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Everything posted by h0nz1k

  1. How could I fix it, please? :)
  2. Hello. I have set l2walker for this server, but something is wrong. Could you help me, please? :) http://www.l2blaze.net/ Thank you
  3. Hello. Has anybody l2 walker ig for this server, please? Thank you very much
  4. Hello all! :-) I want to have L2Walker IG for Interlude, but i can't set it :-(. I have tried 3 versions of L2W but nothing works. I allways download it, but it's not for Interlude, but for gracia. Could you share for me some working L2W interlude, please? :-) Thank you
  5. i don't want to find full server pack, only the wich will works for me, can u give me any? :-)
  6. so now we can connect?
  7. I mean, if i will do the good things, if will it work ;-)...
  8. I will do my best :-P
  9. but, is it free? without any atds?
  10. So u're telling me that: 1)I will download any pack 2)to this guide http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=81843.0 3)then give the pack from step 2 to what folder? Could you upload me any good pack, please? only link... thank you ^^
  11. Hello, please, could anyone give me full IL/Gracia Epiloque pack for l2j? I mean clean pack and wich works 100% ;-) thank you
  12. I can't do it... When i klick ''1'' it closes very fast, and hexid.txt is not in the login folder :-(... now I am trying to download any clean datapack, can anyone help me, please? thanks
  13. I have done this, restart pc... but nothing :-( but I have problem with hexid.txt ... when i run RegisterGameServer.bat and tap 1, it does not the thing like in guide :-(, this could be the problem... could u upload interlude pack?(clean), please?
  14. and I have to set it where? :-) in server option?
  15. Ok guys, can I try this? I will do everything again, but can u give me clean datapack, and other things what I need for set the server, please? Than I can do this: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=81843.0 sure? maybe I have wrong pack :-( (I want set Interlude server)
  16. i have got problem with this: when I do the hexid.txt, i can't do it... I write there 1, but i can't tab enter, because it closes very fast... I have done it, read posts before :-)
  17. beacause Johnnyy is 7 days away, but he tould that it will run normaly :-(
  18. [Collection]Websites I hope, that this post could be usefull, if not sorry :-) more links could be added in the future ;-) L2 Eternity Website L2Dubai WebSite L2Race Supremacy L2Fate L2SexyParadise WebSite L2Future WebSite L2Cerberus WebSite L2Revolt WebSite L2Bliss WebSite L2Wishes WebSite L2Life And Death L2DNA WebSite L2Knight WebSite L2Justice WebSite L2Net Fc WebSite L2OnCrazy WebSite L2Addicted WebSite L2Hunter WebSite L2Iverion WebSite L2ByPass WebSite L2Eternal Wars WebSite L2 Survivor Website Lineage2 Websites + (PDS+php scripts) Included ! inf-skills Awaken Website L2 Speed Website L2 Java Website L2 Nice website (template + php scripts!) Website L2 Ownage Website L2 Addicts Website L2 Website By : Sheath L2 Existence Website L2Sirius website rip DragonHunter's Website Blue Angel
  19. link 1 link 2 link 3
  20. Hello, sorry for making new topic, but the moderator doesn't move it to the right section and only locks it. Could anybody help me? :-) http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=163283.0 thank you ;-)
  21. very usefull, thanks keep sharing
  22. Hello, I have download data from this topic: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=124177.0 but I can't do this step :-(, could you help me? I open it and then i have to tap on 1, I do it, but the window close very fast :-( I used this guide: ty a lot
  23. thx for your post ;)... Now I am downloading system files :) edit: Very good server!!! How we can get relics? Only in Priv. Island? Your nick there? You have some relics? My nick there N1TR0 :D Have you got L2w IG?
  24. omg spammers, I want some server, no Hopzone.com... I tell it in the first topic MG
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