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Everything posted by MiraDBZ

  1. Meng screw DreaM but let cats alone. =/ Or you will be pwned by my ninja kitty. :3
  2. MiraDBZ

    TV online

    There is a program but i dont remember its name. Hope someone has it or knows its name.
  3. Είμαι πολύ καλός για να είμαι αληθινός. Αλλά από την άλλη αφού είμαι εδώ σημαίνει ότι απλά είμαι πάρα πολύ καλός.
  4. not emo. He is a little bit fat boy with short hair D:
  5. Είναι σοβαρός λόγος αυτός για να ανοίγεις τέτοιο τόπικ σε ένα cheating forum; ΟΚ off-topic είναι αλλά να μην το παρακάνουμε κιόλας. Άμα είναι να κάνει ο καθένας τόπικ για κάποιον που πέθανε και τον συμπαθούσε ζήτω που καήκαμε.
  6. Please it is SAID NOT TO REPLY TO SPAMMERS. Is this so hard? =/
  7. ಠ_ಠ I really need to learn what this is. Good or bad? ಠ_ಠ ಠ_ಠ
  8. So you tell me you can offend but you don't want to be offended?
  9. You should refer to them who are called "the flame machines".
  10. Well i can't really get this one. How can this actually happen Mr. Pelecan? + I know how to use my own language and i think i DO use it properly. At least i am one of the people who write with greek characters not greeklish.
  11. 8) That's our job. To ruin failed topics. 8)
  12. Then he shouldn't judge. Try me
  13. FAIL He is AS blind AS a bat. You failed!!
  14. Nice English man! It is a shame we haven't been met in your house. I do my job ( ask your mom ) and leave when you are not there.Hope i will meet you one day so i can teach you some English. Believe me im a very good teacher. Ask your mom i learned her all the pages of kama sutra D:
  15. Περισσότερος πόνος υπάρχει όταν πας να το αφαιρέσεις. >:D
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