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Posts posted by AccessDenied

  1. the following is a quote from our chat. [GR] "ela apla mpoulo.. " 


    So am i the "kiddo" here? i also gave you access stop lying.

    You ask for help in exchange of payment, i added you, i ask you for fucking access on your fucking garbage pc

    and you tell me NO, goodnight? Crawl back to your cave what u want me to do get source on my pc and do it on my pc?

    No.. grow up

  2. The fun thing is you can't write in neither of them. 

    (Too much blowing on xdem, turn it down a bit)

    what happened Elfo you became his toy? ;) i see lately whenever i comment for Ms. Xdem you're always supporting.. 

    are you working on his project? Proof that you're lower than him and you just want to avoid confilct... crawl back to your cave kiddo

  3. I don't usually answer that much which u can clearly see, but it seems ya know better than me.

    It's just that stupid people keeps me entertained when im bored.

    That's all.

    Do not throw yourself lower than u are, fanboy.

    Relax you can say whatever you want, maxcheaters is famous for spams, fights, wannabe everyone know... 

    if you say "i had a fight in a forum where..." they will say "at maxcheaters? " So why even continue this...

    I am the best, you're the best, xdem is the best, alextoti is the best everyone behind a monitor is the best...  but you won this because i continue 

    answering... my mistake

  4. You're calling me an idiot but ya ain't can spell a Latin word properly.

    Poor fanboy.

    Afcourse guys like you who spend their 50% of day in maxcheaters will find 1 reason to answer you, 

    i feel so bad for you i dont really care how i write here 

    at least i am not a vip member at maxcheaters :P crawl back to your cave really cause you have no idea why u even answer to me

  5. It's the reason i've posted :D I Can't find any working cb to install on l2jserver what i found is just htmls of cb if you have link of crappy cb (working) give me and i'll install and modify it :)

    you cant even write on a forum properly and you want install a cb? 

    you posted 2 post without comments in row and 1 more with sweetS guote without comment again.. and 1 now.. this mean 3 comments in row..

    wow you need to come into SPAM region, soon their servers will be full and they will have to buy more GB space xDDD


    oh also mr 6 years developer



    i admit i am noob but you say you're good but still u cant make this :DDDD

  6. Hmm... Okay Now I'll Answer You I Know That 400 PPL Will Join On Server This one And Two I Am Making Servers Just For Fun Not For Making Money :) Third I Am Asking Source With Just CB And Nothing Because I'm Bored With Scammers... Oh And I Know How To Make Website :)

    I got cancer by reading this... but anyways

  7. Alright xdem fanboy, rather than wasting ur time filling this page with ur huge crapload of whining, you just could advise him and explain in 1 sentence that he is asking too much etc etc ( since u bothered to reply)



    On topic.


    I suggest you to use l2jsunrise but do not expect to find something ready to go live or w/e

    Explain what? are you completely kiddo? He asked for a pack, SweetS gave him the answer and he continue by showing that he WANT A PERFECT FREE SOURCE... so what i explain to a liar like him?

    I would tell him a pack if he come and say "i need a high5 pack" no by saying i want a good pack with epic CB and 500 people.. 


    I will help someone who ask something like "how do i make a new command", "how i make a new mount".. e.tc

    no someone who come and say give me a good pack free so i can make a homemade server (that what he said normally) ..

  8.   post_online.png SweeTs I've tried to work with l2jserver and there's 1 BIG problem i've texted support to give me some working cb and they gave me very crappy it doesn't install problems with handler and i can't find any working cb with gk+buffer+shop so i've decided to search another because all high five servers have cb and i want it too i think it's one of main function so i am searching free l2j source...

    I dont know what to say...  you want everytime premade by others + 400 players and you cant even search...

    really for what? Lets say i give you a pack that i sell or someone give you a pack that he sell with working cb what u gonna do? (cause basically you

    ask for the BEST source free) what you gonna request free website too? You will go at 000webhost and register a www.l2server.comyr.com domain?

