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About miepmiep

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  1. Chars: Abyss Walker lvl 70 - 40 € Sword Singer lvl 67 - 40 € Prophet lvl 55 (lvl 60 skills learned) - 25 € Adena - 100kk / 15 € - huge stock. paypal only. pm me here if u have any questions.
  2. Chars: Abyss Walker lvl 70 - 50 € Sword Singer lvl 67 - 50 € Prophet lvl 55 (lvl 60 skills learned) - 30 € Adena - 100kk / 20€ 1,4kkk in stock
  3. Giran: WTS PP lvl 64 (all skills learned, VIP 2, deleveld to 63,99%) - 50 € WTS WC lvl 60 (all skills learned, VIP 3) - 50 € WTS BD lvl 63 - 50 € WTS Warlock lvl 63 (VIP 3) - 50 € WTS SWS 63 - 50 € WTS Destro 48 - 20 € WTS 75kk Adena sold Skelth: Treasure Hunter lvl 71 - 73% 16x Mid-grade EXP-Ticket (50kk exp each) 6x XP-Rune 100%EXP 39x normal EXPscrolls 13x medium EXPscrolls 28x high EXPscrolls 22x rice cakes 20x pirate fruits bracelet of duty level 4 + 740 daily coins Warcryer lvl 69 smany mid-grade exp tickets xp runes 100% many exp-scrolls Spellhowler lvl 53 (silence, tempest, cdl learned) 5 dandy balls 6 xp scrolls some buffscrolls Shilen Elder lvl 52 sold DD+8 with othel 8 sold BW Heavy Set +3 sold Doom Heavy Set +4/3 sold BO Set +3 sold message me offers, if i dont answer here then write me in discord. miepmiep#6189 paypal only.
  4. Bishop level 65.. 82 % - female 10x 50kk exp scrolls from clanarena 22x high xp scrolls, 8x medium, 1x normal, 6x100% xp rune - 2 hours, 18 rice cakes and some fruits, buffscrolls, pots. 750 attendance coins adventurer hat pm me with offer.
  5. th lvl 61 bracelet lvl 3 (almost 4) bop +3 +othel 6 demon dagger +3 +othel 6 bw heavy set +3/3/3/3/3 doom heavy set black ore set +3 dyes +12str -15con bishop lvl 53 with 78% no items dyes +12wit -15men message me offer.. paypal only.
  6. edit:/ can be deleted.
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