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Posts posted by AccessDenied

  1. guys should i spend 30 mins of my life reading all pages?

    it worths?

    Nevermore i dont really understand why people hate you, i find you cute and pretty. I saw elfocrash face and the first think came to my head is to call

    police or Kasidiaris(greeks will know). But i really find you interesting person.


    1st of all you're funny

    2nd you're sexy 

    3rd you're programmer

    4th im sure you do programming while you're on your underwear which make you double (float) sexy

    5th you still working on a project many people no like which show me your will

    6th xdem hate you, when xdem hate someone automaticaly this someone has low IQ. This mean me, you and the rest 98% of world has low IQ

    7th together we can kill maxtor and make SweetS admin and rule the greek community :3

  2. 20ppl i mean on test srv, my friends. But on live srv if i try to open it i have more players ;p I think L2j like as you say is more "customizable", mean i can do what i need if i have have enough experience.

    No to be mean im also noob but how exactly you gonna have more on online? Your knowledge is low, interlude no have many players, there are already 355.201.502 servers (only this week)

    and im sure u dont have the proper experience to make a server or even the website to attract people.. lets no speak about ideas.. before post something i always search but you didnt even care

    to read the previous post (everyday we see 50 post about pack suggestion from people who dont even know what localhost is).. soo... relax :P

  3. Nah hahah that was so funny imo and u got owned so hard. Live with it, even if you are trying to disguise your fail, which doesn't working xD

    You know what scare me? That 2 days now whoever write i see you instant reply... this mean you sit all day in this forum.. you might have a problem so i m really

    sorry for what i said until now.. i didnt know you face problems like (mental problems).. I respect kids with mind problems so im sorry sir

  4. Hello, this question refer to client and server too but mostly server.


    I want add a new aura for heroes like keep the old but make a new effect too. 

    I dont mind the effect i already searched alone and saw that env.int control the effect



    the question is how i add the new effect on server part? With a fast looking i saw that 

    the Charinfo.java has a line


    writeC(_activeChar.isHero() || _activeChar.isGM() && Config.GM_HERO_AURA ? 1 : 0); // Hero Aura

    that probably refer to the effect.

    But how can i add new without replace the old?


    Or what other file control it? Thanks a lot.

  5. actually i have no clue from dev part and still making good money as i said above there are many ways to make good money in l2 :)

    For some reason even if i dont know you, you create a despise feeling.. really we dont care if you steal others by selling things that are shared

    or anything or generally we dont care how you make money..  If you have no idea from DEV and u still make money here then good for you

  6. Someone lock this topic since is not spam session.. all i see is a guy who consider himself good yet he google "how to use netstat"

    who blame greeks and say that all servers closed because greeks dont know how to speak english?? Dafaq i just read... 

    I had cancer from his 1st post but now i got new cancer that heal the previous cancer..

    This guy is a clown who got mad cause he cant make money.


    Now we have the MrPro who suddedly is Java developer and he just "relax and make money"..


    if i read one more comment like that ... god sake.

  7. It is recommend to close the header section "Lineage II" for just certain reasons:


    -> Kiddies gonna join from time to time. Result: More and more topics like "HELP MEEE L2PHX DONT WORK", "LF CRACK BOT ADRENALIN" or "ANYONE KNOW BUGG SERVER???" will be created. Simply, i got cancer on my eyes when i read daily these useless requests.


    -> No new exploits anymore. (mostly of them has been found and fixed generally)


    -> L2 is a place for retards. Imo there is no point to open a L2 server anymore.


    -> Lineage II is simply dead. Life with it, time to move on!

    Dear Demens0s, first of all i have to say that your post gave me cancer eighth grade. 

    I don't know from where i should start to comment on. First of all you refer to Greeks in a unacceptable

    way that allow me to taunt and laugh on you. The only smart Germans ever did is to steal from any other country.

    Cleary everyone understood that your country along with your goverment stole pretty much every resource could find

    and pretend they are powerful nowadays. Lets no forget that unfortunately greeks gave you the chance to write and speak.

