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About bravevi3tboi

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. is it correct or they dont havea correctt phot but dynasty robe on a girl dwarf looks like heavy
  2. lol this is a first i gotta test thsi
  3. best shield i ever seeen finally a use for the iphone
  4. very cool effect i dont find it usefull for anything game related
  5. anyone here with sp3 and acp working cause i know people with sp2 and it works fine for em while mine only spams cp and not the hp and mp
  6. playing on f12 thats a first is it easier to hold cltr? or something
  7. ic set might be better
  8. dont alot of people complain about ct1 stuf being laggier then the lower cronicles?
  9. this is easier and cost alot lessthen ingame
  10. is this exploit only for retribution?
  11. tried on es didnt work maybe im not spamming fast enough?
  12. maybe there using greater cp pot and cp pot together
  13. why did you stop around like 15 17? i though your method is concrete
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