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Everything posted by ScRaB4ever

  1. Pack Features Fixes and protections Full phx protection Noobish error fixed An error enchanting a waepon that is already enchanted at maximum is fixed! Prefrenzy at oly fixed Over enchant items protection Ressurect at oly bug fixed Trade bug fixed Logging out while teleporting bug is fixed Pet enchant bug fixed Backstab dealing damage from front and side is fixed Flood and bypass protection at multisell chat, use items etc Augment stuck fixed Max CP bug fixed l2jkiller fixed l2-attacker fixed Flooding packets protection (if you send packets with programs like Server-Master you will get dc) ServerCrasher fixed L2Walker Protection Olympiad antibotting added Skill stuck at Class Master is fixed Stuck augments at subclass fixed Stucking augment stats by using shield is fixed Many skills fixed Remove all buffs at subclass switch Characteristics Configurable title for new players Allow Hero weapons enchantment Restrict for same ip at olympiad Customized Oly period Retail like doors and walls Retail like Siege Alternative chances for blow skills Alternative damage for dagger vs robe Alternative damage for dagger vs light Alternative damage for dagger vs heavy Balanced classes Announce Hero login Announce Castle Lord login Announce Raid Spawn Online players announce Automated announcements Automatically give crowns at clan members No item consumption for mana pots, soulshot and blessed spirit, scroll of res, healing pots PvP and PK color sytem Custom spawn area for new characters Custom Gm Shop Custom Global Gatekeeper Custom Buffer (doesnt buff players if they are in pvp or have karma) Custom Skill Enchanter Custom farm zones Custom weapons Custom armors Geodata Pathnodes Hopzone voting reward system with npc TvT Event Voiced commands .tvtjoin .tvtleave .heal (in towns only) .bank .withdraw .deposit .changepassword .away .back If you are interested please send me a pm PS: This pack is most about bug and exploits fixes I can give you the source code but not free of charge, so you could add anything you like The one thing you don't have to do is worring about bugs and exploits that may make your gameplay unplesant. The cost for this pack is 15 euro without source code and 30 with source code. All payments are accepted ONLY with paypal
  2. apla ennooysa oti einai paraloga poly... tcp... kamia idea?
  3. time remaining??? diabaze kala t leei o allos prin kaneis post:/
  4. kalhpsera opws 8a dite kai sthn pic m leei na perimenw 1kkkk wres gia ta nea ch mporei kapoios na me boh8hsei na to ftikasw?? ty
  5. dld ama egw exw 1,15 kai 12:22:00 8a bgoyn smr se ena lepto? [edit] ok to brhka:D
  6. giati na balw 15,1,15 mipws ennoeis 1,15 ? aaa s xrwstaw ena megalo eyxarhsto giati ta misa fixes ston server . ofilonte se esena....
  7. eyxarhstw poy!!! testarismeno? [edit] edw ti na balw?? # Olympiad Weekly Period, Default 1 week AltOlyWPeriod = 604800000 << # Olympiad Validation Period, Default 24 Hours. AltOlyVPeriod = 86400000 << ty btw
  8. bump @TEOGR_hItMaKeR: i had addes a script about online players and gms.... soon will be more!
  9. kalhpsera!!! mporei kapoios na m pei pws na kanw oi heros na bgainoyn ka8e 15 toy mhna?? ty
  10. well i will really consider your proposals! thanks alot!!!
  11. thank you both :D
  12. 4shared rules..... new link availabe thanks for reporting bump
  13. well it wont.....
  14. Join us now at: http://l2sting.eu Server Rates Exp: 1000 Sp: 1000 Items: 1 Adena: 2000 Enchant Rates Enchant Safe: 5 Enchant Max: 25 Crystal Scrolls Enchant Success Rate: 75% Blessed Scrolls Enchant Success Rate: 85% Game Related Custom TvT Event Custom Wedding Custom Farm Zones Fixed Intrelude Skills Balanced classes Command Banking system NPC Buffer Gm Shop Global Gatekeeper Spawn Protection Anticheating System
  15. site is changed to be more attractive i hope you like it!! bump [edit] server is closed please lock this topic
  16. to prob ftiaxthke kapoios mod na kanei lock plz
  17. bump [edit] mporei kapoios na me boh8hseis na ftiaksw ayto edw? to ekana copy apo ton login kai to perasa sto arxeio l2gameclient.java sta network pisteyo oti ama perasw ayto 8a ftiaxtei to prob p exw.... public void setState(GameClientState pState) { state = pState; } public long getConnectionStartTime() { return _connectionStartTime; } @Override public boolean decrypt(ByteBuffer buf, int size) { boolean reta = false; try { reta = crypt.decrypt(buf.array(), buf.position(), size); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); closeNow(); return false; } if (!reta) { byte[] dump = new byte; System.arraycopy(buf.array(), buf.position(), dump, 0, size); _log.warning("Wrong checksum from client: "+toString()); closeNow(); } return reta; }
  18. exw balei iPV4 filter gia to l2jkiller @◦Cobra◦:h ip einai dika m to prob einai oti den kanoyn flood mesa apo to game to prob einai oti steloyn dipla h agnosta paketa mesw mias ip kai port aytoi p floodaroyn den einai kan sto paixnidi mesa exw skeytei pws prepei na einai to fix alla den kserw na to fitaksw to fix prepei naexei ws ekseis 1) na diabazei ta paketa p steleni mia ip 2)na metraei posa paketa stelnei se ena sec h ip 3)ama stelei para polla na trwei dc h ip ston l2mafia p prospa8hsa na kanw attack den ginotan m ebgaze ston attacker to error p bgazei otan kanw attack ston log in [edit] to fix brhskete sto arneio l2loginclient (ekei brhskete to "Wrong checksum from client: "+toString());) pws omws to pernaw ston gameserver?
  19. emmm bsk den exw pigeo kodika gia to mmocore.... alla logika ayto p katebasa 8a to exei ka8os ama deis sthn pic panw leei MMOCORE: IP dhladh ayto edw System.out.println("MMOCore: "+ con.getSocketChannel().socket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress()); [edit] ebala ena palio mmcore son log in kai ekana attack ston server kai pali m elege wrong checksum... ap oti exw katalabei to problhma den einai sto mmcore alla se kapoio allo arxeio. isws sto l2jserver perasa ola ta arxeia java toy login ston gs pali mporoysa na kanw attack. sinepws mporoyme na poyme oti to fix brhskete kapoy poy epireazei mono ton log in server
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