    The first algorithm the first computer the first grammar the first word the first reference to democracy the fact that you have

    the opportunity to speak and think is base on Greeks. Im not saying that, history say and facts. Yes Greeks suck nowadays but this no mean

    that they didn't change the world, a small country with huge affection on the entire world. I don't really care or either i dont believe that greeks are losers

    or failure nowadays, i just see a constant attack from and hate from other countries (French, German e.t.c) that pretty much the own us.. (lets no refer to

    the statues the French has inside louvre and they are stolen by us, lets no refer about when greece in 1953 erased the huge debt of German (http://greece.greekreporter.com/2015/07/09/germany-can-write-off-greek-debt-like-greece-did-for-germany-in-1953/), i wont go so far but give some respect to the people who made you walk and talk instead of sit on your tree and say HU BU HA.


    About the Lineage 2 now.. cleary you're one of them ( http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/194260-help-smartguard-bypass/?do=findComment&comment=2490560 ) who ask for help and give cancer to others who read it

    as you said :). 

    Indeed Lineage 2 is old game and covered by other such as AION, STAR WARS e.t.c but still there are people who work on it (like me) and like it and play it. So keep your hate ideas for your self.

    You could do something productive instead those 2 minutes you wasted from your life to write this post.

    By the way i would expect from a good developer to say "shut down l2 topics e.t.c" but no from people like you, cleary you don't even know that c# is not same language as c++.

    I'm not hater really it just bother me that you offend me 3 times in 5 lines.

    Have a nice day i go die from the cancer you gave me sir.

  8. it's not invalid.it's just missing..

    add this in the end of the config file services.ini

    # -----------------------------------------
    #        Second Sell Buff System          -
    #        Check Other OfflineBuffer.ini    -
    # -----------------------------------------
    # Describe:
    # System allow sell buffs by players who's classes are declared in SellBuffClassList.
    # Enable / Disable Sell Buff System
    SellBuffEnabled = true
    # Allow offline buff sell.
    OfflineSellbuffEnabled = true
    # Enable skill mp use.
    SellBuffSkillMpEnabled = true
    # Multiplier skill mp consume.
    # If character have 2000 mp, and multiplier = 100.0, sell buff mp = 200 000.
    SellBuffSkillMpMultiplier = 1.0
    # Enable specific skill item consume. Example: Skill Chant of Victory using Spirit Ore.
    SellBuffSkillItemConsumeEnabled = True
    # Choose allowed classes.
    # Format : classid,classid,classid,classid, ... classid,classid
    SellBuffClassList = 15,16,97,17,98,29,30,105,42,43,112,50,116,51,115,100,21,107,34,103,115,94
    # Allowed skillsId, and duration of this skills list:
    # Format : skillid,duration;skillid,duration; ... ;skillid,duration
    # SkillDuration is not implemented yet.
    SellBuffSkillList = 33,7200;67,7200;264,7200;265,7200;266,7200;267,7200;268,7200;\
    # Allow selling party buffs for no party members.
    AllowPartyBuffs = True
    # Allow selling clan buffs for no clan members.
    AllowClanBuffs = True
    # Buff buyer will be informed about buff price greater than SellBuffPunishedPrice.
    # This option must be between <1, 2 000 000 000> (Default: 5000) (if it have other value, the option will be ignored).
    SellBuffPunishedPrice = 5000
    # If Enabled, remove useless buffs like shield lv.1 from dominator buff set.
    # This option should be enabled, for helping players to get wrong buffs.
    SellBuffFilterEnabled = True
    # SellBuffMinLvl default: 40 (lower level's not implemented yet)
    SellBuffMinLvl = 40
    # Sell buff min level for summoners
    # Default: 56
    SellBuffMinLvlSummoner = 56
    # Enable/disable selling buffs sets like Warrior set, Mage set...
    SellBuffsetEnabled = False
    # Set minimum character level to sell buffs sets (Default: 79)
    SellBuffSetMinLvl = 79
    # Define Buffsets: Warrior, Mage, Recharger, Tanker:
    # Format: SellBuffsetWarrior = skillId,skillId,...,skillId
    # No skills is disable show this buffset in menu.
    SellBuffsetWarrior = 33,67,264,265,266,267,268,\
    SellBuffsetMage =33,67,264,265,266,267,268,\
    SellBuffsetRecharger = 33,67,264,265,266,267,268,\
    SellBuffsetTanker = 33,67,264,265,266,267,268,\
    # Restricted zones id's.
    # It's mean if 'SellBuffRestrictedZonesIds = damage' , buff sell is impossible here.
    # Format: zoneId,zoneId, ... ,zoneId,zoneId
    # Default: SellBuffRestrictedZonesIds =(no spaces)
    SellBuffRestrictedZonesTypes =

    also you have to add the following sqls manual: character_offline_buffer_buffs.sql, character_offline_buffers.sql, hidden_items.sql

