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Everything posted by BlackDragonX

  1. good server =)
  2. im realy shure they mean stigmashards not stigmas
  3. i want to play but i cant connect to lumiel fucking ddosser -.-
  4. Hello, i have the following problem i want to play on the infinite aion server but this server only supports but my aion is and now my question is. can i downpatch the aion client? and if i can, how? or any other tipps how i can get on this client version? thanks ppl EDIT: Problem solved
  5. i want that blessed scroll for example gives +100 per enchant and so i try this
  6. hm maybe your pc are have to low ram and cpu
  7. I was thinking how can i get it work to enchant different per scroll, so my only question is, is that right or what i do wrong pls tell me. if (scroll.getItemId() == ENCHANT_SCROLLS); { item.setEnchantLevel(item.getEnchantLevel() + 1); } if (scroll.getItemId() == CRYSTAL_SCROLLS); { item.setEnchantLevel(item.getEnchantLevel() + 1000); } if (scroll.getItemId() == BLESSED_SCROLLS); { item.setEnchantLevel(item.getEnchantLevel() + 100); } else { item.setLastChange(L2ItemInstance.MODIFIED); item.updateDatabase(); } Thanks
  8. Sry for post twice but i mean can i use the old texture files also for the new clients or not that is my main question
  9. How i can convert an armor from interlude to Hellbound for example i didnt find any guide or so. so pls help me Thanks
  10. server promotion is not allowed... in this section
  11. Noob why you want gracia? the interlude, kamael and hellbound featuares are also not already finished. so tell me why you want gracia, so that it will be more bugy than now?
  12. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=28113.0 there is all exactly pls search next time
  13. what you mean with custom skills? and on client you mean the icons?
  14. a realy nice share i think i will use it xD
  15. thanks for share it is for all races?
  16. yes but dont work i think or it is because i have l2emu?
  17. it work but if you have on your server max enchant 100 for example and you enchant without npc enchanter +99 and than use npc enchanter which gives +100 i configurate it so than you have a +199 weapon. how to fix that?
  18. Pls can Someone give me a Javacode to edit what one Scroll per enchant give, for example: I want to say that the normal Scroll give +1 the Blessed + 50 the Crystal + 100 per Enchant And also Pls say me where to enter the Code i mean in which of the Java files. Thanks
  19. My problem is when i want to spawn the classmaster than i got an error that the class didnt exist so pls tell me how i can fix i think it have to be fixed in java or? pls say me what to change. THX
  20. If i want to edit my Kamael CT1 weapongrp.dat and i want to save and encrypt with 413 than i got an error that he cant find a file called new-weapongrp.dat in my temp folder i have a patched system and the last interlude/kamael fileedit so what i do wrong?
  21. ok now i know what was the problem in the 2. week of seven signs this error come dont know why where i can disable seven signs?
  22. Pls Help me i got this error how can i fix it? http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/7896/errorpk1.jpg
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