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Everything posted by lin2admin

  1. hey guys : I want to know how to use the PremiumUser in L2server.ini .. When I set pccafe = true , in game ,when I use //setpremium 1 to target , the target will get exp , sp,drop,spoil with boost ,but when I restart the game , the feature will lose . Anybody can help me ?
  2. woo~~~nice share ,man ~~~~~~~~~
  3. nice share ,man ~~~~
  4. So nice~~~~~
  5. Hi guys : I'm learning how to attach extenders , I saw the guide on this page : http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/75684-guide-attaching-an-extender/, but the pictures on this page are missing , so , who can help me ? thanks
  6. good job ,man .....
  7. thanks for your share , good job , man ~~~
  8. Hi guys : I want to make an item that allows the players to get adena with double rates for my server . Somebody told me that vanganth have a vip system for l2 server ,and I tried to contact vanganth ,but I didn't get reply from him . ( I heard that he is no longer accepting new customers , is that true ? ) So , I'm looking for a developer who can help me do this ,and as a reward ,I'll pay you money for your help . If someone is interested in the job, you can contact me . PM or E-mail : lin2admin@163.com . thanks ~~~~~~~~~~
  9. It runs good on win7 . I'll try it on win2003
  10. windows server 2008 R2
  11. Hi guys : Who can tell me how to solve this situation ? thx~~~
  12. http://www.4shared.c..._final_83.html? Hi exl : Are you sure this is the original version of the leaked?
  13. Hi smeli : I'm sorry about that I used the wrong words. I want to ask that how to use the update files. Replace the server files with the upgrade files by filenames and dates,too ? Look forward to your reply !!! thanks a lot !!!
  14. check your protocol of your client and server files. And to compare, to check whether they are consistent 。
  15. Hi smeli , thx for your share . I see several patches, and how to use them ? Need to put these patches in the order one by one to replace the server file? or other ways ? Can you give us a brief description of the document? thx~~~
  16. As the title ,I'm looking for the leak server files of the official GF pts thx~~~
  17. Hi guys : I'm looking for PremiumD . Who can share it to me ? thx
  18. How to use the NASC.exe? :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
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