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About l2audric

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  1. Same here i asked paypal to get my money back since they are full of shit escuses after escuses and the delay and will send it today and comes tomorrow and in couple minutes and then they stip replaying to you and thats how they scam people
  2. Are you part of atualstudio Do you take 3 months to complete the website and put thousands of escuses like atual ? Is this for l2off ? What about security? Are this copied files ?
  3. hi everyone i hope you all doing well :), just to make a long story short I been emailing dawid from Vangarth and i cant seem to reach hem does anyone speak to hem. Or know where the latest files are and key ? I been looking around like crazy for 2 months now and the ones out there are rubish or no key And advext unfortunally they are very expensive and for everything you need to pay server with advext got quoted 10k Witch i decline, if anyone can get me interlude extender and activated ill will forever thank you. Take care everyone
  5. L2 audric 03-10-2016 UPDATE ( new rates ) SERVER INFORMATION Rates Exp x10 Sp x10 Party Exp x10 Adena x10 Drop item x10 Boss drop x1 Spoil x10 Quest x1 Server Official l2 off files Retail files All Original ( no customs ) Game Play Weight limit x3 buffs 30 minutes dances 10 minutes songs 10 minutes Class manager ( class exchange ) Full ddos protection on server and website Full anti bot / hack Dedicated 2 admins 24 hours 7 days a week 365 days of the year Fast response via SKYPE or FACEBOOK OUR AIM Our aim is to make a great playable and enjoyable server. we have played lineage since c1 so its been a very looooong time. till we decided we always play, why not make our own server and make it awesome ( or try too ) soooo here we are trying to make an awesome server for everyone to play. server is design for enjoyability no for donations donations are high as i don't want a quick pvp low server i want people to enjoy make teams, level up and grow together. i know if all of you give me the time and patience i won't disappoint anyone. i actually quit my job to make this server ( NO JOKE ) i still do here and there jobs to maintain bills. but any ways people am here like an open book if you want to ask anything let me know and ill respose as soon as i can Best Regards l2 AUDRIC for more information please visit us WEBSITE - FACEBOOK - FORUM WE ARE ONLINE NOW COME AND ENJOY THE SERVER DON'T MISS OUT
  6. yhes for 1 server only for now
  7. i am currently with ovh and i have ntel E5-1650v2 E5-1650v2 6c/12t 3.5 / 3.9 GHz 128 GB of RAM DDR3 ECC 1600 MHz 2 x480GB SSD SOFT thats the machine i have am just worry about ovh ddos shield and all that dont know how good they are and i cant afford to spend any more a month on top of the server am in a low earning and putting everything on this server. am trying to make the best server without filing and be a enjoyable server nothing wow no customs and shit play the real lineage 2
  8. admin sorry if this topic dost go here i am on the search of best or recommended anti ddos system i wanna to go with smartguard but read in a lot of places that can be bypassed / hacked and thats why i wont go for they services can you guys pout me int he right direction do i need web ddos protection as well as the website is in another vps with sql thats what dev recomended with os cetos please help me out here dont know where to head and i dont wanna have a fail server from the start either i want to set up do it right and live it up for many years
  9. the member akadumanist added me on Skype and has nice files witch i went to he test server and they work and look pretty awesome as soon i ask for back doors bots, looggin engine etc he said no bots and never talk to me again that's the only thing am just scare there will be a bot in the files and am screwed :S
  10. yes I have paid them for installing server not for subclass manager gm shop and all that XD I just need this staff so they can install it in my server
  11. Wow no one willing to lend a hand here ?? XD
  12. hi everyone as you know I have my server up an running only beta test well no even beta just adding trying etc now i am with advxt dev or depmax64 how ever you wanna call it ? i need GM shop just item sells 1 buffer npc with all buffs and 1 subclass manager witch is main+1+2+3 subs with accumulative skills and the skills of 3rd profession on the last subclass and maybe if you have something also there that will work with depmax server your welcome to tell me show me etc :D if anyone would like to make an extra or few $ please let me know Skype: sirblackx1 :D or just pm me :D thanks everyone hope to heard from you
  13. not very good on codding etc is there any thing that I need to change? like above ? trying to save some $$ :( otherways devs will be doing it my Skype is sirblackx1 if anyone can guide me will be grate thanks
  14. hey guys i got this at the moment set ANSI_NULLS ON set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[lin_SetAquireSkill] ( @char_id INT, @subjob_id INT, @skill_id INT, @skill_level TINYINT ) AS DECLARE @subjob_acu INT SET NOCOUNT ON set @subjob_acu = 0 WHILE (@subjob_acu < 3) BEGIN SET @subjob_acu = @subjob_acu + 1 IF EXISTS(SELECT skill_lev FROM user_skill WHERE char_id = @char_id AND skill_id = @skill_id AND subjob_id = @subjob_acu) UPDATE user_skill SET skill_lev = @skill_level WHERE char_id = @char_id AND skill_id = @skill_id AND subjob_id <= @subjob_acu ELSE INSERT INTO user_skill (char_id, subjob_id, skill_id, skill_lev) VALUES (@char_id, @subjob_acu, @skill_id, @skill_level); IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT skill_id FROM user_skill WHERE char_id = @char_id AND skill_id = @skill_id AND skill_lev = @skill_level AND subjob_id = 0) INSERT INTO user_skill (char_id, subjob_id, skill_id, skill_lev) VALUES (@char_id, 0, @skill_id, @skill_level); END i would like to do the same thing but with out changing the skin of the character as now i can change subclass with out changing the skin but skills desapierd with subclass :(
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