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    Red Carpet

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  1. Thanks, looks really good actually and I might try it. I would've still preferred no auto-learn skills or no buying the next class with adena or even the Global GK.
  2. Thanks for the suggestions, but I'm actually looking for something original. I enjoy doing class quests and other pet quests and exp quests etc. rather than just getting the class changed from an NPC. For example the pleasure in leveling up and learning new skills from the class master is way more fun than just auto-learning skills and not caring a bit about the SP. But since you said there are currently no such servers I guess I'll have to wait then.
  3. Thanks for the answer but I'm actually looking for High Five servers.
  4. No idea what you guys are talking about, I'm just looking for a server in it's original form where I can spend some time after work killing monsters and chilling.
  5. Hello, I am looking for an original server where almost everything is retail. Like original class quests, subclass quests and noblesse and so on.
  6. Thank you for the reply, really helpful :D Cheers
  7. Hello, I've been wondering if there's any possible way to bypass or disable L2j Guard. I've searched through a few topics but I didn't find any helpful reply from anyone. So I decided to continue the search :D If anyone knows how to do it please do not hesitate to leave a reply :)
  8. I see, thanks for the reply
  9. You are judging too early. Farming isn't hard... New farm zones have been added, a safe zone and a party zone. I guarantee you, that you can become full geared with less than a week. Maybe even less. Just find a party and kill the mobs in Party zone. <-- That's for the Farming part as you were saying it needs a mad amount of farming. Second of all, as a mage myself the m.atk is fair, however the critical rate of the mages are high, which is a good thing for mages and make a fair gameplay. You get 4 to 6 criticals out of 10 and the defense of mages is fair. You shouldn't judge quikcly, have you checked the Changelog? They fixed the stats of the custom armors and the critical damage of fighteres has been reduced. I'd say to you to give it a try before saying the positives and negatives. And by giving a try I mean become ready for pvp not 5 minutes into the game and you want to be at the top list.
  10. Hello again! I've recently been playing a private server with about 80 online people, and one of those 80 was an absolute beast!! He was able to kill up to 4 people alone before dying. Many people said he was a hacker and when the GM checked on him the guy had something weird on the Shirt slot. It was called: Weaver's Colorful Dress. I'm not sure if that is a custom item but the GM said it increases ALL stats by +5. I'm not sure if there is a quest to get this item or if it's custom or the GM himself is fooling around and that's why I'm writing this thread to know more about this mysterious thing. If anyone is able to help me know it will be very useful :) Thanks!
  11. Thank you so much SweeTs, that really helped me :)
  12. Hello, I've decided to educate myself on how to develop a Private Server. I've been following these 2 links in order to make it happen. 1) http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/28227-how-to-setup-your-own-l2server-images/ 2) http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/187969-guide%CF%80%CF%89%CF%82-%CE%BD%CE%B1-%CE%BA%CE%AC%CE%BD%CE%B5%CE%B9%CF%82-compile-%CF%80%CF%89%CF%82-%CF%80%CE%B5%CF%81%CE%BD%CE%AC%CF%82-%CE%AD%CE%BD%CE%B1%CE%BD-java-code/?hl=compile The second link is about compiling. While I was trying to compile just like the thread above is showing me to do, I got a little error. The link that I am supposed to type where I should be install a new software is not working. I don't have much experience about these kind of stuff but I am trying to learn, so please reply with as less complicatedness as possible :) thanks
  13. I see, thanks for the reply
  14. Hello, I've started playing a low rate server and I was wondering where is it possible to buy or drop the EXP Runes that increase EXP by 50% for 7 days.
  15. Thanks for your reply
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