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Everything posted by MiraDBZ

  1. LOL wtf is wrong with you guys? Because it is down it doesn't mean that it is hacked or something like this.
  2. Will you ever stop asking? He said that he is not going to share it. It is a preview pfff..
  3. Θα πλακώσω στο ξύλο τους : Κετσπάγια Ντιόγκο Όσκαρ τους γυμναστές και όλο το προπονητικό team του οσφπ.
  4. It sounds like german to me so i write it with "ei" lol
  5. Sorry for double post but i am having a problem. I changed the color and now this. How can i fix it?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sX5zj3RFjuQ Epic Pwnage!!!!
  7. aha the one in which he connects something to his tongue or w/e? lol looks cool im going to download it. @TheEnd: Have you watched the transporter trilogy?
  8. Yea i don't promise anything. Some people have some shitty ideas sometimes so... >.>
  9. LOL you probably mean that misty background right? This is not bad quality. Flower has chosen to make it look like this.
  10. Just tell us what you want. There may be a program with the features you want.
  11. I like the colors. Nice job but once again you use a bad font. :D
  12. Oh amazing!Thank you guys for helping me. ;D
  13. I love the v1. Good job! :)
  14. Just make it a little bit smaller and it will be ok. :D Also you should use another font imo. At least she doesn't make signatures from free banner generators. /fail
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQHrspjw4aA .i.
  16. I didn't expect another answer from a person like you. So you are funny..
  17. Official ( όταν πρωτοάρχισα το λ2 ) L2 Genesis L2 Underworld ( νουμπ στεφούλη ) L2 Desperion L2 Ownage L2 Godz ( δεν θυμάμαι ακριβώς το όνομα ένας x5000 ήταν με πολύ κόσμο ) Και άλλους πολλούς που δεν θυμάμαι.
  18. Now i get why N has a long line.......... it is because of the black dude right? ಠ_ಠ
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