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About pavlos

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  1. Thanks man!! I really needed that
  2. Well done...Nice work...And nice Start!!! ;D
  3. Well...I had that problem too...But i do not remember how i solved it because i always get errors ;D...If something come to my mind i will pm you that time... ;).Good luck...
  4. Well...From now on i will play only with elf characters...That's for sure...Hehe :D
  5. x0a0x0ax0x0a0ax...The most funny accessory i have ever seen...Nice share... :D
  6. Yeah i am sure that pack is Killer's work but i can't find the gredits... :D
  7. Omg i was searching something like this but all those wasn't so good...Ty for your share...It is really helpfull...
  8. Nice Share Magnum...I really like it...Well i am going to test it...Thank you!!! ;D
  9. Omg Crit. Error...Share after share with the best client moddings...Nice share :P
  10. another patched system:tried another version of file edit:i can't find... Client:yes i changed it... Thank you sh@dow for your help. ;D But my problem isn't solved... :)
  11. Omg Where that was???Nice share man.I think all servers need geodata...thank you... :D
  12. Omg guys i know it...I just told it for fun... Oh...i forgot...I think it deserves karma...Give him!!! ;)
  13. Nice share...I like it.maybe i will add it to my server :P...Oh Wtf in the pictures.In the 1st you have no buffs and in the 2nd you have.Does it gives you full buff??? :D ;D :P
  14. Guys i have the wings armor.grp.I added them in interlude client succesfully,but when i try to add them in kamael client and save them my armor.grp dissapears...Can someone help me??? Edit: Sorry for the wrong section...Someone please move it...
  15. Omg Guys go to the downloads section and you will find how to connect...Also about the 70% i had developed some skills my one :D... Ty for your comments ;D
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