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Everything posted by divine

  1. Script is for PPC module of WPF http://saur.x33.ru
  2. Wow, for walker 10.7.1 http://saur.x33.ru/WP306F.rar VIP1.TOWALKER.COM VIP2.TOWALKER.COM VIP3.TOWALKER.COM
  3. Now Sauron released next free version http://saur.x33.ru - search link to free version under first table
  4. I got free version, but only for 10.4.9. Sauron's WP301F FREE DEMO version for 10.4.9 only http://saur.x33.ru - search link to free version under first table
  5. Sauron's WP301F FREE DEMO version for 10.4.9 only http://saur.x33.ru - search link to free version under first table
  6. Sauron's WP301F FREE DEMO version for 10.4.9 only http://saur.x33.ru - search link to free version under first table
  7. mporeis na to analyseis ligo? H na mas to kaneis kai na to anevaseis sto rapidshare :PPP (polla zhtaw, e??) English pls, or russian, or german, ïî àëáàíñêè è áàáðóéñêè íå ïîíèìàþ íèõðåíà :/.
  8. What about 10.4.9 ? Ask Sauron, i know only for 10.2.3
  9. Invisible item is anchor for bots. Bots pickup all unidentification items by default. Client cant pickup this drop, only bots. You cant sell (and multisell) anchors, and cant do anything with this anchor. This is f*ked anti-bot system. for fix it for 10.2.3 : (from closed forum cheaters.com.ru)
  10. ok, say me hex for 10.6.0, 10.6.1 and 10.4.9 (i dont use other ogg walkers) and you make me happy. (i mean trick 'server is busy' - only for bots, client login normally.)
  11. http://saur.nm.ru  íàòóðå, äàéòå ìíå ó êîãî îí åñòü. Èíîñòðàíöû íèõðåíà íå ïîíèìàþò çà÷åì îí íóæåí. äîëäû÷àò îäíî è òîæå, âîò ïîýòîìó âåçäå íà ñåðâåðàõ ðóññêèå è ðóëÿò. ìëÿ.
  12. No we cant do nothing. Only OOG walker 10.2.3 collaborate with WP. Wp531 and higher version work with any walkers, but its cost 25$ :(
  13. wp156 is only for 10.2.3, but i need wp321r (for all walkers) - show me where i can have it for free and i will send you 10$. wp321r is not wp156 , like windows XP is not windows 311 it is necessary to understand the difference in the versions of the program.
  14. nothing really important. just a token patcher. Yes! token pathcer + full emulator verify + c4 + l2extreme-like servers (and others), antiprotect from 9999, all in one, for all bots! anybody please help me to obtain this version ! i pay 10$ for it
  15. i heard this version of program work with any bots, but others emulators give sometimes errors 'paket' or 'gamedata'. Is anybody, who bought this program ? i will pay 10$ for it, not 25
  16. try http://saur.nm.ru I really need this programa it allow connecting any bots to l2extreme
  17. i need this program for free pls !! http://www.tes4you.net/lineage/showthread.php?p=1194#post1194
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