    διαβασε το error,, λεει "invalid" οχι missing.. υπαρχει check και για τα 2 

    οποτε το εχει το config απλα εχει λαθος configuration... 

    Αντε -.- που πας να μου την βγεις εμενα :P 


    Hello I made the database installation however when active gameserver appears to me that error, I tried to merge the files over to no avail, anyone know where I fix this required information ?
    [sellBuffSkillList]: invalid config property -> SellBuffSkillList ""
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
            at l2f.gameserver.Config.loadServicesSettings(Config.java:4382)
            at l2f.gameserver.Config.load(Config.java:2230)
            at l2f.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:178)
            at l2f.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:423)
    Server terminated abnormaly ...


    Inside your configs there is a config with invalid value "" .. check your configs

  10. I don't really support this idea, the owners should work a bit alone if not in code part.. 

    shared codes, free templates... nobody work nowadays.. 


    i made rhyme :3


    So in this part i think they should work a bit alone :P right? No download shared or get services.

    In java part afcourse they can ask for help


    but again is nice that you help


    okk okkk

    public class YOURNAMENPCInstance extends L2FolkInstance
      public YOURNAMENPCInstance(int objectId, L2NpcTemplate template)
        super(objectId, template);
    	public void onAction(L2PcInstance activeChar)
    		if (!(canTarget(activeChar)))
    		if (this != activeChar.getTarget())
    			activeChar.sendPacket(new MyTargetSelected(getObjectId(), 0));
    			activeChar.sendPacket(new ValidateLocation(this));
    		else if (!(canInteract(activeChar)))
    			activeChar.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_INTERACT, this);
    			showHtmlWindow(activeChar, toString());
    		activeChar.sendPacket(new ActionFailed());
      private void showHtmlWindow(L2PcInstance activeChar, String command)
    	  	String text = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm("data/html/CommunityBoard/1.htm"); // <--- YOUR LINK HTML
    		BaseBBSManager.separateAndSend(text, activeChar);

    wow see? This code can be sold to Nasa for 1$ and you want hide it? shame on you.. good things

    should be shared.. now i'm sure everyone will leech this code and make their own servers!

    I'm joking :P see? it's just 2 lines

    Nice that you help :3

  12. Maybe you dont understand . I want , when someone click to the gmshop npc in town to link him directly to communityboard gmshop

    L2GmShopInstance with an button bypass that redirect to the html of community..

    is 15-20 lines of code


    check inside your 

    gameserver.model.actor.instance folder of another npc that sends html to player
    (its actualy string) and copy the method and change the path to your community gm shop..

    For example I'm in a Pailaka and I have my scroll weapon updater , I talk with the NPC and look to replace the weapon it does is give me the next leaving the previous there too, at the end of the quest I get all the weapons all of the quest items you use.
    As in all the server quest , check the Quest.java and compare it to other projects but I see no difference in corresponding to the themes of the quest line items .
     Also try to restart the server and PJ when completing the quest to discard a hypothesis that had but remain in the inventory.


    Well i cant know if every method of your source is perfect

    maybe the destroyItemById no work properly... post the method here (control + left click on it) to open the method

    because so far the takeItems() is correct..


    or you can also check if the RegisterItem is the problem..

    make a handler or usercommand or add a line in the quest somewhere

    that return the id that registerQuestItems int[] hold.. like


    for (int number=0 : registerQuestItems)


    activeChar.sendMessage("Holds:" + number);



    that way you will see after you get the quest if the registerQuestItems contains the quest id's or is empty.. 

    if is empty we need check register if not we check the 1st part i said... 

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