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Kraker last won the day on September 29 2016

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    Raphael Fersan (Kraker)

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  1. Yeah dude, I'll re-upload after some changes. Next saturday, for sure.
  2. File 'L2MultiZone.java' updated. Grammatical correction and removing unnecessary parameters.
  3. Hello everyone! Without many words, I bring to you some news. I hope you enjoy! This topic will be used to share many Mods to aCis - latest version when available - avoiding the creation of new topics. 1) MultiZone A custom zone, editable via XML, that lets you manage various conditions to stay within it. Following is the list of features that can be enabled/disabled → Restart → Private Store → Skill Summon Friend → Flag → Revive If the 'isReviveEnabled' option is enabled, a task is created to resurrect the dead character. Two additional options are used, the 'reviveDelay' and 'revivePower'. The first set the time that the task will use to resurrect the dead character, while the second will define the percentage of EXP that will be restored when the dead character is resurrected. → Random Re-spawn Coordinates → Restricted Items → Restricted Skills Attention! Primeval Isle follows as default zone! Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/u/Kraker Credits: Raphael Fersan (Kraker) If you have questions, suggestions and/or anything else about the Mods, please get in touch via PM or Skype - can be found in my profile - that I will answer as soon as possible.
  4. Nice idea. Going to use if character die inside Chaotic Zone due to time of 10 seconds to be re-spawned.
  5. if (player.isInParty()) { for (L2PcInstance member : player.getParty().getPartyMembers()) { RaidBossPointsManager.getInstance().addPoints(member, getNpcId(), (getLevel() / 2) + Rnd.get(-5, 5)); if (member.isNoble()) Hero.getInstance().setRBkilled(member.getObjectId(), getNpcId()); + + if (getNpcId() == 25325 && !member.isNoble() && member.isSubClassActive() && member.getLevel() >= 75 && member.isInsideRadius(getX(), getY(), getZ(), 1000, false, false)) + { + member.setNoble(true); + member.addItem("Quest", 7694, 1, member, true); + NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId()); + html.setHtml("<html><body>Congratulations, you're now a noble!<br1>Open the Skills & Magic (ALT+K) to see your acquired abilities.</body></html>"); + member.sendPacket(html); + } } } else { RaidBossPointsManager.getInstance().addPoints(player, getNpcId(), (getLevel() / 2) + Rnd.get(-5, 5)); if (player.isNoble()) Hero.getInstance().setRBkilled(player.getObjectId(), getNpcId()); + + if (getNpcId() == 25325 && !player.isNoble() && player.isSubClassActive() && player.getLevel() >= 75) + { + player.setNoble(true); + player.addItem("Quest", 7694, 1, player, true); + NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId()); + html.setHtml("<html><body>Congratulations, you're now a noble!<br1>Open the Skills & Magic (ALT+K) to see your acquired abilities.</body></html>"); + player.sendPacket(html); + } } Optimized for you, bitches. PS: Create a method with parameter of L2PcInstance that makes the whole process setNobless avoiding duplicates lines.
  6. We know that 98% of Brazilians are doing shit all the time, but I hope you all don't generalize. :-\ About your question dream555, there is no project 100%. You must use aCis, but unfortunately aCis is still far to being ready for a retail like server. Thinking about future, no doubt that aCis will be better than any l2off project.
  7. Good, I'm so excited with that idea. =)
  8. I hope you don't use pride's codes too, because there are many useless codes that can be made more cleaned/organized.
  9. Name Change added. Read main post for more info.
  10. You must edit Olympiad Stadium Zone to unequip restricted items when the player go in that area, then create a condition to prevent the use of those items while inside that area. In addition, you don't need core support to do that. Add <set name="is_oly_restricted" val="true" /> on item's XML of your choice.
  11. I prefer separated for my organization style. :P About the config to enable/disable, it isn't useless cause if disabled, you evade the usage of RAM to read all the code every time you get pvp point or change a subclass.
  12. Pvp Color/Skill updated! - Skills can be used more than 1 time per template - 2nd XML added to handle rewards
  13. vampir, you're completely right. :) I'll improve Pvp Color/Skill with some new features today. My bad sending packets inside the loop. >.< Thank you all for the welcome.
  14. Raid Boss Info added. Read main post for more info.
  15. Hi everyone. :) My first time here, I want to share with you some of my mods... check below! - AIO A system that transform you into a support, adding skills (buff type) of all other classes. Different of all others, I did a task that add a character, catch the duration of his privileges and subtract by current calendar in millisecond. Basically every time you enters in game, you're added to the Task list, enabling server to remove the character's privileges at the exact moment of his duration. - Pvp Color/Skill A system that apply name/title color, also add some skills (not stored in db but re-added on every subclass change) by winning pvps, with the possibility to change any value without core support. The great point is that the system is made using XML, so you can put infinite lines with your chosen values. New XML added to handle rewards during pvps (for killers). You can edit item id/count and chance to gain the reward. - Raid Boss Info A system that shows to characters status/drop list of raid/grand boss. A new class was created to load grandboss_data/raidboss_spawnlist tables and insert respawn time values inside a Map. This Map is updated every time a raid/grand boss dies or be spawned. - Name Change (new) An item that changes the name of the character. Don't worry, we made checks on retail conditions, as 16-character limit, ... Remeber, you have to set an item to be the handler of Name Change. You can do it by adding <set name="handler" val="NameChange" /> on XML of the item. I provide support only for aCis. Here is my pastebin with the diffs for aCis 350: http://pastebin.com/u/Kraker Credits: Kraker I'll continue updating the topic in next days. I hope you enjoy.
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