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Everything posted by MiraDBZ

  1. Oh come on... this is so untrue. Last months we have seen people being banned for so dumb reasons. :)
  2. Maybe that's what he is asking: Is it able to convert a video to an image ( probably to a gif.. ).
  3. Πες μου ότι κάνεις πλάκα, αυτό πες μου μόνο. =/
  4. To είδα!!! Θέλουν να περάσουν μηνύματα μέσα από τα βιβλία του σχολείου!!! ΜΣΝ παίζει να μπω μετά τις 9 τώρα έχω αγγλικά. -.-'
  5. Some color adjustments. =/ Anyway you are newbie so we don't expect miracles. Just read tutorials and try some more complicated things. :)
  6. Oh come on, are you kidding me? How many more armors are they going to add? It is so stupid.
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=123985.0 Αυτό γιατί το έχουμε; Το άκυρο...
  8. Am i the only one who thinks that all he did is that he just took a stock and pasted a render and put a text?
  9. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33918.msg870330;topicseen#msg870330 Είναι καινούργιο μέλος, θα έπρεπε να του κάνουν ένα warning όχι κατ'ευθείαν -1... Γαμώ τους vip που το παίζουν mods εδώ μέσα, έλεος δηλαδή..
  10. I am thinking of making a zombie now.. hah Wait for my try. xd Thanks MD for the idea lol :P
  11. It can been done very easily with color adjustments and textures. Now about the sig.. It owns mate, good job. :D
  12. Το γεγονός ότι θα είναι μέσα ο Vanes και ο RedDevils7 και θα βρίζουν μάνες, μπορώ να πω πως με ενθουσιάζει.
  13. Πόσο βλακαμάς είσαι; Μόνο το quest βλέπεις εσύ;
  14. He probably wanted to post that to the other topic in which revenger smitted him. ;p
  15. Then don't make signatures when you are in a rush.
  16. What exactly have you learned? This is bad. You should always use gradients with opacity no more than 25-30%. Oh and the text is -beep-ed up. =/
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