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Everything posted by warfares

  1. If you are using vang, try making type = rb and setting flag on hit boss from settings.
  2. Few hours left for our x300 server , already some clans registered in our forum ! Here you can check the server's information : http://forum.warfares.eu/showthread.php?252-WF-x300-PvP-Server-Information
  3. 2 more days left !
  4. Few days Left for our x300 Server , is it possible a moderator to move our main topic in the " Preview Section "
  5. let's hope these kind of mistakes don't keep happening.
  6. Warfares x300 BETA HAS STARTED. Join us and help us build the perfect server, any improvement suggestions are welcomed.
  7. Good luck with your project, we kindly ask you to stop spamming our forums. Thank you .
  8. You clearly have no idea of the campaign we had for the servers. We cannot provide pics with our paypal transactions, you must understand that the request itself is absurd :) Don't hate us mate, we did you no wrong and we are doing our best to be honest in a time when everyone wants honesty but does not appreciate it. Believe me that if we would have posted ~ 100-200 fake posts before launch things would have been different but it is not the kind of people we are. Also there is no server owner that can say we spammed their forums/servers with phoenix PM spamming or stuff like that, things that are very popular these days.
  9. Hello, 1. In that print screen, it says under 1000 ( notice the "<" ), the "up arrow" means population is growing, i will not say more as your opinion on the matter is clear but keep in mind that not all server owners lie. 2. again, do not call us lairs, as you have no proof of that and when the initial launch date we bad banners on every topsite/forum/facebook and google we provided serveral screen shots with our traffic, you are welcome to search for them. Cheers
  10. ok :) We offer stability and quality services, people will get tired of owners that only lie and don't show any interest in the server.
  11. Warfares IL x300 - PvP Server - Opening 18.12.2015 20:00:00 GMT+1 http://promo.warfares.eu SERVER RATES: EXP/SP: x300 Adena: x100 Seal Stone: x25 Drop (chance): х25​​​Everything was removed except life stones, enchant scrolls and full items. Spoil: x15​All mats, parts and recipes were removed The number increases depending on chance, and only for items: resources Raid Bosses: EXP/SP: x5 Drop: х15 Epic RB: x3 Quest XP: x1​All quests have adena,sp,xp increased to x10 GAMEPLAY: Multibox - 3. Max number of boxes started from one computer. Autoloot - Yes Autolearn skills - Yes NPC Buffer & Buff book: Npc buffer in towns and buff book Full buffs Each player will start with a Buff Book that will allow him to buff on the spot GMSHOP: ADENA SHOP All Items All scrolls Mana potion/drug Greater Healing potions Consumables TvT+ Vote Coins Lifestones Book of giants Perfect Buff Book Class learn: First class change - 100.000 Adena Second class change - 5.000.000 Adena Third class change - 50.000.000 + 10 TvT coins + 700 Tainted Halisha Mark Subclass: Buy-able: 150.000.000 Adena + 30 TvT Coins + Cabrio's Scepter Nobless: Buy-able: 500.000.000 Adena + 50 TvT Coins + Nobless Pass Special Areas: Primeval Island Mobs have a good chance of dropping ews, eas and top grade life stones also their dropped adena was greatly increased. Lair of Antharas have increased adena drop amount and a small change to drop eas/ews and high grade life stones. Lair of Antharas mobs have been made level 80 and stronger ​Offline trade: Activate offline trade with ".offline" command or just logout the game while shopping No payments for offline shop use, but you need to have 1 adena in inventory. Activity time market - 96 hours. Not allowed to trade near GateKeeper in all towns. TvT: Every 2 hours Minimum level to join: 62 Fight duration: 8 minutes Crystals: lvl 5-10 Each character is buffed with mage/warrior buffs Reward: TvT Box Registration Time: 5minutes TvT Box Reward: 10 TvT coins LS Top Grade - 5% BOG - 3% EAA - 6% BEAA - 3% BEWA - 2% EAS - 2% EWS - 1% BEAS - 0.7% BEWS - 0.6% SC Cry lvl 11 - 0.5% SC Cry lvl 12 - 0.4% Core Ring - 0.3% Orfen Earring - 0.2% AQ Ring - 0.1% Fun - 100% Cursed Weapons: From the begining
  12. Hello guys, We are looking for a russian and english speaking player to join our team. www.warfares.eu Needed qualifications: Good knowledge of russian and english Good knowledge of lineage 2 interlude Must be familiar with mmorpg russian forums and english ones Must post/discuss and promote the server on forums/sites, specially russian ones Must have time and present interes in joining the team, he will be responsible for promoting the server on non english forums/sites For those interested email us at: warfares.eu@gmail.com
