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Everything posted by Mushroom

  1. there are some other DM event in forum that says working good but who knows.If i found something about this code i will post back.
  2. taytothta eprepe na zhthsei.... den exei shmasia h hlikia h' kati allo to 8ema einai ti kerdos 8elei na exei o filos pou prosferei ton server. Oti o server einai windows einai poly megalo (-),ta donate mporei na ta parei opoios 8elei den exei shmasia poios dinei ton server,oute yparxei kapoio policy gia ta donate sto l2 kai malista se emulated server (etsi nomizw). Egw exw pack pou exw doulepsei 2-3 mlkies kai konteyw siga siga na to kanw phoenix pack gia epilogue l2j XD. To oti to pack 8a mazepsei kosmo h' proti8ete na mazepsei kosmo prwth fora to akouw. Einai san ayto pou eida na grafei enas server (we have payed for our geodata and it works just fine) dhladh ama htan h geodata tsampa 8a xe loukia kai twra pou ta skasane (leei) gia ayth,kleisane ta loukia. File pou kanes to topic ti 8eleis esy gia na douleyoume emeis to mhxanhma sou. Cheers
  3. i will try it for epilogue and i will post back if the version works,or a work version anyway for epilogue :P thank you for sharing
  4. x64 = oso ram goustareis x86 kai oxi 84 = ews 3,6GB ram ta x64 leitourgika milwntas panta gia windows exoun kapoies eleipseis apo 8ema drivers alla gia ta 7 nomizw oti yparxoun oloi....opote ama exeis ram megalh sto pc sou bale ta 64bit....
  5. it's what i'm using and i like the recent clean ups in their code...so that's my vote... L2JFree
  6. Skills of 81 level are added and in some days full kamael skills will be working(i have to confirm the values of the skills i wrote)
  7. The rates are medium not too low...We are an RPG style server not a PVP. Quest are both retail or with adena,retail subclass is free soon there will be our custom drop calculator and droplist for dynasty items.(not with special items and trade,drop or spoil as all the other things)
  8. I announce you the new beginning of our server. The rates are : EXP:x25 , SP:x30 , Adena:x15 , Drop:x15 , Spoil:x10 , Manor:x7 , Party exp/sp:x1.5 In this way you will have as retail as game play it could be but really fast. Here you can enjoy spoiling, crafting, leveling with only legit ways. The Stuck Class system is very balanced as you can take skill from one class that is in your race and only to your base class.(stuck skills will be useful to Olympiad too) Enjoy your stay to a server that has everything, without playing forever to taste them. Features: - The server is powered by l2j and we have a whole development team to help us working day and night for the best result. - Special Shop that sells 1st and 2nd quest items for the 1st and the 2nd class change. - Stuck Sub manager that gives you skills from another class of your race in your base class with an special item that drops by custom bosses in 4 areas. - Normal drop/spoil and spawn list that you can check it in real time by shift clicking on monsters. - Full Sieges, siege special skills and summons, geodata and path nodes. - Class changes and subclasses without quests(Optional With adena) - Nobless quest like retail - Champion mobs are enabled with multiple chance of drops, spoils, exp, sp, adena - L2 Banking system is on and working ( type .deposit - .withdraw to make adenas to gold bars ) - Spellbooks are not needed to learn skills, life crystals are needed and book of giants to enchant your skills - Buffs amount 24 Buffs, 12 Dances (Buffs duration retail, Songs/Dance Duration x2) - All new shoplist and areas from Gracia part 2 (shadow weapons and traveler coupons that gives you great help when you are low level) - Full common item droplist and working masterpiece bonuses. - Dynasty and Icarus equipment. Server website www.legions.gr Give us a shot and come with us to the magical world of lineage!
  9. Today 15 players,Come on ppl help us to make the server better. Events have started,for more info www.legions.gr
  10. To get all things it will get you about 3 days of 5 to 6 hours per day online. About the stats i think it's balanced although the stuck class system. For example Storm Screamer Stuck with Spectral Master with all buffs dyes Dynasty weapon and armor that gives Matk and the self toggles on for m.atk and c.spd at 85lvl has 9000 m.atk and 1700 c.spd And Mystic Muse Stuck with Elemental Master With the same dyes and equipment gives 5160 M.atk and 2020 c.spd Give a try to see yourself. Ps.Thank you all for your positive comments. Hope to see you online.
  11. Thank you all,we are waiting for you all. Lets have fun!
  12. x20 is not too low rates if you think that you can go 75 lvl in 5 days with much play time and in 15 days you can be highest lvl with B or A grade if you have a well organized clan.
  13. koita ta l2off arxeia ektos oti einai kai arketa pio dyskolo na ta diaxeirhsteis apo thn apopsh bugfixes einai kai 2 cronicle pisw(mh pw 3) Twra ta l2j gia na ta koumantareis 8a prepei katarxas na ksereis na grafeis java. Oi magkes me ta l2off bazoun ena extend ekei kai as einai tou kwlou pou douleyoun ta misa kai straba kai oute pou to peirazoun kai pote giati apla den kseroun th tyfla tous. L2j server kai KALOS mporei na yparksei mono ama oi diaxeiristes tou einai kai poly kaloi programmatistes alla exoun kai arketes wres na dwsoun gia to stisimo. Ara to paramy8i me tous l2off pou einia teleioi kai oloi kseroun na shkwsoun kiolas (enoeite xwris na ton ypostiriksoun omws) einai apla san to lyko me thn kokkinoskoufitsa. Shkwste kanan l2j kai tsekarete ton prwta,ftiakste ta bug kai tis paraleipseis tou,kai meta ela pes mou gia l2off kai aggouria.Na se pane kai mesa giati de ksereis na grafeis java na kaneis enan l2j na kelahdaei.
