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  1. Reborn12's post in Grand Bosses was marked as the answer   
    Dude is not that difficult to test it..
    Put spawntime 1hour random 1 hour waiting time 5minutes and test it...
    Its working yes..
  2. Reborn12's post in Acis Caparso's bots prevention was marked as the answer   
    Put the images here
    data/html/mods/prevention and will be fine
  3. Reborn12's post in Party level exp was marked as the answer   
  4. Reborn12's post in CP Potions Summon bug was marked as the answer   
    L2pcInstance its this one..
    SetActiveClass it clears the disabled skills thats why you got this bug
    Ita before remove buffs while changes subclass
  5. Reborn12's post in Mob Hp Bar Is Not Showing. was marked as the answer   
    Npcgrp check last value if its 0 or 1..
  6. Reborn12's post in Help Whit .dressme was marked as the answer   
    If you miss any check just go to dressme and click on it Cntl+alt + H and down will come where it is
  7. Reborn12's post in Voicecommand Problem was marked as the answer   
    activeChar.getKnownTypeInRadius(Player.class,1250)) as i remember
  8. Reborn12's post in [Help]Website was marked as the answer   
    dn xreiazete na kaneis polla topics apla zhta gia metakinisi topic
    an thes na kaneis diko sou site prepei na matheis html i php..
    opote ksekina na diavazeis
  9. Reborn12's post in Request Offline Shop was marked as the answer   
    /** * Set the Store type of the L2PcInstance. * @param type : 0 = none, 1 = sell, 2 = sellmanage, 3 = buy, 4 = buymanage, 5 = manufacture. */ public void setStoreType(StoreType type) { _storeType = type; if (Config.OFFLINE_DISCONNECT_FINISHED && (type == StoreType.NONE) && ((getClient() == null) || getClient().isDetached())) deleteMe(); } now you will understand all your errors
  10. Reborn12's post in [Help] Vote Manager For L2Acis was marked as the answer   
    Config.java put on players properties
  11. Reborn12's post in Gameserver Error [Java] was marked as the answer   
    Players.properties find this FirstFactionTitleColor =
    FirstFactionTitleColor = 00FF00
  12. Reborn12's post in Npc Spawn Bug was marked as the answer   
    Min vazeis megala id max id einai 65535 vale esi sto npc sou 60000 id tha doulepsei swsta
  13. Reborn12's post in Delay was marked as the answer   
    Check hero voice :p and add it on your privatestore
  14. Reborn12's post in Config Network was marked as the answer   
    Open cmd write ipconfig take your ip open ports if you dont have opened them the add the ip in l2.ini and server-login properties external ip..
  15. Reborn12's post in Problem With Multisell was marked as the answer   
    I dont think that you need multisell same id with npcNpc same id witg html and multisell with id that you put in html...
    And your pack is?
  16. Reborn12's post in Acis Hopzone Reward was marked as the answer   
    like this?
    String line;            while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)            {                if (line.contains("Total Votes") )                {                    String inputLine = line.split(">")[2].replace("</span", "");                    votes = Integer.parseInt(inputLine);                    break;
  17. Reborn12's post in Hello Everyone I Need Navicat For Mysql Unlocked. was marked as the answer   
    install navicat.exe
    and then open keygen.exe
    copy the premium key and register in navicat
  18. Reborn12's post in Boss was marked as the answer   
    ta ekane delete kai ta evala apo config na ta dokimasei...
  19. Reborn12's post in Half Way..(Database_Installer.bat ) Looking For Help To Create Server was marked as the answer   
    set gspass=here you must write your password if you have used on MySql...and You must Create new Database with name L2jdb on navicat...Configs gamerver and login you must write your Database name and password...
  20. Reborn12's post in Addapt Items From H5 To Interlude was marked as the answer   
    Lock it
  21. Reborn12's post in Help Me Ta Skills was marked as the answer   
    Den eimai sigouros alla mipws exei epiloges sto enchant k esi dineis kati diaforetiko anti tou change??
  22. Reborn12's post in Sieges Date And Time was marked as the answer   
    I think you can change this from navicat on sieges...to make it 2 weeks or what you want..
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