  13. Warfares IL x300 - PvP Server - Opening 18.12.2015 20:00:00 GMT+1 http://promo.warfares.eu SERVER RATES: EXP/SP: x300 Adena: x100 Seal Stone: x25 Drop (chance): х25​​​Everything was removed except life stones, enchant scrolls and full items. Spoil: x15​All mats, parts and recipes were removed The number increases depending on chance, and only for items: resources Raid Bosses: EXP/SP: x5 Drop: х15 Epic RB: x3 Quest XP: x1​All quests have adena,sp,xp increased to x10 GAMEPLAY: Multibox - 3. Max number of boxes started from one computer. Autoloot - Yes Autolearn skills - Yes NPC Buffer & Buff book: Npc buffer in towns and buff book Full buffs Each player will start with a Buff Book that will allow him to buff on the spot GMSHOP: ADENA SHOP All Items All scrolls Mana potion/drug Greater Healing potions Consumables TvT+ Vote Coins Lifestones Book of giants Perfect Buff Book Class learn: First class change - 100.000 Adena Second class change - 5.000.000 Adena Third class change - 50.000.000 + 10 TvT coins + 700 Tainted Halisha Mark Subclass: Buy-able: 150.000.000 Adena + 30 TvT Coins + Cabrio's Scepter Nobless: Buy-able: 500.000.000 Adena + 50 TvT Coins + Nobless Pass Special Areas: Primeval Island Mobs have a good chance of dropping ews, eas and top grade life stones also their dropped adena was greatly increased. Lair of Antharas have increased adena drop amount and a small change to drop eas/ews and high grade life stones. Lair of Antharas mobs have been made level 80 and stronger ​Offline trade: Activate offline trade with ".offline" command or just logout the game while shopping No payments for offline shop use, but you need to have 1 adena in inventory. Activity time market - 96 hours. Not allowed to trade near GateKeeper in all towns. TvT: Every 2 hours Minimum level to join: 62 Fight duration: 8 minutes Crystals: lvl 5-10 Each character is buffed with mage/warrior buffs Reward: TvT Box Registration Time: 5minutes TvT Box Reward: 10 TvT coins LS Top Grade - 5% BOG - 3% EAA - 6% BEAA - 3% BEWA - 2% EAS - 2% EWS - 1% BEAS - 0.7% BEWS - 0.6% SC Cry lvl 11 - 0.5% SC Cry lvl 12 - 0.4% Core Ring - 0.3% Orfen Earring - 0.2% AQ Ring - 0.1% Fun - 100% Cursed Weapons: From the begining
  14. Population starting to grown, we invite you guys to join and enjoy a stable server. Hello guys, We have a new event coming up, check out our forums for more information !
  15. Thank you ! Some changes were done as the community asked, pass by and try.
  16. Hyperfilter is a Voxility reseller - completely false, even if it was so Voxility is expensive as hell.
  17. Every player has the right to his own opinion but players that play x7 may not play in x50 because it's not what they want, we believed it than and we believe it now. Giving the players the option to choose is something rare these days, but it's something that once people grasp they will not let go. It's a good start for a new project, we are confident that we will win the trust of our players offering them quality services and stability.
  18. For the non-believers :) Don't forget that we doubled our traffic budget and we will keep doing so until we reach our goals!
  19. Hehe, that's what we're working on. People keep coming, so it seems :) We'll continue to bring quality traffic and players. Be safe!
  20. Hi GodDamNed and MrPro, We will release our advertising budgets with proof and statistics soon. We covered all major channels, haven't spammed in any way (like others did), invested in ddos protection, etc. We haven't lied in any way. Again, don't forget this is a new project and people are skeptical at first. We will continue to invest time and money until we get this project to the top. Be safe!
  21. Thank you!!!
  22. The big moment has arrived! Today at 20:00 GMT+1 our Warfares X7 & X50 Interlude Servers will go LIVE. So, don’t miss out the GRAND OPENING and join us! Follow this link to get started (http://warfares.eu/).
  23. Thank you ! Tomorrow is the big day !
  24. Let's continue this discussion on our forums as it's more suitable, post your ideas there.
  25. At the moment there are no D/S, there is a poll on our forums where players can vote for this, as some player think it's better. You can let us know what you think too : http://forum.warfares.eu/showthread.php?133-poll-npc-buffs-Full-with-d-s
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