    You gonna host it from your computer for 5 hours enter with 3 of your friends make +25 use gmspeed and then shut it down?...


    If you want something good that support 500 players go into WTS and buy one or pay a developer to support you

    if you want free use what SWEETS said and work on that for until summer so u learn alone 


    Also about "i am developer since 14 and now i am 20" no... better be honest and say "i am noob help" than say u are developer 6 years...

    if u were developer 6 years u would come here as VIP and sell your projects no come write with HUGE GREEN LETTERS AND REQUEST



    Hello everybody i need some l2j source for online server with 300-400 online and i can't find some good working source if you know some links or anything please comment below 

    P.S I haven't enough money to buy source  :happyforever: 


    Just no :D no more homemade servers without any money...  just by what u wrote i see you're 15 yo who just want to use //gmspeed 3

  10. I don't care about your bullshit daydream mate. Anyone can be anyone on the internet. But deep down, when you close the pc screen and you try to fall asleep, just try and think what went wrong with your life...:'(

    Elfo said: Anyone can be anyone on the internet. 

    Elfo does: I AM THE BEST 


    So in other words :D you're 0 and u just pretend, crawl back to your mother's vagina and bye kiddo :D

  11. you're so stupid that its actually getting boring and annoying at the same time

    I try understand if you're smart person but really selfish and solo or you're dumb with the power of internet cover and no knowledge.

    You would earn my respect if you no support at least losers like Elfo whom face look like he did drugs 

    Just really i cant help it.. look: 




    Really now im sorry i cant help it.. this selfie, drug, idk what person argue over the internet on something that

    he is good but even my grandma can learn.


    So why you dont really get solo and no support his wannabe comments?

    This kiddo says i cant write 20 lines of code, exept of 1-2 things that i have lack of knowledge such as Packet communication

    even though i used ollydb and C++ and i managed to make a flooder Injector that spam "hello" into lineage 2 cause i learned

    how to decrypt some packets and reconstruct the code in Visual studio

    But other than i know everything so what really make you think that i cant make 20 lines of code? The question is why should i share it

    to prove what? Share is care i agree but after some point is just useless.. everything is almost shared for people who are lazy

    or dont know what to do, why i should give also 10 events that took me 1 week ? Prove what? To accept your critism again? cause i know

    no matter what i do you gonna be selfish and wannabe besides i like you ;) so stop support kiddos like elfo

    who cant deal with anything else than L2j cause if he could he would work into a serious company and no spam all day into maxcheaters

    and get banned by a greek administrator who is lazy ;)

  12. He has however that 20 thousand line code who he wanted to compile and encrypt so he can sell it :D

    Afcourse you're the banned Elfocrash that you know the knowledge of every person here..

    You know the rest world and their possibilities.. you know if someone behind a monitor can make 2.500 while u still live with your parents

    (don't say no) you know if someone know 10000 things.. you know everything.. tell me 1 reason why i couldnt have nice codes on my pc

    and i just dont want share them for every kid to take and apply on frozen packs.. tell 1 reason why i cant learn more than you?

    The only thing you're good at along with xdem is to spam in a forum like this. 

    And only by judging your face i can say that you look like  




    this... you look like the guy who is at bars from 12:00 to 6:00 :D


    anyways... close your mouth as you know 5-6 things i know 5-6 things too that you might never learn

    or cant. The fact that i learned so many things in 3 months in java and i coded 10 new events that yes im proud

    doesnt give you the right to laugh on me.. but go ahead we are in maxcheaters so i wait for your answer

    (xdem) too ;) prove us HOW SMART you are both and then let the reality break your imagination

    by remind you that you're 22+ years old and sit all day in a forum. :L


    PS. you're so dumb that you cant even read, i don't blame the code, the code is fine

    i blame the guy who share codes in row (10 topics)

  13. Im trolling ? No, you guys can't appreciate this highly sophisticated piece of art that this guy posted here.

    You just trolling.. the only sophisticated piece in this code is that he used non sychronized list... i was expecting a vector so i can jump off a bridge

    but you trolling so is ok :)

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