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Everything posted by Emily

  1. Πάρτο απο την αρχη, δεν καταλαβα τιποτα. Αν σε περιπτωση λεω, αν εισαι αυτος που ζητησες help skype ξαναδες την εικονα ειμαστε ζευγαρι που φιλιομαστε σε περιπτωση λεω που σου ξεφυγε, αλλα δεν πειραζει ελευθερια λογου εχεις γραψε οτι θες :P σε συγχωρω
  2. [GR] Σ'ευχαριστω :3 <3
  3. thankkk yaaaaaa sweetness <3
  4. Hello, my name is Emily. I used to watch as quest maxcheaters but i decided for no reason to make an account so i consider my self not a noob so i introduce my self :3 I'm 21 years old, i'm from Greece(Athens), as a hobby i have java programming, ajax, html and php. I've "worked" on Unreal Engine (which i got full licence from my college when i was student), also graphic designer worked in pretty much any program exist, maya, after effects, 3d'smax, cinema4d,boujou,mudbox,z-brush e.t.c. I don't plan on being a super active member or high rank in this forum since i know im not good enough, i just register to receive and give some knowledge as long as help. Mostly im interesting in L2j part of this forum even if im not gamer as a woman gaming is the last part i have, but i really enjoying my self doing some stuff behind the scene even if i dont have the proper knowledge to do everything if its not java. Anyways thanks a lot!. ~Emily
  5. Give me a personal message if you want, im java developer. *Ps give me your skype
  6. Trust me SVN was easier,, i dont know why they changed they really made l2j looks complicated and bad.. but ii did imported it as gradle project right click -> import -> gradle.. as u see.. Ps. thank you tryskell for your time, i appreciate
  7. Just to help you and i really feel shame cause i can code anything i want in java and c++ as long as python e.t.c but i dont know how to configure gradle e.t.c i feel really bad
  8. I did yes but this guide only show how to bring GIT source into eclipse which is the part i've done already, it doesnt show how to import the project correctly. So this i sthe part i have problem with Thanks for answer even if its not the solution
  9. Hello, i used to work on l2j back to when it still had SVN, now after 1.5 year i enter their site and i see huge different and they support GIT, the question is that after i bring the project into git clone and i right click on it "Import as project" its not imported like normal project but like a folder and java files no work. What should i do?
  10. Hello maxcheaters, i was wondering if L2j specific freya has any file that controls events in case player hit shift or control. Like if we want everytime a player hit "G' on his keyboard to send him a message or an action. I know about listeners normaly in java but idk how to connect this into l2j or if l2j has a file that do something similar. like @override public void onShiftPressed () @override public void onGPressed() etc
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