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Everything posted by Karasu_

  1. Reminds me of AuroraFireFox and the ddoser Jacob who always tryed to put me down but failed hard every single time.
  2. I always liked l2top.co vote system. It was so much better than topsh1t bugged vote system. I would buy the website my self but sadly i am already too busy with my own sh1t.
  3. Making this topic and craving attention is like screaming "hey giveme your opinion, i am awesome or not?" So here's the answer: no, you are just a bad troll
  4. this is so bad and amateur. You have no talent, therefore you are a bad troll sir. Also i didn't knew that Katherine is so old. OMG WTF LOL!
  5. Nobody cares about these outdated opinions. I saw these kind of suggestions over and over again. In the end it doesn't matter whether you apply the suggestions above or not YOU WILL STILL OMG LOL WTF FAIL!
  6. you are a very sad angry beta / no comment for such outdated unfunny jokes. Time for sleep, you are beyond boring...
  7. the simple fact that you told donald to open this topic for you means that you have no sleep at night thinking about how badly karasu ruined your hapiness with 2 innocent pictures on a topic. :happyforever: Good reason for report. Keep it up! >:D cuz right now and my friends are laughing our A$$ off ,how can you even respond to my provocation like that, you are a rare sight cuz only sad angry betas keep gets troll 24/7 like you. Sadly intelligent species are still to be found... We keep searching in the hope that we may find a brilliant species, sadly you are not one of them.
  8. Because of your spam we couldn't get the truth about l2 servers, now the topic turned into diamonds! :gusta: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ AccessDenied, this was the purpose....
  9. or trump lick n1ghty for free gm items in exchange for some client development services.
  10. We should rather focus on why Frank/N1ghty and other people keep launching l2 servers instead of how much money i make.
  11. that's the main reason i had launched pvp servers before, for protein powders and food lol... But i am no longer hungry as i have found new ways of making money. I can now afford girlfriends / restaurants / hotels and i no longer have to deal with low intelligent species from lineage 2 community. It's the perfect life You guys should also quit this game and stop making servers ,is for your own good! Find alternative's, trust Karasu, he knows better! what? DeathWhispers? :happyforever: :gusta: :gusta: :gusta: :gusta: :gusta: Yeah i know Frank, he was always hungry. So hungry that he even betrayed his friends for some extra money!
  12. You going to hook her up ? "hey i just meet you, and this is crazy" SO HERE'S MY NUMBER! AND CALL ME BABY! :happyforever:
  13. Only a beta male would waste his time with virtual girlfriends. SO PLEASE DON'T BE THIS
  14. I get free girlfriends just by asking them out 1/10 will say yes always.
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