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  1. Thank you so much!! The Grand Opening Its Soon Here 20/11/2015 {21:00h GTM+2}
  2. New Patch Is Available https://mega.nz/#!j9hBQTAK!JVDSp0jmZdWKNrHwSfSMl9nLdUjt7FoYMZMyhk-U6zs New Protection Implemented. Anti Hacks, Bots, Cheats...
  3. We have changed our website domain few hours ago, stop spamming bullsh1t on this topic. We are working to change every old domain link... P.D. Go and check the price for a "Home Made" l2gold.com domain price.
  4. Haters allways gonna hate... lol
  5. l2gold.me
  6. I also buy Szakalakas protection, It's 100% trustful and works great!! Love you man :)
  7. I'm an old player from the 1st L2Gold, and I remember 100% that I could use debuffs on any RB. I could use Hero hex sword, surrender, vortex... all success. That's why I'm asking if someone knows about that. Maybe some developer knows how to edit the RB's to make them not immune? I would be very interested. TY!!
  8. Hi there!! I got a little problem with Hero Weapons at the RB's... the special ability, like Hex from Infinity Blade, doesn't activate on the Raids. Does anyone know what could be the problem? I use L2jAcis Rev 315 P.D. -> I dissabled all skills from the RB, changed the lvl of the RB, activated the skill 100% with every crit... The Hero Weps are fully working against players and normal moobs, the problem is only at RB's. Thank's in advance guys for any help or tip :)
  9. Now I understand what you mean SweeTs, I'm sorry for my bad UK understanding :/ I fixed the problem adding an other GK Npc in an other room from castle. Thank you for the fast answer WeeTs!!
  10. I have this <set name="type" val="L2CastleChamberlain"/> on npcs.xml I have in java L2CastleTeleportInstance.java
  11. Not any game server error. When I press to teleport some where, the list just dissapears, and I stay on the same place, whith out teleporting.
  12. Everything on Siege works fine, pray and castle owner success etc... But when you try to teleport from the castle NPC doesn't work. The list of the teleport places (Teleport Menu) appears perfect, but when you press to teleport to one zone from the list nothing happens, and the Telepot Menu dissapears, like when you success teleporting, but it doesn't from this Castle NPC. NPC Name -> Chamberlain, in data/html/chamberlain/teleport.hmtl I puted like clan hall Npc, <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 26" msg="811;Town of Oren">Town of Oren - 9400 Adena</a><br1> but I can't teleport from castle... Any one had this non teleporting problem before? Thanks in advance for any help or clue =)
  13. For more info you are free to join us at http://l2gold.me/
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