  14. The server will upgrade it's connection and website will be on,in the following 10 days. Server is always on and we waiting for you to enjoy the game with us.
  15. sorry about down time i change some things and i have a problem with the electricity company and my ups.:( The server is up now. About the Stuck plan. The Quest item is an item called "silver dragon" and i have embed it in some RBs droplist.I give the drop list on my site in server announcements. When you have this item and you are 75 lvl or higher you go to an npc that i haven't put it yet(I make some checks more to avoid any bug).You talk to this npc and it will check if you are on your baseclass and if you are on your base class it will continue to check your race.Then it will show you the options of all the 2nd classes of your race. Example: If you are a Hawkeye or Sagittarius (it doesn't matter) and you are >=75 and you have the special item,then you can choose any 2nd class from human race(Paladin,Dark Avanger,Treasure Hunter,Warlord,Gladiator,Sorceror,Necromancer,Warlock,Bishop,Prophet)and the skills that will be apply to you are all the skills of selected class.(passive and active lvl74)Only to your base class. If you have a retail subclass or later make a subclass then you will have the normal skills of this class to make the nobless quest and enter the olympiad with your powerfull stuck skills base class. Hope you understand and find it nice. Server is up!!
  16. Ty. The plan is a mid rate server with balance sub stucking system and help functions to players that plays solo too. The l2j is good all these years i use it and i hope it wouldn't let me down as i 've never let it down too. We have good development team and we are currently design our page and upgrade our line to have more ppl and less lag.The server is still a new born mid rate sub stuck Interlude. No "special" help to our friends,no donations but many helping functions to all players to have a very well balanced community. The name of the server will be change to Lineage ][ Legions after we change our line and release our web page.
  17. apo pote h java den eiani sobarh douleia?
  18. Hi to all and congratulations to this gr8 forum and its community. About the server now. The server is newborn(i opened it today),its interlude l2j and has the following rates: Exp x20 Sp x25 Adena x25 Drop x10 Spoil x10 Quest items for 1st and 2nd class transfer are sold by a npc,although you can make the quest to keep adena for other things. The substucking system its like nightmare from dragon network servers. When you become 75lvl and you have a custom item (that i have put to some raid bosses and bosses droplist)you can take all the skills from another class of your race.And that only to your base class. Retail sub quest and 3rd class quest as well as nobless quest and olympiad are working. The stuck skills plan is to make a stronger base class character that will help you in the olympiad. Some other functions have been made and you can enjoy the game as a solo player too. For more info you can visit our forum (webpage soon): http://www.legions.gr/forum/index.php Patch download: http://rapidshare.com/files/98845165/system.rar Accounts are currently autocreate. And at last the machine specs. CPU:AMD PHENOM 64 9600 2.3GHZ QUAD-CORE RAM:8GB Quad Channel 800Mhz 2x250GB Sata2 HDD OS:Debian x64 Thank you and be well!!!
  19. Makari na yphrxe.Eixa akousei oti yphrxe ena programmataki pou sou lege ti mynhma 8a sou bgalei meta to enchant,enoeite prin to kaneis kai eprates analoga.Mporei na tan kai paramy8i to olo kolpo.Den exw dokimasei tespa tipota gia enchant pantos
  20. Emena m'aresei h idea sou kai thn kanw kai praksh entos oligwn hmerwn.Testarw enan l2j server interlude na doume an douleyoun ola swsta. O server otan 8a shkw8ei 8a einai x7 h' x8 me mhxanhma arketa kalo AMD 6400 8GB ram quad chanell 1x500 GB HDD & 1x 74GB 10000rpm OS Debian x64 Kai psaxnw gia grammh. Oso gia ta polla atoma pou anafereis sto 1o post(10 atoma an den kanw la8os) einai para polla kai 8a mplekseis ta mpoutia sou.To 8ema einai na asxoleite kosmos me ton server kai oi sxeseis idiokthth GM kai programmatistwn na einai poly kales. Emas o owner einai kai o main programmatisths tou server tou site/forum mazi me alla 3 atoma kai emena pou testaroume grafoume scripts kai beltiwnoume pragmata twra panw ston server.Lefta gia grammh 8a broume syneterika afou gnwrizomaste panw apo 15 xronia metaksy mas ka8ws kai h 200mbit grammh pou lete einai sketos pleontasmos(nomizw).Kalh tyxh se opoion epixhrisei na kanei diko tou server,otan ton exw etoimo 8a sas dwsw link na mou peite gnwmes. Apla ta polla atoma mplekoun thn katastash. 8elei gnwsh mhxanhmata wra kamposa lefta kai panw ap ola dia8esh ap'olous. Me 15 nomateous einai dyskolo na ta xeis ola ayta mazi.
  21. De nomizw na egine logo tou l2 re paidia,eipame,oxi ki etsi.
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