Everything on Siege works fine, pray and castle owner success etc... But when you try to teleport from the castle NPC doesn't work. The list of the teleport places (Teleport Menu) appears perfect, but when you press to teleport to one zone from the list nothing happens, and the Telepot Menu dissapears, like when you success teleporting, but it doesn't from this Castle NPC.
NPC Name -> Chamberlain, in data/html/chamberlain/teleport.hmtl I puted like clan hall Npc, <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 26" msg="811;Town of Oren">Town of Oren - 9400 Adena</a><br1> but I can't teleport from castle...
Any one had this non teleporting problem before? Thanks in advance for any help or clue =)