something else... How can I learn Java and what should I modify using it?
  9. Find for me a GOOD normal pack and I will stop using pre-configured ones. Zunix, why do you say that since you can't give me something?
  10. I've downloaded two Bake Ice programs. They both have a virus. Could you give me a link or something?
  11. I've managed to create my own server and now we've reached 50 players online and more... but we have a problem. We use Lightmagik's pack, and EVERYONE can use L2Phx and make announcements. I really need to know how to block these announcements. I don't want to change my pack, I will lose my players. Is there someone who can help me this time?
  12. As I understood you said I must encrypt the file {using L2Decrypt I suppose). You don't get me... Let me say it again. I have a file named LineageWeaponsTex.utx in my SysTexTuReS folder. I decrypt this file and I make it readable with UnrealEN. I open the file using UnrealEN and then I export the _ori textures of the weapons I wanna edit. I edit the .dds files and everything is alright till now. Now I want to add these .dds files in a NEW .utx file. Since the weapons I wanna create are named Purity Weapons, I wanna have a file named PurityWeaponsTex.utx, including ONLY the weapons I created. All your custom items are created with this way: You've created a new .utx file to add them inside. I wanna do the same. I hope now you got me...
  13. The file I used is not LineageWeaponsTex. I wanna create MY files and add some customized weapons there, but I get this error. What should I do?
  14. It's me again. :P Thanks to someone who digs old topics, I found a video and I solved my problem, I created my own .utx file, but I have another problem now. I drag my .utx file to L2Decrypt to crypt it. I save it with the algorithm 121, I delete the .crypt.utx and I drag it in my SysTexTureS folder. For example I've edited Arcana Mace and I've added it in my xXx.utx file, that I created using UnrealEd. I go to weapongrp lines and I edit the Arcana Mace from LineageWeapons.arcana_mace_t00_wp, I make it xXx.arcana_mace_t00_wp. [Where xXx my .utx file] When I login to the game it shows this Critical Error: 2008.7.20 10:55:03 OS : Windows XP 5.1 (Build: 2600) CPU : GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 3194 MHz with 1534MB RAM Video : RADEON 9550 (6614) Insufficient Memory. Please check the Virtual Memory Option and avilable hard drive space. You can check them by going to : Control Panel->System->Advanced->Performance->Settings->Advanced->Virtual memory. History: FMallocWindows::Malloc <- FMallocWindows::Realloc <- 00000000 1549556816 FArray <- FArray::Realloc <- -1953789046*8 <- FUnrealfileSummary<< <- LoadSummary <- ULinkerLoad::Load <- ULinkerLoad::ULinkerLoad <- UObject::GetPackageLinker <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.SkeletalMesh xXx.arcana_mace_m00_wp NULL) <- IsLoadedResource <- User::SetPawnResource <- NCPawnSelectWnd::AddPawn <- NConsoleWnd::AddCharacterInfo <- d <- CharacterSelectionInfoPacket <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=CharacterSelect <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop What should I do?
  15. I did everything alright, but I wanna know how can I add the weapon I created to a new .utx file. For example I wanna have a file named CustomWeapon.utx including only my creation. How can I do that? I'm sure CriticalError can help me... just like many others...
  16. Well, I'm new in Client Modding and I wanna know some things. I actually have some questions: ..:: 1st ::.. I created a custom weapon and I added it in the file named LineageWeaponsTex.utx. I did everything right (I think), but when I try to login, I get a Critical Error. ..:: 2nd ::.. Could someone explain how can I add a Custom Weapon to a new .utx file? I mean I don't wanna have a red Saint Spear for example, I need Saint Spear normally existed and my Customized Saint Spear existed too. I can't explain it better, sorry... Does anyone have an answer, or a guide... or something?
  17. When did you open the server for first time?
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